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Dresden University of Te嗎下chnology

Founded in 1982, Dresden信厭 University of Technology is one 錢員of the oldest indust秒好rial universities in Germany. It is 影作also a member of the TU9, the m風為ost famous nine universiti司問es in Germany, together wit醫懂h Aachen University of Te請長chnology and Munich University 腦森of Technology. One of t城作he universities enjoys high謝就 prestige both in Germany 還樹and overseas. Since the number of藍從 students applying for the Dresden Un聽湖iversity of Technology has 森腦increased year by year, i銀做n order to allocate education她喝 resources more reasonably and enable e煙月very student to enjoy high廠好-quality education, D醫唱resden International University w飛裡as established at the beginning of請吃 this century. Since its es舞紙tablishment, the school has developed 技花rapidly, mainly providing 明動graduate education, em答鐘phasizing the combination of th跳時eory and practice, and the 和就key disciplines at the sc熱鐘hool level are economics, law,暗風 science and engineering.
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Product description

Dresden University o湖木f Technology

school introduction

Founded in 1982, Dresden U在車niversity of Technology is on作大e of the oldest industrial universit我我ies in Germany. It is also用問 a member of the TU9, the m睡上ost famous nine universities in Germany聽這, together with Aach日腦en University of Technology 鄉作and Munich University of購身 Technology. One of the un風國iversities enjoys high prestige both 長看in Germany and overseas. Si的上nce the number of studen煙不ts applying for the Dresden Univ知就ersity of Technology has increased笑民 year by year, in order to allocate跳水 education resources more reasonably校國 and enable every student to enjo年頻y high-quality educat店電ion, Dresden International University 西舞was established at the beginni妹票ng of this century. Since its能知 establishment, the school has d草票eveloped rapidly, ma歌議inly providing gradua森事te education, emphasizing the combin紅子ation of theory and practice, 你呢and the key disciplin年快es at the school lev相來el are economics, law, 跳子science and engineering.

International courses

In order to allow students to better u紅用nderstand the teaching mode an笑西d school philosophy of Dresden Uni農也versity of Technology, as 地都soon as possible to contact 就理international courses雜問 and appreciate the ri動請ch and colorful culture of Germany,國內 Dresden University o對腦f Technology officially l朋朋aunched a two-week international 區腦summer class project In additi小生on to studying German sys多街tematically, visitors can als討紙o visit various facilities也學 at the Technical University of 校師Dresden, and at the same time ap嗎又preciate the customs地見 and attractions of Germany.

The main form of the su不舊mmer class: the combination o事好f German courses and leisure 自黃cultural tourism, including small年時 class German teaching and city tours錢小, experience folk customs, cultural我老 exploration, the focus of the c路少ourse is to develop good com科他munication skills, through th靜用e language learning of the summe答書r class to make participation Th媽飛e level of the German of the call制人er has been raised to a new leve什她l.

Course content


Basic German:

Basic grammatical rules of German,問討 sentence patterns, listening, speakin錢國g, reading and writing, situational e拍舞xercises and other tra年紅ining. Students will be in數坐cluded in different groups for lea就飛rning according to Ger事志man level.

Dresden City Tour:

Appreciation of the New 山哥Town and Old Town, vis低跳its and excursions at the Dresden Uni話視versity of Technology

Attractions visit:

Medieval museum, Volkswagen fac小書tory, Dresden palace an相要d other diverse cultural and 行討entertainment activities

City tours around Dresde算照n:

Berlin, Frankfurt, Heidelbe樂影rg, Cologne, Düsseld窗玩orf, Stuttgart, Munich, etc.歌話

course features


◆ Pure German classroom, wanderi報煙ng in the ocean of German,人用 students learn German while understan鄉黑ding German history, culture and soc生女ial customs, and establish langu廠電age and cultural reserves in advance 看都for students who pla月很n to study in Germany;

◆ Professors of Dresden Univer話工sity of Technology personally exp區路lain German education and introdu費拿ce the general situation 靜麗of the university, answering s民子tudents' questions about the German edu跳員cation system, the choice of動冷 majors for studying abroad, an現匠d the advantages of universi北森ties.

◆ Tour Dresden with Ger懂紙man students, meet new friend答分s, strengthen language skills女理 and cultural exchanges;

◆ Visit the famous German univers市民ities Dresden University of Technology算又, Berlin University of Technology an知請d Humboldt University of Be動見rlin, and feel the strong learn船技ing atmosphere of higher education in務場stitutions;

◆ Visit the famous Ger為拍man cities Berlin, Pot議近sdam, Dresden, and Munich, etc.,習謝 have a deep understanding of the湖志 development of European social少輛 civilization, and learn Eur志書opean history, culture, and art o我影n the spot.

Semester time


Every year from July 2公中8th to August 11th (subject to 們筆actual travel time), Beijing 內舞departs.

Fee price


The tour fee is RMB 26,900, including劇山:

1. One-week tuition

2. Overseas accommodation聽愛 fee

3. Round-trip domestic and overs慢離eas group air tickets

4. Visa agency fee

5. Overseas insurance pre得但mium

6. Breakfast and dinner fees業術 during German study

7. Overseas public transport科厭ation fees

8. Weekend travel expenses

9. Tour guide tip


The above price does no多草t include:

1. Passport cost

2. Domestic personal tra現北nsportation fees

3. Meal expenses during study

4. Overseas personal consump現她tion

Application conditions木爸 and application deadline

For students who have a certain 些了German foundation, the dea有筆dline for registration數關 is May 20 each year.

Instructions for registration


Application procedure

-Fill in the project applic村市ation form and confirm the applicati裡校on

-Prepare materials acc知錯ording to the require什白ments of the project teacher

-Pay the tour fee an們外d make an appointment 雪話for visa

-Prepare luggage and study in Germ那兒any


Visa Application

-Chinese national studen呢愛ts apply for short-term 聽車Schengen passport visas at the Bei東少jing Project Office;

-Shengen visa needs to go 窗哥to Beijing to collect fingerprint內一s;

Summary of visa materials黑爸:

∙ Original passport

∙ 4 photos (color 2 inch唱街 white background photo, 35月畫*45mm)

∙ Copy of the front and back慢雜 of the ID card

∙ Copy of my entire account

∙ Original proof of reading

∙French/Mother's original employ著化ment certificate in English

∙ Original copy of the depos文章it slip in the name of the father聽車/mother for the past 6 生作months

∙Electronic resume

∙ Invitation

∙Schengen area medical insuranc暗愛e

∙Schengen visa application supplementar西知y form

∙ Copy of the return ticket certifica懂子te

∙ Original proof of accommodation

class schedule



Dresden University of Technology Ger兒雜man language and culture courses, Germa木體n teachers communicate with each s業舊tudent to discover students' interests 坐你and specialties, and站笑 group according to 快白language level. The c樂錯ourse not only learns German, but also區坐 Dresden and German cul地離ture.


The driver guide picks up guests 了火at the designated place at 09:00. Dri美謝ve to Berlin (200 km). Organized 門懂visits to the histori黃微c William Wilhelm Church in the busin說為ess district, the fo在弟rmer site of the Empire State Build兒物ing (now the Federal Parlia湖雪ment), the remains of the Berlin Wa窗大ll, the historical testimony在高 of the division of East and Wes湖拿t Berlin-the Brandenburg G車少ate, boating tour of Berli可男n Spree River to watch Berlin Scenery明男 on both sides of the city. After 船上lunch, head to the Bouleva子來rd under the Bodhi Tree不遠, Nikolai, Museum Is高人land, the birthplace of Berlin'是店s history. Visit the Technical又快 University of Berlin and通票 Humboldt University 器報of Berlin. Technical University of 離什Berlin, the only university of scienc黑你e and technology in the Ber到說lin area. Founded in 1770, the sch來歌ool has more than 26,800 students a請大nd is one of the largest i我影ndustrial universities in Germany.來從 About 30% of the stu很老dents come from abroad, making個民 the school more international than o空習ther German universi機拿ties. Eight of the alumni an林票d professors are Nobel P通西rize winners. The Humboldt Unive舊刀rsity of Berlin was f讀好ounded in October 181好家0 by Wilhelm von Humboldt, the th北中en Minister of Education o市對f Prussia and the fam計都ous German scholar Wilhelm von Humb時場oldt. It is the first university with a那聽 new system and has a黃錯 very glorious history. I生弟t has a profound impact on Eu月兵rope and the world. Humboldt Universi月兵ty of Berlin was sel暗地ected as one of 11 German "elite uni頻中versities" in June 2012.


Drive to Düsseldorf. On the way,笑花 Hanover stopped for lunch匠視. Hanover is a city with a highly dev老頻eloped industrial manufacturing indust通件ry, and it is an autom可愛obile, machinery, elec對歌tronics and other industria風舞l center in Germany. Many old cities 長頻will pass along the way. 弟鐘After arriving in Düsseldorf, vis不城it the Old Town, Media Harbor, and the錯銀 Rhine.


Go to the German Exposition City-Colog白了ne. Visit the famous Cologne Cat子做hedral and visit the most beautiful G近知othic building in the world. The去房 famous Hohenzollern Bridge 愛和is also next to the 姐匠church. The colorful唱好 love locks on the bri通這dge form a unique landscape. Then y睡謝ou can continue to visit the dow拿暗ntown business district. Af媽對ter lunch, proceed to Frankfurt to visi雨雪t the Roman Forum, Goethe煙事's former residence, and the stock e生我xchange.


Tour the university city of Heidelber紙看g. Bismarck Square, here is the f習窗amous transportation cent文員er of Heidelberg. On the sq刀公uare there is a bronze statue of B妹對ismarck, the prime minister of th飛務e 19th century German 著舞Empire. A 10-minute walk along the ma吧票in street is Heidelberg University, wh離國ich is located in the old tow她西n. When it was founded in 1386,明用 there were only four colleg小喝es: theological school, law school那日, philosophy school and medical很用 school. It is the oldest uni呢長versity in Germany and the農紅 third university opened b匠吧y the Holy Roman Empir雨草e in Germany after Prague and V報照ienna. Many students ca歌金n now be seen on the st購廠reets of Heidelberg. Visit the Holy S工山pirit Cathedral, the largest and 文水most important church愛睡 in Heidelberg’s Old Town. This is a裡水n ancient and elegant 請明Gothic red brick building, 冷影built between 1344 a行靜nd 1441, and has a histo票日ry of nearly 700 years.懂習 Heidelberg Castle is located in 門話the old town of Heidelberg. The old如廠 town of Heidelberg is 了會built by the river on the south b匠相ank of the Neckar River and物匠 is a long strip. Although the ol他門d town is also very modern, the 年路original simplicity of the stre服相ets, alleys, and main building醫藍s has been preserved. Then看術 go to Stuttgart.

● Stuttgart-Munich

Stuttgart is the headquarte又日rs of Mercedes-Benz and Porsc科章he Group, two major Ger什兵man automobile groups. Represents th分畫e highest level of today's automobile 答舊and machinery manufacturing industry. 白離Visit the Mercedes-Ben得門z Headquarters and the worl間音d's most famous Mercedes-Benz Head木西quarters Museum. It house事動s a lot of used and luxurious vehicles,市計 as well as the engines風體 of many racing cars and record-brea謝知king vehicles. In the af視為ternoon, visit Palace Square,化好 Karls Square and Ros聽科e Stone Park. The picturesque街水 scenery, exquisite 相又and elegant sculptures, and the meticul坐錢ously arranged promenade 海影are intoxicating. Then go to Munich.刀子


Go to Fussen and visit Neuschwanste有書in. Neuschwanstein is 高美a symbol of Germany, because it is th慢微e prototype of Disney Castle. Some pe不身ople call it Cinderella Castle, 現空which was built in 1869. This castl黃門e is one of the palaces of King Ludwig厭冷 II of Bavaria. After t服電hat, you can freely visit the 錢船small town of Fussen. Retur拍舞n to Munich in the afternoo短討n

● Munich

Full-day tour of Munich, Munic厭媽h-Maria is the patron saint of秒他 Bavaria, and the Marienplatz w湖有ith the Maria column is the o但音ldest central square in the inner city務音, the central Marienplatz 藍場stage of the pedestrian s票快treet, and explore this Id內裡eal starting point for the 藍明city.

Marienplatz, New Tow門銀n Hall, BMW World, Ol輛話ympic Park, Nymphenbu看訊rg. Drop off at night and take the oppo人讀rtunity to return ho票會me.

Conditional application


● 211 Undergraduate fre水從sh graduates or within two years of道愛 graduation, with an average uni大相versity score of 80 or above, mas兵行tering elementary German.

The scope of application is limited 南黃to the School of Mechanical Eng書房ineering (mathematics and mecha校一nics and other basic courses m訊可ust also score more than 80 po農區ints), the School of El空在ectrical Engineering and Information T這麗echnology (requires more t還又han 6 weeks of professional intern物雜ship certification), the School of Com高道puter Science and the School of Econom笑飛ics and Management.


Address: Room 717, Bl飛和ock A, Xinyi Business Building, No. 子房3 Xinyi Homeland, Chongwenmenwai St學視reet, Dongcheng District, Beij相喝ing

Tel: 13311233944 010-57340421/67中影082550 (Ms. Huang)

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Tel:13311233944  010-57340421/67082550  Beijing


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