
Study Exchange


Study Exchange

Summer camp program for top German schools

Summer camp program for top German小又 schools

In order to allow st女白udents to better understand the teach計謝ing mode and school philosophy你女 of Dresden University of Te不鐘chnology, as soon as possible to 化煙contact international course離愛s and appreciate the r通懂ich and colorful culture o吃購f Germany, Dresden U地醫niversity of Technology of業服ficially launched a two-week筆哥 international summer class pro購鄉ject In addition to studying白遠 German systematically, 房的visitors can also visit various f內慢acilities at the Tec弟書hnical University of Dre來妹sden, and at the same time appreci長放ate the customs and attra化們ctions of Germany.
Introduction to the Academic Exchange Program in Mechanical/Vehicle/Industrial Engineering, Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Introduction to the Academic Exchang知舞e Program in Mechanical/Ve姐吧hicle/Industrial Engineering, Trier Uni務雨versity of Applied Sciences, Germany

1. Introduction The project aims to j自藍ointly carry out academic exchanges, e但農stablish a joint training mechanism, an近農d create a new platform 鐘作for cooperation between Chinese and照嗎 German universities. Aga黃大inst this background, “The University o跳這f Applied Sciences in Trier, Germ鄉一any opened a semester aca新了demic exchange program for Chin鐘男ese college students, inviting購公 students to participate in 跳了undergraduate courses in mechanical/ve兒雪hicle/industrial engineerin他章g.” The learning con筆費tent of the project includes: gener為信al mechanical engineering, vehicle 什聽integration and safet微風y, energy-saving vehicle technology, 為分optical measurement technolog科湖y, etc. All courses of the project ar區科e taught in English, and each semester 會為provides students with a上購t least 30 European Standard Credits (E是低CTS), the project cycle is one sem空白ester 2. School Introduction Trie劇務r University of Applied Sc木從iences is located in Trier, 光姐Leipach, Germany, the ho年民metown of Marx. It is a national univer門鐘sity with about 8,000 students and 能鄉174 professors. The universi那得ty is divided into three camp遠土uses: Trier, Birkenfield and Id路弟ar-Oberstein. Trier Universi對鐘ty of Applied Sciences has a術姐 long history, making it have outsta道就nding teaching quality in many 議用majors, such as architecture, envir年街onment, machinery, vehicles, electronic光務s, design, etc., which are among th微電e world's leading. It is also a me信的mber of the European Association 討影of Universities (EUA)嗎嗎, the largest university of applied sci公場ences in Leifa and on坐船e of the best universities of ap高銀plied science in Germany. At present,厭就 the school maintains coope相術rative relations with金中 more than 140 universit男睡ies and institutions服鐵 in the world. The q匠街uality of students has 喝制been recognized by the world. 紅視Every year, students 可事from different countrie喝女s of the world come here to study.術筆 Graduates no matter i到用n Lefah and Germany With書北in the scope, there are promis理姐ing job opportunities電知. In the 2018 Internati村報onal Green Energy Website UI GREE知書N METRIC World University內知 Rankings, the School說請 of Energy and Environmen她老tal Protection (Birkenfield Campus) of 船但Trier University of Applied Sci拿厭ences ranked first in Germa窗但ny! The school has prov關司ided a large number of profession科信al talents for many well-kn拍懂own enterprises, such as t的火he top 5 enterprises in the拿會 state: BASF (BASF, th女店e world's largest chemical industry), 鐘離and Boehringer Ingelheim (Boehrin場志ger Ingelheim, one of the w路靜orld's largest manufacturers of bo明師tanical medicines) ), SCHOTT Glass Fa東爸ctory (Schotte, world男通 famous special glas樂東s manufacturer), KSB (large valve pum會電p manufacturer) And Mercedes-B白區enz Truck Company. In addition, there空錢 are well-known small an能紙d medium-sized enterprise錢到s such as Fissler (famous 男飛kitchenware manufacturer)她長, Stabilus (gas spring manufac舊車turer), and Schottel (ship pr如子opeller manufacturer).
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