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Dresden University of Applie中道d Sciences

The Dresden University of Applied Sc煙吃iences (Fachhochschule Dresden for sh不東ort: FHD) was established in草你 2010. The university is lo票高cated in Dresden, the ca相錢pital of the Free State of Sa高做xony, Germany, known as "Eu場放ropean Silicon Valley" and "Euro吧理pean Garden". A new typ體放e of private university that fo聽是cuses on teaching, focus雨視ing on practice, and focusing on s新著cientific research. At業身 the same time, FHD is also a un理相iversity recognized by微音 the German government. 慢內The university currently has more than藍市 600 students. FHD follows t間車he German higher education tradition,線行 the professional setting c機見losely follows the m懂家arket demand, the prof信書essional theory is closely c民子onnected with the latest sc師街ientific research achievements, 喝身the teaching work focuses on per你湖sonalized training, small cl風光ass teaching, excellent te看計acher-student ratio (1:45) and excellen工請t students Graduation rate (房兵94%) is famous. At the same time, in 喝女order to ensure and improve the qu離花ality of teaching and scientif子遠ic research, FHD University has spe場子cially set up a quality mana林物gement system and a teaching and s費窗cientific research system, crea微好ting favorable conditions for村地 the development of the strategic stru會物cture of students and schools.
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Dresden University of Applied讀亮 Sciences

school introduction

The Dresden University of Applied Sc理分iences (Fachhochschule Dresden for sh南嗎ort: FHD) was established in 2010. Th火電e university is located in Dresden, th術商e capital of the Free空木 State of Saxony, Germany, known as "國大European Silicon Valley討放" and "European Garden". 資雪A new type of private university tha雪嗎t focuses on teaching, focusing on pr請熱actice, and focusing on音短 scientific research.高就 At the same time, FHD鐵行 is also a university recogniz亮城ed by the German government.

The university currently has more than如明 600 students. FHD f都公ollows the German hig河城her education tradition, th村可e professional setting closely 媽靜follows the market de睡做mand, the profession玩拍al theory is closely connected wit線林h the latest scientific research achiev費弟ements, the teaching work focuses o內黑n personalized training, small c河的lass teaching, excellent teac月光her-student ratio (1:45) 要機and excellent student事家s Graduation rate (94%) i喝村s famous. At the same time, i下遠n order to ensure and improve鄉動 the quality of teaching and s美間cientific research, FHD Uni現些versity has specially set up a quality 資中management system and a teaching and s通微cientific research syste海謝m, creating favorable conditions f音農or the development of the strategic s個行tructure of students and s廠錯chools.

Dresden University of Technol能就ogy (one of Germany's "Tu9 Uni老工on" and "Elite University"玩的 universities), as a 相鄉brother college in th電裡e same city, has very clos音姐e cooperation with FHD.站熱 Prof. Dr. Thomas Kö暗河hler, Director of the Media Center員就 of Dresden University of Techn區家ology and the leader of 離國the "Education Methodology" and好湖 Prof. Dr. Joachim Kugler 男票(FHD Nursing and Healt草暗h Management) The leader) 見報co-chairs the FHD board. Durin資樂g their tenure, they intro頻知duced high-quality social and tea個短ching resources from Dresde區內n University of Technology to FHD, so費木 as to achieve resourc黑都e sharing and complement讀劇ary advantages of the two uni們銀versities, greatly enhancing FHD's di資就scipline, professional c志影onstruction and scientific r湖睡esearch strength.


Currently, FHD mainta志鐵ins cooperative relations with more tha劇冷n 80 universities and institutions 村習in the world. Dresden Univ我去ersity of Applied Sciences, Dresd車報en University of Technol要音ogy and the Fraunhofer Institute (on是站e of Germany’s four well-known能女 scientific institutes) coll熱票aborated on the theme of "Applicat紅吃ion of Educational Informatization厭業 in Vocational Education" Carryi器有ng out a research project, t店裡his research project rece對美ived a total of 2.3 milli高快on euros from the federal govern廠外ment; Dresden Univers道外ity of Applied Sciences, Dresde那日n University of Techno輛裡logy and Leibniz Polymer Institute (裡線one of Germany’s four 知校well-known scientific ins看員titutes) In collaboration長明 with the Dresden Material Research A公鐵ssociation, a research project 麗秒on the theme of "R&D and a現家pplication of virtual space material服年s" was launched. This r技多esearch project received a total 友匠of 2.5 million euros from the fede南低ral government. In China, FHD 可鐵has carried out a number of音歌 inter-school joint traini愛行ng, credit exchange, teacher t樹得raining and further education proje謝影cts with domestic universities such as 志窗Hebei University, China Jiliang Unive了術rsity, and Shanghai Second Polytechni吧購c University.

FHD is recognized by the world for the 師時quality of its graduates due to 民器its outstanding academic stren冷劇gth and diverse practical 訊愛training ability. Every票紅 year, students from dif現明ferent countries of the wo你裡rld come here to study, and 拿花graduates have both in Saxony and章黑 Germany With promising career oppor刀嗎tunities. Although the school wa劇們s established shortly, its excel訊區lent teaching quality and unique campus師匠 culture have made th哥他e school graduates hav讀廠e a place in the world's top 500 compan動南ies, including Google, 身音Airbus, Mercedes, Ferrari a姐她nd other companies. For林弟 an institution of higher learnin不頻g with less than 20 years of histo話技ry, such achievements畫慢 have been quite noticeable.

Introduction to Nursing and Hea通討lth Management

In the 2020 government work report, i讀問t is proposed in the section of “微土Encouraging and Improving People’國技s Livelihood and Promoti我件ng the Reform and Development 人我of Social Undertakings” to promote the 線頻equitable development and qualit林說y improvement of education a習身nd the construction o劇制f first-class universi區民ties and first-class disc相弟iplines. As an emergin外路g health service and manage劇答ment model, health manage現道ment is generally valued 下農in various countries訊技 around the world, and can be輛微 used as an important 間好measure for my country to cope with th朋看e aging population and high incidence樂舊 of chronic diseases. Th們術e report of the Ninetee唱制nth National Congress of the Commun生業ist Party of China included the i離了mplementation of the Healthy C水術hina Strategy into the basic音做 strategy of national development, pla紙能ced people’s health in the 間店position of “an importan醫慢t symbol of national p務房rosperity and national prosperity”, an門志d demanded that “provide 志會a full range of full-cycle heal有土th services for the people "我歌This shows that the constructi光報on of Healthy China has entered t空是he stage of full implementat腦說ion.


In China, health management is學的 a new concept. It has only graduall內窗y appeared in the public's field of 明間vision in recent years司光. In western develope媽文d countries, health manag靜的ement has already en很拿tered people's daily life, and hund計飛reds of millions of people benefit fro得麗m it every year, improving the些化 quality of life and extending Life明算 cycle. German health managemen拿有t has long been at the 懂在forefront of the world,年錯 and there are many experiences金習 and practices worth從一 learning from. As early as這關 100 years ago, the rudiment of 討得health management appeared in喝腦 Germany, and now the吃樂 education system of health鐵說 management is regulated by legislation少費.


The FHD nursing and 要音health management major has been co服短nstantly progressing with了習 the development of 樂大science and technology. The university 請學actively explores, fro車厭m theoretical research t區用o practical application, making ful開員l use of the power of science and tech男放nology to develop vario藍科us effective nursing and 人路health management tools to a員鄉chieve nursing and health. The ultimat白服e goal of management. In term開弟s of international exchanges a朋內nd cooperation, FHD 開吃has exhibited academic笑自 cooperation in nursing 空資and health management with 鐵妹the University of Ed電算inburgh Lambia, Wroc遠吧law University of Technology and購新 Pilsen University of Weste美數rn Bohemia. Abundant market demand and 校不diversified professional he喝服alth service fields are 務信facing a huge gap in professiona道電l talents. The state calls for and en這日courages a comprehensive health 鐘風service system and multi-level這風 professional health service pers但用onnel training, all of which 票慢are health service and management gra村家duates. Employment has br見員oadened the road and provided op訊暗portunities. Health m地店anagement is still an em一著erging undertaking in my c人北ountry. Both in theory and i醫中n practice, we need to learn an愛和d learn from the internatio短內nal community. The advanced co土體ncept of German health management is東討 more in line with the na事說tional conditions of China ac睡習tively exploring the road of health通到 management, accelerating th林要e integration of traditional medicine 體從and modern medicine, complementing樹男 each other's advantag紙算es, giving full play to the ad她村vantages of traditional medicine in th從兒e prevention and treatment of di在得seases, and fully mobilizing the e相子nthusiasm of social forces To i草工ncrease the supply of health produ都月cts and services.

Duration of study: 3 years (6 sem動一esters)

Learning content: social pol樂器icy, interdisciplinary basic c路公ourses, organization and project manag風畫ement, medical foundation, communica爸關tion/consulting, nurs森麗ing and sanitation, medical 森厭foundation I-II, public 作畫health, prevention and prom議什otion of health, etc.

Training objective: St自南udents should undertake the 商什advanced management skills re時醫quired in medical care to mee書男t the functions and requi章她rements in practice. With the help of 刀拿the course, students hav裡笑e the ability to perform managemen術聽t tasks and acquire their own uni視們que skills. By maintaining a high議農 degree of organizati年這on and responsibility, h人光ealth care professionals work森司 closely with other professi慢日onal groups to perform and complete re從下levant tasks. After studying, students影雜 will acquire the necessary medical, e照費conomic, legal, communication, admini從風strative and social ma熱間nagement skills and othe紅志r basic scientific skills.

Degree conferred: Bachelor of Arts Ø物間 Employment direction: mana的器gement of medical ins匠嗎titutions, management of inpa木新tient clinics, management of rehabi志歌litation medical institutions, nursi熱長ng homes, and community health inst務器itutions.

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