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Dresden International Univers光你ity

Founded in 1828, Dresden Univer事子sity of Technology is on書和e of the oldest industrial志但 universities in Germ吃校any and one of the most光術 famous comprehensive univ熱海ersities. It is in partnership with A拍外achen University of Te麗懂chnology, Technical University of Mu街時nich, Technical University of Ber化見lin and Karlsruhe Institute 飛理of Technology The college is al舞男so listed as a member o討妹f the 13 most famous “elite univer和河sities” in Germany and a memb什個er of the “TU9” of nine unive自子rsities of science and technology. It e短吧njoys high prestige both in German刀子y and abroad.
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Dresden International生近 University

Institution introduction

Founded in 1828, Dresden University o計花f Technology is one of the oldest indu路服strial universities in Germany and 會子one of the most famous comprehensive 短術universities. It is i人舞n partnership with Aachen Universi件房ty of Technology, Technical 那用University of Munich, Technical U弟男niversity of Berlin and Karlsruhe 算我Institute of Technology The college 來遠is also listed as a 志資member of the 13 most famous “elite un拍路iversities” in Germany and a member of 小在the “TU9” of nine universities of s和厭cience and technology.西上 It enjoys high prestige both in Ger開議many and abroad.

▲DIU is a college directly un日路der the Dresden Universi動空ty of Technology. All m費西ajors have passed the s舞林ystem evaluation and certification of t雨窗he official German institution.

▲DIU has 41 undergraduate and maste算也r programs, and more than 200 experts a火還nd professors from Germany an好間d foreign countries.

▲DIU started teaching English in 2004 a林近nd is a strategic part窗計ner of the TUDAS langu森影age training center of the Dresde男讀n University of Technol水微ogy.

▲DIU works closely with well-known資短 scientific research ins光這titutions and large ente什樂rprises, such as TUD Affiliate呢學d Hospital, Frauerhof Institute, G很車erman Federal Institute for Material美又s Research and Testing, Linde Gro就學up, etc.

▲DIU cultivates and impr林頻oves the employability and comp報我etitiveness of students thr廠一ough practice, and the graduation ra火廠te of students is as頻大 high as 98%.

▲DIU has a comfortable teaching environ但書ment and rich teaching re民去sources, and has realize唱技d teaching information and 和機digitization.

Master's Program in English


MBA Logistics Management (MBA L藍工ogistics Management):

So far, the logistics industry is t謝在he third largest employment industry in自舊 Germany after machinery an匠呢d electronics. At the same time, Ch會明ina's economy is growing rapidly. In 站友2009, the logistics industry was o跳但fficially included in the countr多是y's "Top Ten Revitalization I刀樂ndustries." According to the l間靜atest report from the也照 National Occupational Stat錢匠istics Department, logistics man技風agement talents have become one of t什文he 12 shortages in my country, with a知綠 talent gap of more than 6 mi村火llion. However, due to t高舞he late start of my country's logistics窗術 management, there is a big gap w吧唱ith the developed countries in the wor聽鐵ld. At present, only a few un你術iversities in China can train logistics他秒 management professionals at什玩 the undergraduate level, and the ma玩商ster level is almost blank從村. Under such a shortage of real 河工logistics management professionals,子白 it is the best choice to study logis微的tics management in Germany. 又現The characteristic MBA program of 湖朋logistics management major makes u機山p for the lack of this major i樹大n Chinese universities. The huge indus的喝try gap also provide這媽s graduates with more employ山妹ment opportunities, higher salary st街坐andards and broader developm子我ent space. Future jobs:一微 industrial and commercial樂相 enterprises, transportation,老鄉 port authority, automobi機姐le manufacturing, shipping and aviat醫冷ion departments, planning Design instit歌了utes, government age黑懂ncies, e-commerce, e關兵tc.


Start time: May and November every ye事林ar

Teaching Mode: Full-time他黃 English teaching

Duration: 18 months

Degree: Business Administration醫線 (MBA)

Application conditions:

1. Graduated from a universit鐵嗎y with a bachelor's degree, no maj生得or is required;

2. The average university車動 score is 75 points or above;

3. IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL iBT79 日跳or above, and pass the writ醫師ten examination and inter電用view organized by the scho有志ol;

4. More than 12 month少廠s of work or internship experien樂鐘ce in logistics, manufacturing, sales裡短, finance and IT.

Non-Destructive Testing M理拿aster (Non-Destructi藍路ve Testing):

    Non-destructive te人話sting, also known as non-destru哥刀ctive testing, refers to the分人 use of changes in phys對書ical quantities such as heat, so師視und, light, electricity,購近 and magnetism caused by abnormalities 吃白or defects in materials to detect錯吧 various projects without冷又 damaging working pa放就rts or raw materials. Inte黃說rnal or surface defects 很火in materials, parts, struc校體tures, etc. Nondestructive te媽飛sting is widely used in都鐘 highways, railways, fly相車ing tools, mechanical parts, nuclear r睡很eactors, microelectronic ci空可rcuits and other fields. The Master o船拿f Nondestructive Testing Technolog玩線y project was jointly launched by t山吧he International University of Dres動醫den and the Technica上舊l University of Dresden, the Univ答裡ersity of Saarland, the Fr明山aunhofer Institute for 拿長Nondestructive Testing Technology and t章身he German Society for N員那ondestructive Testing Technology. Non-城員destructive testing is widely used市服 and the employment pro看窗spect is optimistic. 計也It can work in various production in森愛dustries, transportation departments,小飛 energy departments and mi微熱croelectronics industri志有es.


Start time: September each y器國ear

Teaching Mode: Full-time English tea靜討ching

Duration: 24 months

Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Application conditio說鐘ns:

1. Bachelor degree, bachelor'鐵近s degree, all engineering放問 or materials related majo雨長rs (mainly electronic電亮 engineering, mechanical manufacturin多雜g, physics and other majors);

2. The average university score is 75爸南 points or above;

3. IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL iBT 7光東9 or above, and pass the written e我紙xamination and interview organized b樹美y the school.

Industrial Master of Management in Mi的個croelectronics:

The most advanced science and techn音民ology play a leading role in the mo聽兵dern production of microele樹師ctronic parts and semiconductor c數外ircuits. Under the conditions of mo能人dern fierce internatio自知nal competition and energy shortage,山內 in addition to advanced science a錢錯nd technology, reduc購日ing production costs麗報, saving raw materials a吧公nd energy are the goals pur鐘廠sued by each enterprise.銀話 Therefore, there is an urgent文資 need for talents who posse雪森ss professional science and engineering為什 knowledge in electronic technology, m熱在icroelectronic technology or chemist紙商ry and solid physics, as well as manage雨會rial management knowledge in pr國秒oduction logistics and project 身購management. After graduatio男書n, students can work as engin森頻eers or management members in弟到 the fields of microelectr司一onics industry, microscopy s她玩ystem and sensor technology, e紙民tc. in technical or 站厭company operation management.


Start time: September each year

Teaching Mode: Full-time En山船glish teaching

Duration: 18 months

Degree: Master of Science (笑草M.Sc.)

Application conditions:

1. Bachelor degree, 間著bachelor degree, major in ele東吃ctronic engineering, automati綠新on and solid physics;

2. The average university score is問媽 75 points or above;

3. IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL iBT 79站化 or above, and pass 美她the written examination and inte南遠rview organized by the schoo友坐l.

3. IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL iB現慢T 79 or above, and pas市為s the written examinati體老on and interview organized by麗姐 the school.

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