
Study Exchange

Summer camp program f呢我or top German schools

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  • Time of issue:2020-06-18 16:00
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(Summary description)In order to allow students to bette視業r understand the teaching mode 愛到and school philosophy of Dresden 動費University of Technol長還ogy, as soon as possib喝都le to contact international courses and空關 appreciate the rich and colorful cu知畫lture of Germany, Dresden Univers吧風ity of Technology officia如坐lly launched a two-week internatio老問nal summer class project In addition to理會 studying German systematical男窗ly, visitors can also 能紙visit various facilities at the Tec現開hnical University of Dresden,筆人 and at the same time appreci鐘費ate the customs and at路頻tractions of Germany.

Summer camp program for top件大 German schools

(Summary description)In order to allow students聽老 to better understand the teaching mo村為de and school philosophy of Dre員那sden University of Te間問chnology, as soon as possible to conta動一ct international courses and appre長多ciate the rich and co物子lorful culture of Germany, 歌什Dresden University of T開志echnology officially launched a two-都些week international s綠上ummer class project In addition國些 to studying German systemati電討cally, visitors can also vi但的sit various facilities at the Technica請市l University of Dresden, and at些黃 the same time appreciate 區說the customs and attractions of Germa房弟ny.

  • Categories:Study Exchange
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2020-06-18 16:00
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Project Overview

In order to allow st音店udents to better understand遠場 the teaching mode and sc校美hool philosophy of Dresden Univers水一ity of Technology, as soon as市子 possible to contact internation器術al courses and appreciate the 請弟rich and colorful cultu紅們re of Germany, Dresden U費火niversity of Technology 行作officially launched a 煙舊two-week international summer cl山物ass project In addition to studyi對可ng German systematically, v厭銀isitors can also visit var有綠ious facilities at the T內一echnical University of D照懂resden, and at the same time apprecia務飛te the customs and attractio對如ns of Germany.

The main form of the s土為ummer class: the com資門bination of German courses and 行木leisure cultural tourism, including s不個mall class German teaching and city to來紅urs, experience folk cu土海stoms, cultural exploration, the focu科筆s of the course is t樹林o develop good commu用厭nication skills, through 村放the language learning o亮多f the summer class to make 會樹participation The lev影員el of the German of the caller has 慢什been raised to a new level.






Course Features

◆ Pure German classro嗎技om, wandering in the ocean of German, 歌什students learn German 車話while understanding 答生the history, culture and s問技ocial customs of Germany, and est如廠ablish language and cultural re但上serves in advance for訊街 students who plan to 月藍study in Germany;

◆Professor of Dresden University o少科f Technology personally explained Germa到又n education and introduced the gener聽拿al situation of the university, 紙北and answered questions about th山上e German education sys新日tem, the choice of major銀鐘s for studying abroad, and the advanta購年ges of universities for studen視購ts;

◆Visit Dresden with German 子兒students, meet new friends, streng公對then language skills and睡上 cultural exchanges;

◆Visit the famous German univ線人ersities Dresden University謝個 of Technology, Berlin University of T空書echnology and Humboldt University of Be計知rlin, and feel the strong lea話電rning atmosphere of higher ed玩高ucation institutions;

◆Travel to the famous G女媽erman cities Berlin, Potsd對大am, Dresden, and Munich, etc.哥書, have a deep understan紅行ding of the developme紅為nt of European social civilization, an坐化d learn European history, cultur喝爸e, and art on the spot.


Departure Time

Every year from July 28th to August睡水 11th (subject to actual trave銀對l time), Beijing departs.理請




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