
Dresden University of Technology &am算農p; Tudias prep students graduat老個e

(Summary description)Student background

●Student Wang Chonghao w林體as a freshman in the third year of我東 Zhangjiakou No.1 Middle School in 2問路017.

●In the same year he entere綠農d Dresden University 歌地of Technology & Tu輛笑dias Foundation Studie和會s.

●After graduating from the found做裡ation course in 2018, he enro在又lled in the Bachelor of Mec內近hanical Engineering of t河討he Technical University of Munich.

The editor was fortunate 說樂enough to invite Wang Chongha看是o to make a meaningf從體ul interview with him 頻船during his studies at the Dr歌學esden University of Techn這北ology & Tudias Foundation 門機Program and his experience applyi河間ng to the university. The fo國厭llowing is the specific上化 interview link:

Q: Classmate Wang, first of all co國場ngratulations on your entry to t高兵he Technical University of Munich.妹山 Please talk about your experienc城他e in the foundation course in German 醫門University of Technology.

Answer: Thank you. At that相校 time, like many DSD graduates,物下 I was very confused about the upco要冷ming trip to Germany after the 村紙college entrance examination. After t笑弟aking DSD1 in March, I didn't 冷購touch German very much until the c學女ollege entrance examina什算tion. Fortunately, the pro朋銀ject organized us to strengthen the G好商erman for a period of time during th嗎得e summer. We practice短筆d listening, speaking, 議用reading and writing a bit, so 白服that we can well con鄉知nect to the preparatory courses a件小fter going to Germany.

The preparation and submissi紅影on of application materials 視習are relatively smooth,多得 and the project teacher 個又assists us to handle it, saving a lot 如些of time and effort. After arriving身訊 in Germany, a teacher picked up th事刀e airport and sent us to t女匠he Degong University stu些姐dent apartment. It was 雪為really convenient. At that time,個村 we had several other是見 students who went to the preparat音慢ory course for the joint entrance exa話一m. We were preparing mater店水ials and submitting visas al在森l day, and we were worried about acc能間ommodation.

Talk about the experience of studying讀地 in the preparatory c玩女ourse this year. In add雪理ition to Chinese students, our preparat件開ory class also has many students愛新 from South Korea, Japan, and the Mi著門ddle East. Such a cl問開ass environment provides us with a ver姐光y good ability to ex老數ercise German. Chance, because every友文one communicates with each會樂 other in German, and但在 the language of the stu跳森dents who are preparing f船生or the preparatory course湖內 is not too good, so no one can l下水augh at anyone, everyone為書 learns from each other, p年去oints out the other party’s mistakes, 草笑and really feels that 自家the language has incre身這ased the speed quickly. Th見筆is year's preparator輛雨y courses are similarl空光y compact. There are m黑說any classes in the aftern舊船oon and afternoon. Becaus時什e there are not too 老都many students in the class, we have am愛務ple opportunities to co信車mmunicate and communicate with the te月土acher in the classroom, and the te厭林acher can take care of eve筆著ry student. This year is basic近匠ally spent in tension an銀姐d happiness.

It should be relatively很雨 well prepared. The teacher’s les說為sons also have a high degree of fit 姐她with the final exam, a個鄉nd I feel that the difficult見黑y of the exam is relatively moderate.身煙 However, I really want 門南to remind all of my younger 冷關students here. German is very importan見的t! German is very important! German花化 is very important! (I say the impo內校rtant thing three times). 費民I read in the T direc門看tion. In addition to computers, 文開mathematics, physics, and ch中購emistry have a high sc麗少hool foundation. It is really relat個通ively simple. The mos刀議t annoying thing is G歌也erman. Many preparatory gr化姐aduates' final grades are a紙吃veraged by German. So remind yo書他ur friends, this yea站東r, you must practice lis歌東tening, speaking, reading and 藍玩writing German. Not only to achieve a吧綠 good result for the preparatory course短又 completion exam, but also to子吃 make a good transition when黃裡 studying undergradua物資te.

Q: What idea did you apply for at 分筆the Technical University線機 of Munich?

Answer: After finishing the prepa年遠ratory course, I feel that th妹綠e exam is not bad. We have two options,區嗎 one is to directly study 店舞undergraduate degree of German Unive來樹rsity of Technology with the pre-admi路得ssion of German Univ做訊ersity of Technology obtained be黑唱fore going abroad, and the other is 多東to choose other univ著麗ersities to study at will. 著學Dresden University of T懂美echnology is really a great school.空筆 It is really strong in elect城作ronics, aerospace and a外相utomation. Many students think that Dre習光sden is a city with high cos吃去t performance, low cost of 謝計living, and corresponding facilit著黑ies. perfect. One year金火's life has already been feeling 唱師here. Several students who want to read唱分 electronics stay her近好e. I was very interested in machiner銀城y and these things since I was a child輛長. I like model airplane呢農s, hand-made, and vehicle assembly動空. The Munich Universi靜銀ty of Technology is ve坐弟ry strong in the field of mec那服hanical manufacturing, so I chose th空不is school after graduatin個爸g from the preparatory course.

Q: As the identity of t水森he person coming here, please give som冷子e suggestions to your schoolmate費腦s.

Answer: 1. Don’t waste German af看民ter the college entrance examin外森ation, otherwise it’s really foolis雜樂h after coming here, and s我兒peaking German can’t even open

Dresden University of 唱坐Technology & Tudias prep s報近tudents graduate

(Summary description)秒聽Student background

●Student Wang Chonghao was窗鐘 a freshman in the th志他ird year of Zhangjiakou No.1 Midd裡我le School in 2017.

●In the same year he entered Dresden Un西美iversity of Technology &訊笑amp; Tudias Foundation 技山Studies.

●After graduating from the 你術foundation course in 2018, h站藍e enrolled in the Bachelo木歌r of Mechanical Engineering of the Te綠愛chnical University of Mun業這ich.

The editor was fortun秒玩ate enough to invite Wang Chonghao to 雪時make a meaningful interview with 湖學him during his studies at the Dres內她den University of Technology & T拍離udias Foundation Program an影從d his experience applying to the u的了niversity. The following is the坐票 specific interview 訊個link:

Q: Classmate Wang, first o白城f all congratulations on yo厭鐵ur entry to the Techni技熱cal University of Munich. Ple小資ase talk about your experience in t科微he foundation course in Ger銀暗man University of Technology.

Answer: Thank you. At that外煙 time, like many DSD graduates, I was師森 very confused about th鐵女e upcoming trip to Germany aft房船er the college entra離跳nce examination. After takin謝工g DSD1 in March, I di厭美dn't touch German very muc刀報h until the college entrance exam湖花ination. Fortunately,筆樹 the project organized us to str睡子engthen the German for a peri拍音od of time during the s又理ummer. We practiced listening, speaking筆做, reading and writing a bit, so t行樂hat we can well connect to the校朋 preparatory courses after go線在ing to Germany.

The preparation and 短煙submission of applic什信ation materials are rela近計tively smooth, and th司影e project teacher assists us to handl拿錯e it, saving a lot of time and議學 effort. After arriving 雜鄉in Germany, a teacher謝妹 picked up the airport and sent 紅上us to the Degong Unive妹玩rsity student apartment. It was 國文really convenient. At跳信 that time, we had several請好 other students who went to the prepara得窗tory course for the joint 道計entrance exam. We were preparin司遠g materials and submitting visas件司 all day, and we were worr不愛ied about accommodation.

Talk about the experience of studying 街就in the preparatory course t姐歌his year. In addition銀熱 to Chinese students, our pre輛店paratory class also has many studen鄉河ts from South Korea, Jap話去an, and the Middle East. 校聽Such a class environment provides u跳讀s with a very good ab人討ility to exercise German. Chan東場ce, because everyone comm高為unicates with each other in German市們, and the language of the student制雨s who are preparing for分風 the preparatory course is not too go區音od, so no one can laugh at anyone,美地 everyone learns from each other, poi拍可nts out the other party’s mistakes, an黃風d really feels that t一師he language has increased the speed睡舞 quickly. This year's prepara路為tory courses are similarly co行光mpact. There are many classes in在都 the afternoon and after美見noon. Because there are no章上t too many students in the cl大電ass, we have ample opportunities t時地o communicate and communicat姐人e with the teacher in the 山員classroom, and the teacher ca開下n take care of every st到化udent. This year is basically spent i黃文n tension and happiness.

It should be relatively well問時 prepared. The teache拍制r’s lessons also have a high degr村唱ee of fit with the final exam, 劇熱and I feel that the difficulty o物拿f the exam is relativ草市ely moderate. However刀都, I really want to rem公見ind all of my younger 女開students here. German舊廠 is very important! German is師議 very important! German is very import呢科ant! (I say the important t微器hing three times). I read i暗那n the T direction. In addit飛你ion to computers, ma資吧thematics, physics, and chemistry房海 have a high school foundatio開事n. It is really relatively simple討呢. The most annoying thing is Germ場暗an. Many preparatory graduat老聽es' final grades are averaged by German影微. So remind your friends,見還 this year, you must practice listeni湖火ng, speaking, reading and writing Germ會大an. Not only to achieve a g河不ood result for the prepa有錢ratory course completion exam, b日費ut also to make a good t筆喝ransition when studying undergradua舞新te.

Q: What idea did you apply for at司頻 the Technical University of Munich?

Answer: After finishing the線森 preparatory course, I feel that 小還the exam is not bad. We hav物公e two options, one is 這理to directly study undergraduate degree拍術 of German University of Techno秒那logy with the pre-admission of Germa麗購n University of Technol能歌ogy obtained before go們民ing abroad, and the other is裡和 to choose other univ身男ersities to study at will. Dresden明也 University of Technology 微做is really a great school. I站日t is really strong in electronic化也s, aerospace and automation.飛水 Many students think that Dresden is 科開a city with high cost p你弟erformance, low cost of線和 living, and corresponding facil路計ities. perfect. One year窗街's life has already 中技been feeling here. Se校車veral students who want西問 to read electronics stay her那那e. I was very interested in輛國 machinery and these things sinc好話e I was a child. I like美草 model airplanes, hand大答-made, and vehicle assembly. The美體 Munich University of Techno紅化logy is very strong in the友也 field of mechanical manufacturing老家, so I chose this school afte睡科r graduating from the prepa話上ratory course.

Q: As the identity of the person 北身coming here, please give some sugges街白tions to your schoolmates.

Answer: 1. Don’t waste German after 報這the college entrance examin會村ation, otherwise it’s 關農really foolish after coming here,近哥 and speaking German can’t eve嗎信n open


Student background


●Student Wang Chonghao w城舞as a freshman in the third year o靜去f Zhangjiakou No.1 Middle School in答術 2017.


●In the same year he 家路entered Dresden University of Tec店場hnology & Tudias Foundation St錯地udies.


●After graduating from the foun中下dation course in 2018, he enrolle刀歌d in the Bachelor of Mechan到文ical Engineering of the Technic音信al University of Munich.


The editor was fortunate筆坐 enough to invite Wang Chon喝劇ghao to make a meaningful interview 樹藍with him during his studies at 鐵慢the Dresden University of Tec亮一hnology & Tudias 答機Foundation Program and his experience 還是applying to the universi呢場ty. The following is the speci筆慢fic interview link:




Q: Classmate Wang, first congratulat電近ions on your entry to the Technical Uni黑媽versity of Munich. Ple相金ase talk about your exper器街ience in the foundation cour師他se in German University of Technolog還笑y.



Answer: Thank you. At 腦作that time, like many DSD grad這動uates, I was very confused about th員山e upcoming trip to Germany aft區舊er the college entrance examination電可. After taking DSD1 in March, I didn&#厭水39;t touch German very much路話 until the college ent員公rance examination. Fortunately, the 綠厭project organized us to strengthe花機n the German for a period durin們男g the summer. We practic嗎少ed listening, speaking, reading 那家and writing a bit, so that we can師友 well connect to the prep化作aratory courses afte可拿r going to Germany.



The preparation and submission of app跳得lication materials are relative子商ly smooth, and the proje件民ct teacher assists us to handle i用身t, saving a lot of time and effort車大. After arriving in Ge輛數rmany, a teacher picked 通匠up the airport and sent us to the家謝 Degong University student apar動身tment. It was really convenient. At風船 that time, we had several other 兵費students who went to 黑西the preparatory course for the j間秒oint entrance exam. We were preparing m森兒aterials and submitting愛問 visas all day, and we were worrie路購d about accommodation.的這



Speaking of my experience in the車線 Prep class this year. In additi話筆on to Chinese students,自能 we had many students from Korea, Jap冷制an and the Middle East理開 in our prep class. This家嗎 class environment provided us with a飛物 very good opportunity to practice ou對南r German. None of the students in船店 the prep class spoke Ger快匠man very well, so no one could laugh a低男t anyone. We all learned from謝業 each other and pointed out ea空但ch other's mistakes, and reall書報y felt that the language improved at a不了 fast pace. This year's preparatory有訊 course was just as intensive. Since t亮請here were not many student行事s in the class, we had p喝友lenty of opportunities to communic城購ate with the teacher i低日n class and the teacher was able to 城話take care of every student. It姐少 was basically a year of tens機章ion and fun.



It should be relatively w場弟ell prepared. The teacher’s lessons a化兒lso have a high degree of fit with什紙 the final exam, and I f了黃eel that the difficult為票y of the exam is rel哥見atively moderate. Howe藍能ver, I really want to remind al影資l my younger students here. German is人女 very important! German is very imp票弟ortant! German is very impo話爸rtant! (I say the important thing thr報高ee times). I read in the兒習 T direction. In addition to computers如拿, mathematics, physics, and離視 chemistry have a hi人商gh school foundation. It is really rel拍到atively simple. The most difficult thing is German. Many preparato做計ry graduates' final grades are a都子veraged by German. So, rem生從ind your friends, this year, you must 信低practice listening, speaking, reading化問 and writing German. Not 金高only to achieve a good result for the p票些reparatory course compl筆線etion exam, but also to make a間低 good transition whe長對n studying undergraduate.




Q: What idea did you apply f地體or at the Technical University of Munic商費h?



Answer: I think the exams were 話能not bad after the prepara訊友tory course. We had two o街吃ptions, one was to get a pre-acceptance司山 to the Technical Un內體iversity of Germany bef業討ore going abroad and study月城 directly at the Technic答技al University of Germany f生吧or our undergraduate degree, and 日厭the other was to study at any 可化other university of our choi資對ce. Dresden University o冷短f Technology is indeed a good school. I媽樹t is strong in elect作地ronics, aerospace, a動放nd automation. Many students thin現見k that Dresden is a cost-effecti微山ve city with a low cost of livin吧高g and correspondingly good faciliti白歌es. A few students who空我 wanted to study electronics chose 器話to stay here. I've been very 劇拍interested in mechanics and t兵輛hese things since I was a kid事綠. I like model airplanes, hand b訊但uilding, and vehicle assembly. The 討門Technical University of子些 Munich is very strong in the到是 field of mechanical engin購志eering, so I chose t去來his school after my p多吃reparatory course.




Q: Please give your classma生相tes some advice.



Answer: 1. Don’t waste German after your high school exams, othe子兒rwise you will come really stupid, an爸計d you won't even know草了 how to speak German;討嗎


2. Read more basic books fo懂人r undergraduate majors in th綠草e summer and master some bas門可ic professional knowledge in t刀睡he summer;


3. Find all opportunities 哥放to listen, speak, read, and write afte生黑r you come to Germany. There能海 are no shortcuts in Ger要錢man, and only by working hard will you哥弟 gain something;


4. Earlier confirm the major you want t志房o study in the future, you can go to th師不e university to listen;


5. Finally, study hard 還上and improve every day. .木窗 .



Application suggestion



I personally recommend窗風 applying independently from the schoo道有l's official websit土用e. Compared to Uni-a可姐ssist this approach is ch拿吃eaper. As for the require哥做ments for university application and h兒制ow to do it, be sure to 下北read the relevant in物問formation on the school&#離照39;s official website. M兒黃any students do not read the in但制formation on the officia大站l website seriously becau關明se of language problems or gree有也d, which will cause great inconven北做ience to apply and enrolling. Ther鐵離efore, it is recommended that you 資術carefully read and understand all 道話the information on the official webs弟街ite. After all, this is the most offi大會cial and authoritativ讀個e introduction to the school, and it is家藍 also the beginning of your independen紙得t study and life.




Different majors have different 用多requirements. For example,為我 the Department of Mechan跳腦ical Manufacturing needs to c風時onduct an 8-week internship before en作數rollment and provide an inte中去rnship certificate when appl東費ying. Therefore, students shou微市ld carefully understand the require討日ments of the departme我火nt when applying. See the official 視土website for details.




The MTU has strict regulations 森空on material audit. It is necessa如理ry to clarify which copies 白樂are required and which originals are了理 required, otherwise the deviati懂民ons must be submitted. Do小紅n't be anxious onc動內e problems arise. On the one h草短and, communicate clearly知哥 with the Admissions Office, and o拍月n the other hand, step up to subm光和it materials. (I also had pr內子oblems with my application, but I w我日ill mail it as soon as possible and mak答什e up for the time.)




Official website! Official websi對玩te! Official website!在你 Say the important thi河門ng three times.




City Introduction




Munich is the third largest ci業房ty in Germany, with many well-preser線身ved ancient buildings. It is 內場a well-known tourist city.業車 The central area has書能 a continuous flow o計頻f vehicles throughout the year and is l頻生ively. Every festiva相看l attracts many tour刀朋ists from all over the world. W資都orld-renowned univers些玩ities: Technical University of Munic計是h, University of Mun火森ich (LMU), and Deutsches Muse公空um, Europe’s largest s要做cience and technology museum, are i區計n the city, so it is also a veritable c還花ity of technology and culture.


The city is in the north訊拿ern foothills of the Alps, adjacent to小兒 scenic spots such as Neus船錯chwanstein Castle and Kö有玩;nigssee Lake. It is also the closest G家問erman city to Austria and other C音自entral European countries.


Special reminder: Munich is o件光ne of the cities with the highest hou著科se prices in Germany and內光 the most in short supply, so st外議udents who want to stu時照dy abroad must find a room in adv謝日ance. If you do not plan to rent a h電月ouse for a long time after enr東訊olling, you must app地知ly for student dormito行資ry as early as possible. You must al和紅so queue up to apply for dormitory. I睡嗎t usually takes three semes可得ters, which is about one and a 科讀half years, on a first-他行come-first-served basis. In short, ther一樂e must be an early plan for hous亮內ing issues!

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