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Vienna University of Technology and App微會lied Sciences

Introduction to the University of拿費 Vienna University of Technology and Ap懂有plied Sciences-the w數劇orld famous city of Vienna-the Austrian嗎技 capital Vienna (Ger作土man: Wien) is located in the Vienna匠水 Basin in the north foo樹湖t of the Alps in north錯和eastern Austria, surround舊森ed by mountains on three sides, the D兒短anube River passes through the city姐錯, surrounded by famous Vien路劇na Forest. With an area of ​​41區化4.5 square kilometers 地影and a population of 1.76 million 大歌(2013), 23% of them are non-Austrian fo錢放reigners, which prov金土es that Vienna is a very interna員市tional metropolis. In addition, V亮冷ienna is the politica機下l, economic, and cultural center o訊木f Austria. The capital of Austria, 相得the Austrian Federal Parliament, th近年e National Assembly, the Preside鄉舞ntial Palace, the Prime Minister這拍’s Palace, the ministries of the頻作 national government and the highest ju體鄉dicial institutions are all gat懂信hered in this city. At the same要亮 time, Vienna also enjoys an im很吧portant internationa腦河l status. It is the third UN 日紅city except New York and Geneva.大黃 It is also the cradle of European cla相個ssical music and the world'生頻s famous music capit資中al. Vienna is one of the four official著銀 locations of the United Nation銀商s, the headquarters 議她of the Organization of Pet物這roleum Exporting Countries現村, the Organization for Securi來紅ty and Cooperation in Europe a銀姐nd the International Atomic Energy吧慢 Agency. Rated by the Unit紙員ed Nations as the most suita下腦ble city for human habitation. Sch妹銀ool Introduction The Vienna Un靜間iversity of Technology and Applied Sc內時iences (AKA: Vienna Techni腦土cal College) is the largest 鐵家university of applied sciences i冷吧n Austria. It has more than 6,800 gra地購duates and currently 3,300 student美但s, and a total of 842 facul些章ty and staff ( 2012), 12 underg微站raduate majors and 17 mas樂答ter's degree courses. The admission 了話to China this time provides Chinese st高裡udents with 9 undergradu空音ate degree courses and 5 ma訊靜ster degree courses for sel她會ection. The Vienna University of Tech件你nology and Applied Sci輛術ences was established in 1994 and 子暗became the first univers要女ity of applied sciences in Vienn通線a in 2000. The various ba紙道chelor's and master's degre來話e courses at the Vienna University of T化歌echnology and Applied Scienc看外es are based on a solid theoreti視師cal foundation and also f坐地ocus on practical orientati很來on. They offer full-time, part-t些中ime and distance education degr友麗ee programs. At the Vienna Univers化近ity of Technology and 靜數Applied Sciences, the emphasis is not 在影only on providing high-quality tec坐話hnical education, but also on language 得場training and focusing on the deve火城lopment of enterprise章見s and individuals. Close ties wi草也th the business community, to p物路rovide students and graduates wi技懂th good development opportunities. Vi服那enna University of Tec文愛hnology and Applied Sc體報iences has close cooperative relations黑土 with many universities i秒愛n the world, including 身讀China's Three Gorges University, 窗拿other cooperative col木志leges are Sofia University of Technol月還ogy, Ghent University College綠日, Berlin University of Applied Scie她山nces, Loughborough Univer得鄉sity, Vigo University , 懂劇Linköping University, St. Saratov Unive嗎山rsity of Technology, etc. The undergrad議術uate majors offered by Vien什朋na University of Techn商懂ology and Applied Sciences include草海: biomedical engineering, e光體lectronic engineering, comput我行er science, information 近海and communication systems, inte煙請lligent transportation systems, econo暗開mic informatics, mechanics/robotolo筆妹gy, sports equipment tec黃上hnology, etc.; postgra一生duate majors include biology Medic木化al engineering science, em是厭bedded system, multimedia and s在書oftware development, internation刀銀al economic engineering, computer secu還可rity in information managemen話到t domain, game engineering and s少筆imulation, industrial electronics, eco秒身nomic informatics, engineering envir市區onment management, etc. Pr那為ofessional Settings| Underg文劇raduate Major Mechatronics/Robot Sport海喝s Equipment Technology Urban 吃體Renewable Energy Technology Tra子雜nsportation and Envir務員onment Economic Informatics Bu的線siness Informatics Smart Home and Assi海暗stive Technology Mechatronics農海/Robot Sports Equipment Tech哥爸nology Urban Renewable Ene男爸rgy Technology Transportation and 習冷Environment Economic 通近Informatics Business Informat吧坐ics Smart Home and Assistive Technolo愛關gy| Master's Degree Biomedical 知師Engineering (English) Embedded Contro多土l System Renewable Urban 司腦Energy System Game Engin熱和eering and Simulation Hea弟高lthcare and Rehabilitation Technology門不 Industrial Electronic Engineering 音朋Information System Managem店哥ent (English) Information Man暗廠agement and Computer Securit坐道y Innovation and Technol紙還ogy Management Comprehen到人sive Urban Development-Smar民草t City International Economic Engi紙行neering Mechatronics/Robot Sof妹分tware Development Sports Equipment T放人echnology Technical Environmental Ma看年nagement and Ecotoxi用弟cology Telecommunications 跳謝and Network Technology Biologic山對al Tissue Engineering and 對算Regenerative Medicine (English)愛生 Economic Informatics Address: Dongchen志報g District, Beijing Room 71南自7, Block A, Xinyi Bu志雜siness Building, No. 3 Xi服術nyi Homeland, Chongwenmenwai Street Con街信tact Number: 13311233944 010-5來少7340421/67082550 (Ms. Huang)雪船 | Introduction to the Foundation Dep但來artment After th
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Vienna University of Technolo都樂gy and Applied Sciences

City Introduction-Vienna

The world-famous city of Vienna, Au務窗stria (German: Wien) is對票 located in the Vienna一什 Basin in the north foo間刀t of the Alps in northeastern Austria金弟. It is surrounded by mounta地費ins on three sides, the Danube服山 River passes through 業我the city, and is surrounded by the famo音東us Vienna Forest. Wit動用h an area of 414.5 square k下什ilometers and a population of科北 1.76 million (2013), 23% of them are 還火non-Austrian foreigners, which proves t海靜hat Vienna is a very 討年international metropolis. In ad煙去dition, Vienna is the political, econo舊快mic, and cultural ce紙城nter of Austria. The capi街雨tal of Austria, the Austrian Fede謝畫ral Parliament, the National As子鐵sembly, the Presidential 個拍Palace, the Prime Minister’s P區中alace, the ministries of the national內議 government, and the h路知ighest judicial institutions are al這讀l gathered in this city.


school introduction

Vienna University of Applied雪線 Sciences (German: University 書信of Applied Sciences Techniku校不m Wien) is the largest university of 為裡applied sciences in Austria, with more 熱黑than 6,800 graduates and cu高秒rrently 3,300 studen資河ts, and a total of 842 facu資雪lty members (2012 ), 12 under答拿graduate majors and 17 master's degre民來e courses. Provide 9 unde道還rgraduate degree courses and 5 mas業動ter degree courses fo還票r Chinese students to cho遠西ose from.


The Vienna University of輛業 Technology and Applie司森d Sciences was establishe水公d in 1994 and is the first u物知niversity of applied s知鐘ciences in Vienna. The vario技媽us bachelor's and master's degree市開 courses at the Vienna Univ放舞ersity of Technology and 地聽Applied Sciences are章河 based on a solid theoretical foundati民司on and also focus on場村 practical orientation. 

 Vienna University of Technology用術 and Applied Science has close coopera影視tion with many universities in遠化 the world, includin紅自g China's Three Gorges Universi綠媽ty, other countries are Sofia Univ商都ersity of Technology, Ghent Univer但東sity College, Berlin Univers影習ity of Applied Sciences, 制年Loughborough University, Vigo Univ黑音ersity, Linköping Univ用街ersity, St. Saratov Univer兵裡sity of Technology, 黃問etc. The undergraduate majors很謝 offered by Vienna Univ為司ersity of Technology 業商and Applied Sciences include: biomedica快看l engineering, electro信弟nic engineering, computer scie也暗nce, information and c見在ommunication systems, intelligent tra歌事nsportation systems, economic i從可nformatics, mechanics/robot通冷ology, sports equipment technology, etc機火.; postgraduate majors include 土信biology Medical engineering scien微懂ce, embedded system, multimedia and so小刀ftware development, i還議nternational economic engineer愛城ing, computer security in informati費放on management domain, game engi大鐘neering and simulation,離城 industrial electronics, economic in冷樹formatics, engineering environment話東 management, etc.

Professional settings



biomedical engineering

Electronic engineering

Electronic Engineering/Economics


Information and Commun鄉你ication System

International Economic Engineering

Machine made

Sport窗間s equipment technology
Urban renewab國商le energy technology
Transportation an區會d Environment
Economic informatics技門
Business拿制 Informatics
Smart Home and Assi鄉離stive Technology

Master's degree


Biomedical Engineering (English)
Embedded con會麗trol system
Renewable urban ene但來rgy system
Game Enginee鐘一ring and Simulation
Healt空醫hcare and rehabilitation 雜小technology
Industrial Electronic E相看ngineering
Information System Mana業林gement (English)
Info木錢rmation management and computer 能腦security

Innovation and technology management

Integrated Urban Deve雨錢lopment-Smart City

International Economic Eng我信ineering
Softwa在算re development
Sports equipment tec靜愛hnology
Technical Environmen火藍tal Management and Ecotoxicology
Telecom 開冷and Network Technology
Biological tissue engin山件eering and regenerative medicine (Engl西匠ish)
Economi金玩c informatics

Advantages of studyi民兒ng in Austria


Austria has a long history醫車 of education, and publ子服ic universities are basically free o腦員f tuition fees

The gold content of the deg拿裡ree and academic background is hig化件h: Austria's per capita議工 GDP has been ranked in the top t很白en in the world, relying on t中一raditional technological and educat理門ional strength. Austria h話他as had 16 Nobel Prize winners.

Low cost and high standard of study and市東 living:

Austria has a high standard of l風不iving and low cost of living. I對錢n addition, the Austri美姐an government allows university s站嗎tudents to work, and the cos站都t of living can be solved b紙村y working. In this way, many excell師金ent students who cannot afford the hig這文h cost of studying abroa算習d in the United Kingdom and房妹 the United States can enjoy t現弟he same high-quality edu鐘什cation without increasi謝東ng the financial burden o讀草f the family and the pressu你機re of studying abroa影些d.

The employment prospects are bright an房章d the development space is broa那短d:

The good and stable political, eco畫師nomic, and cultural relations 鄉海between China and Austria have mad音煙e Austrian companies full of confiden見新ce in investing in C內線hina. In recent years, numerous Austr這你ian companies have flooded int火美o China. The most troublesome t麗笑hing for them is that t制美hey do not understand the Chinese cul黃朋ture and lack the corresponding 什上talents. In addition, beca開農use they belong to the German-speaki數員ng countries, German-問問funded enterprises are ano兒師ther choice for graduates.

Admission conditions a少花re relaxed, and there is little time to作議 get a degree:

According to the acade校煙mic structure of Austr行數ia, the undergraduate d下費egree is completed in 3 year化舞s and the graduate degree高喝 is completed in 2 years, that is, a海志 master's degree can be obtained i什錢n 5 years, and doctoral stud土聽y can be applied.

The amount of capital guarantee is s文到mall, and the success 信河rate of re-visa is high:

Austria implements return vis日舞as, and the visa rate 能說is higher.

Elegant natural envi從弟ronment and safe social envi兒老ronment:

Austria is a famous t也森ourist destination in the worl不從d. The unique natural env海媽ironment also provides a natural p村弟lace for students to study. 是在In addition, the cultivat在就ion of music and nature is also a土喝 good way to alleviate the learning p林靜ressure of students. At the器森 same time, Austria is one of the 拍輛safest countries in 朋機the world. Compared wi海友th countries with the same ex空現pense level every year, there are no厭和 social phenomena such as high crime 慢謝rate and corruption xenophobia,錯體 and international students will not b近高e indirectly harmed by the local soc業司ial environment.

Traditional Schengen co樂國untry, convenient for d妹門ealing with other European coun她白tries:

Austria is located in the cen謝文ter of Europe and is also a Sch兵工engen Allies. Therefore, in a去低ddition to studying, t坐子ravel to all parts o女個f Europe is unimpeded. General有服ly travel to these countries, visa-f國校ree stay 90 days. In a sen什她se, to Austria, it is basically門河 equivalent to the whole of 機跳Europe.

Very high level of education地兒:

In many disciplines, such as街黃 machinery manufacturing, chemical indu電數stry, electronics, diesel e玩些ngines, metallurgy, papermaking, rai學麗lway transportation and tu什坐nneling, environmental prote國拿ction, aerial ropeway, f明雪orestry and wood processing, hydropo廠鐘wer, waste treatment and res紙子ource recycling, medicine, automat冷慢ion In terms of control, econom一笑ics and enterprise economic manage生電ment, Austria is at the worl讀城d's leading level, and music分志 and painting art are w年山ell-known.

Excellent immigration opport站計unities:

Beginning in 2011, the government re城匠vised the immigration law 綠快to provide college graduates with 見民good opportunities for employment an算匠d immigration.


Address: Room 717, Block 鐘生A, Xinyi Business Building, No.坐一 3 Xinyi Homeland, C錯亮hongwenmenwai Street, Dongcheng Dis黃音trict, Beijing

Tel: 13311233944 010-57340421舊男/67082550 (Ms. Huang)

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Tel:13311233944  010-57340421/67082550  Beijing


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