
Classmate Zhou: Gradua票街te from Trier Foundation

(Summary description)I came to Germany from the end of S男習eptember 2016 to study, and I w員機as not very comfortable whe呢說n I first came here, but計不 the school and domestic teachers ac雜男tively and enthusiastically provi少地ded us with help when we 小快first arrived here and are unfam子睡iliar with everything. Adapted to l中銀ife here faster. The school life is ver拍船y regular, and the schedule is t白吃ight. When there is a problem, you sh算喝ould promptly ask the teacher in兵影 class, because it is not like街國 you can contact the teacher at any 現筆time in high school. But as long as i煙能t is a question raised in class, the t得金eacher will patiently answer i長討t. Compared with domestic course訊你s, the degree of difficulty is reduced風照 a lot, more is the need to lea頻資rn the use of professional 樂話German vocabulary in報關 each subject. Although I learned 資熱a lot of new knowledge during the p工綠reparatory period, most of them stay歌分ed in the basic part, and m電的ore in order to lay the foundatio中麗n for the future universi影村ty study in this year. Therefore問厭, it is not difficult for黑訊 students who have ta唱下ken the college entrance examinati頻開on in China to study hard懂新 and get good grades. In addition 信東to studying, school life還聽 is also very rich, and we often or購什ganize activities to help us bett路吃er integrate into forei錯如gn students. These activities有內 will be notified to us by email. J山很ust before the exam, the school 你跳also organized visits in 畫對the school laboratory and 用是the main campus of Trie月作r to provide an opportunity to le場東arn in advance in the future. Afte知市r class, my classmates and I wil的呢l also go to other cities in German科新y to learn about the dif低中ferent customs of different cities. 玩樹Since the school is loc腦年ated close to France, it is a月化lso very convenient to choose t報知o go to France during the ho錢街lidays. From Septemb呢你er last year to now, I have improved a腦不 lot in terms of German, subje還著ct knowledge and life.要秒 I have benefited a lot 短都from my life in German鐘多y this year.

Classmate Zhou: Grad鐘快uate from Trier Foundation

(Summary description)I came to Germany from the end of Sep也業tember 2016 to study,算謝 and I was not very comfortab房好le when I first came h花討ere, but the school and dom章土estic teachers actively and en聽制thusiastically provided us唱相 with help when we first電農 arrived here and are unfamiliar with e現金verything. Adapted to life here faster費子. The school life is very re店什gular, and the schedule 又森is tight. When there is a proble白風m, you should promptly ask the teacher 照請in class, because it 畫山is not like you can contact the te票很acher at any time in hig數很h school. But as long as it is a questi外來on raised in class, 科通the teacher will patiently answer銀雨 it. Compared with domestic co美作urses, the degree of difficulty is機懂 reduced a lot, more is the need to le煙筆arn the use of professional German vo刀討cabulary in each subject師地. Although I learned a lot of new k要煙nowledge during the p習公reparatory period, most of them stayed機腦 in the basic part, and m女樂ore in order to lay the foundation 校腦for the future univers吃店ity study in this year. Therefore,錢美 it is not difficult for stu師子dents who have taken the colle服聽ge entrance examination in China to事錢 study hard and get good gra光大des. In addition to studying, scho為你ol life is also very r看到ich, and we often organize可讀 activities to help us better 頻務integrate into foreign st厭不udents. These activities will還兵 be notified to us by email.妹城 Just before the exam, the 師個school also organized 妹區visits in the school laborato雪數ry and the main campu店機s of Trier to provide an opportun這吃ity to learn in adva暗司nce in the future. After class, my clas少飛smates and I will also go to othe得船r cities in Germany to learn about 玩金the different customs of d外來ifferent cities. Since the sc暗務hool is located close to France, it is 時到also very convenient to choose to爸員 go to France during the holi對朋days. From September last year內離 to now, I have improved a lot了員 in terms of German,能光 subject knowledge and life. I ha你業ve benefited a lot fro件呢m my life in Germany this year.


I came to study in Germany fr火制om the end of September 20坐下16. I was not very comfortable when生新 I first arrived and was unfam務計iliar with everything around me體服, but the teachers at school and in China were always there to 員都help us in a timely manner. With t熱兒heir help I quickly adapted to l對會ife here. The school schedule is 路工very regular and busy. When you have 畫員some problems with your study, you sh如爸ould ask your teacher 還錢in class in time, because you cannot co樂好ntact your teacher anytime af章木ter class. The teacher裡下 will patiently answer questions from雨到 the students in class. Compared to書市 the courses in China, the major cour爸看ses here are not too difficult師少, but the use of German vocabulary 的房is difficult and requires a 妹近lot of time to learn. 分厭Although I learned a lot o匠雜f new knowledge during the 林木preparatory period, mo現是st of them stayed in the b們微asic part, and more to lay th風拍e foundation for the future universit有時y study in this year. In addi作人tion to studying, campus li就上fe is vey rich, we a行畫lways organize activities to integrate雜媽 into the environment. After class, m北光y classmates and I wo輛頻uld also go to other cities in Germa如歌ny to learn about the different custo光公ms of different cities. S謝都ince the school is loc說在ated close to France, it is們去 also very convenient to 日服go to France during the holidays. 城鐘My German language, professional 水少knowledge and life skills have impr行一oved a lot during my time living in 你綠Germany.

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