
Study Exchange


Study Exchange

Summer camp program for top German schools

Summer camp program for top Germa雨站n schools

In order to allow students to bet花暗ter understand the teaching 那森mode and school philosophy of Dr我玩esden University of Technology, 樂街as soon as possible to 林車contact international courses and ap鄉歌preciate the rich and co來關lorful culture of Ger花區many, Dresden Univer美區sity of Technology officially資如 launched a two-week internatio算草nal summer class project音影 In addition to studying German system市喝atically, visitors can also visit vari友慢ous facilities at the T你這echnical University of Dresden, and a離歌t the same time appreciate the custo煙訊ms and attractions of Germany.
Introduction to the Academic Exchange Program in Mechanical/Vehicle/Industrial Engineering, Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Introduction to the Academic 窗空Exchange Program in 理上Mechanical/Vehicle/Industrial Engineeri北厭ng, Trier University of 店長Applied Sciences, Germany會爸

1. Introduction The project兒電 aims to jointly carry out academic 紙司exchanges, establish a joint 務東training mechanism, and c師一reate a new platform for cooperation be就街tween Chinese and German universities舞機. Against this background, “男土The University of Applied Scie影生nces in Trier, Germany opened a semeste工窗r academic exchange program for Chinese他樹 college students, inviting 公些students to participate in unde時報rgraduate courses in mech算讀anical/vehicle/industrial engin報火eering.” The learning content of 好相the project includes: ge自書neral mechanical engineering,市看 vehicle integration and sa動鄉fety, energy-saving vehicle techno答化logy, optical measurement tec低微hnology, etc. All courses o嗎窗f the project are taught in En動樂glish, and each semester provides stud師外ents with at least 30 European St離船andard Credits (ECTS), the project c東民ycle is one semester 2. Scho關師ol Introduction Trie紅關r University of Applied Science農場s is located in Trier, Leipach, Ge資窗rmany, the hometown of Marx. It is a na低拍tional university with ab哥器out 8,000 students and 174 prof新票essors. The university is divided i習刀nto three campuses: Trier, Birke討金nfield and Idar-Obers放個tein. Trier University of Applied美暗 Sciences has a long history, mak議業ing it have outstanding te水厭aching quality in many majors風在, such as architecture, environment, ma費房chinery, vehicles, electronics, d筆男esign, etc., which are among the wor人個ld's leading. It is also a me微技mber of the European 放綠Association of Universities (林請EUA), the largest univ秒靜ersity of applied scien子拿ces in Leifa and one of the best unive聽好rsities of applied science窗年 in Germany. At present, 雜什the school maintains cooper歌熱ative relations with 場數more than 140 universit我日ies and institutions in the world. The 校微quality of students has be就他en recognized by the world. Eve低公ry year, students from different c身跳ountries of the world come h費歌ere to study. Graduates no黑計 matter in Lefah and Germany Withi民南n the scope, there are pro線新mising job opportunities. 黃中 In the 2018 Internati山快onal Green Energy Web不微site UI GREEN METRIC Wor學房ld University Rankings, 科金the School of Energy and Env化知ironmental Protection (Birkenfiel輛話d Campus) of Trier Un船北iversity of Applied Sciences ran好下ked first in Germany! The school人河 has provided a large number of profes家吧sional talents for ma作船ny well-known enterprises能腦, such as the top 5 ent劇熱erprises in the stat相近e: BASF (BASF, the world's largest chem員影ical industry), and 他高Boehringer Ingelheim (Boehri劇街nger Ingelheim, one of the wo下購rld's largest manufac木近turers of botanical medicin拍林es) ), SCHOTT Glass Factory (S算男chotte, world famous special glass m要快anufacturer), KSB (large valve pum雪我p manufacturer) And Mercedes-B們窗enz Truck Company. In add這紅ition, there are well-know件街n small and medium-siz空有ed enterprises such as Fissler (famous南紙 kitchenware manufacturer)快哥, Stabilus (gas spring 線兵manufacturer), and Schottel (ship pr歌信opeller manufacturer).
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