
Classmate Zhou: Graduate from 舞低Trier Foundation

I came to Germany from the end of Se他友ptember 2016 to study, and I was not 書村very comfortable whe樹答n I first came here, but the schoo到報l and domestic teachers a也明ctively and enthusias校南tically provided us with help 一鐘when we first arrived he鐵南re and are unfamiliar with費中 everything. Adapted to life here fas校機ter. The school life is very家們 regular, and the sch微窗edule is tight. When there is a員筆 problem, you should p紙通romptly ask the teache音輛r in class, because it is not like you 場懂can contact the teacher at any ti弟自me in high school. B火河ut as long as it is a qu離子estion raised in class, the teac冷慢her will patiently answer it. Compare雪一d with domestic courses,算下 the degree of difficulty is 線的reduced a lot, more is the need秒又 to learn the use of professio朋員nal German vocabulary in each subj遠訊ect. Although I learned a lot of new k說店nowledge during the pre厭水paratory period, most of them sta森吧yed in the basic part, and more in 動機order to lay the foundation for the fu窗秒ture university study in thi現的s year. Therefore, it 村飛is not difficult for stude美和nts who have taken the college entrance影市 examination in China to study hard an門我d get good grades. In addition t呢南o studying, school life is also very 會為rich, and we often organize activ化自ities to help us better integrate in路錯to foreign students. The家市se activities will be n間了otified to us by email. Just be在西fore the exam, the schoo快行l also organized visits in了哥 the school laboratory校制 and the main campus of Trier to provid國低e an opportunity to learn in advan一生ce in the future. After知物 class, my classmates and光明 I will also go to other cities in Ge樹師rmany to learn about the different cu有動stoms of different cities. 歌票Since the school is located close t水朋o France, it is also請低 very convenient to choose民友 to go to France during the h路秒olidays. From September last year to no讀哥w, I have improved a拿嗎 lot in terms of German, subject knowle暗開dge and life. I have benefi數算ted a lot from my life in Germany 視玩this year.

Ren Ren from Trier Preparator城喝y Graduate

The place to study for the foun笑錢dation course is in Beaconfi湖化eld, and it was very bland wh地媽en I first came here (歌現because it can be seen everywhere). Air得那 here It is good to say. The s東空chool is very close to the商高 train station, many of our students去愛 go to SAARBRUEKEN or 體站MAINZ on Friday Enjoy the flavo民照rs of European cities (eat, drin妹風k and buy), there will少金 be supermarkets near your 可工place of residence, go to school in 男友the morning and walk 物媽far away from the bus黑年, like to ride a healthy bike. In t西樂he small town next to the school, the劇事re is the Asian Super League, wh購公ich is a little small but co跳區mplete with items. The owner is 道什a Thai woman who is very frie男為ndly. There is a cinema near得木 the school. There is a Chinese rest下我aurant next to it. It is very authen南刀tic. miss! The vegetarian in the 黑謝school cafeteria every Friday制麗 is said to be related to religi對通ous beliefs, so the taste is.國刀.. the meat in the supermarke那可t is cheaper than the vegetables, and從說 the beverage bottles can s些來ell a lot of money. In winter, whe快和n there is a cold, there 計讀will be heating. The school will change窗作 the course slightly accor制業ding to the students' grades.窗志 Most of the German is followed報文 by physics. The least information te鐘這chnology is mathemati作黑cs. German is of course the不山 most difficult. Chinese students of 筆體physics and mathematics will not find 呢討it difficult. The most im廠議portant thing is German. Whe行視n you live longer, you will know a金大 lot of people, teachers,銀湖 aunts at school, uncles in the caf暗麗eteria, aunts in the supermarke鐵車t, aunts selling meat拿訊, etc., and you can chat a few舊老 words from time to 村紅time.

Student Record

""The sudden disaster was really t區亮oo difficult for the babies studying訊北 abroad this time. Both life and acade也風mic planning have been disrupted. So, 一身what is the actual sit兒得uation in the epidem快兵ic for us far away from overseas? " 說計 The epidemic situation東報 in China has improved海說, and the outbreak in foreign 頻文countries has caused many overse外冷as Chinese and some international stude林黃nts to choose to return錯對 to their motherland. Because o匠業f the impact of the ep訊市idemic, they can hardly return to t森分he country. It sounds terrible. So暗司, let's take a closer look at the s看好tudy abroad babies living時麗 in Dresden. dialogue Durin話日g the epidemic, how is your study什畫 and life in Germany different土電 from your usual? During this ti笑土me, German universities東機 have stopped teaching務匠 offline. Tudias opened an onl線會ine course for us. I feel pressu市事red in my studies. After all, 兒票we have to face the final exam. Fortun弟金ately, everyone lives in a building,機笑 and you can consult w裡線ith each other about learnin城聽g-related issues, or you can樂得 send an e-mail to the instru白相ctor. In life, because you can們醫not go out, all outdoor activiti劇上es are basically gone紅要. Go to the supermarket to replenish 兵書it at intervals. More業綠 time is spent studying i空日n the dormitory or watch筆明ing the drama a littl著鐵e, playing some games to rela黃體x. Are all fat (囧...) Ac友看cording to your understanding, how d音身oes the German people d報算iffer from the domestic pe司我ople in regard to the epi和不demic situation? 玩快Because the epidemic developed first 身高in China, we, as German internatio行白nal students, know more about土自 this matter. From the domestic m拍你edia and friends and family, we also要窗 know that the new cr花可own is very dangerous. But in 照短Germany, in the early days, local Germa刀雪ns seemed not to take th場跳e new crown seriously. 草西I think they regarded the new 志個crown as a big cold, but they did空睡n't think it was a big deal. 舊城This was also related to the gui水動dance of the German media. 拍美Many domestic analyses and condition你學s of the epidemic have not行資 been effectively communic秒鄉ated to ordinary German citizens. A但呢 very straightforward example, t木下he idea of ​​Chinese people weari說司ng masks is to protect themselves a煙人nd protect others. The Germans th雪嗎ink that only sick people wear m樂在asks. What do you think of the得黑 anti-epidemic measures in China and Ge來拍rmany? I think the domestic e商南pidemic situation is h都歌andled very well. At fir笑妹st, I was sometimes worried. Af錯畫ter the state machine was put into o店一peration, the epidemic situation w場坐as quickly suppressed. At that冷體 time, when the domest雪她ic epidemic was fierce, I still 化冷felt quite safe in Germany. Unexpected間劇ly, it didn't take long for t公討he epidemic in Germa做友ny to start to rise. Looking at th麗內e increase in the number of pa冷不tients in Germany every day, my heart又我 is really pounding. Later, I saw fr國紅om the news that Germany's medical res不吃ources are stronger and better tha農子n other European countr秒習ies, and the mentality 那醫has slowly stabilized. L問門ater, I also learned that Germany als有業o learned a lot of valuable 費店domestic experience 報少in the fight against epidemics做做. Last week, the entire Ge物長rman territory had ma服廠ndatory wearing masks. When the ep作畫idemic broke out in Germany, how 好司did you think about retur低南ning or not returning? This proble林站m has been entangled for a睡數 long time after the outbrea爸愛k in Germany. I also d區場iscussed with my family for a long ti答白me. In the end, I finally chose笑女 to trust the German房聽 medical system. I thin議會k it should not be brok視舞en down like Italy and Spain. Moreov相事er, returning home will have to pass音吃 through a series of high-r也請isk areas such as airports笑技 and planes. In the end, I chose 道我to stay in Germany. 唱什 After this period 暗又of time, what do you most want to 業林say to your family? My parents are微著 very worried about my s紅請tudy and life in Germany. B訊北asically, I will repo開歌rt the safety and German epidemi聽體c situation data wit腦關h them every day. What I want t舞做o tell them most here is, don’t wor是船ry about us like tha雨新t, we are safe in Germany 信市now. The inflection po遠照int of the German epidemic has arriv不東ed, and the school will start soon, a信去nd everything will return to normal. 城中 No matter where the students are,冷微 the great motherland will al區件ways be with you. Whe爸民n you return to school, yo雪刀u must live up to yourself and 月村your loved ones, let a雪劇lone live up to the need著吧s and expectations of our mother唱嗎land. We are waiting for you here.短說

Dresden University of 她是Technology & Tudias prep studen她筆ts graduate

Student background ●Student Wang C見離honghao was a freshman in the thi秒舞rd year of Zhangjiakou 都分No.1 Middle School in 2017. ●In the s雪問ame year he entered Dresden Universit車國y of Technology & Tu哥海dias Foundation Studies. ●After grad知員uating from the foundation cours很河e in 2018, he enrolled in the B是靜achelor of Mechanical Engineering of 鄉白the Technical University of Muni老了ch. The editor was 厭女fortunate enough to invite Wang廠黑 Chonghao to make a meaningful inter高關view with him during h可亮is studies at the Dresden Unive朋那rsity of Technology & Tudia跳輛s Foundation Program and his experie區村nce applying to the university. The fol議車lowing is the specific interview lin月學k: Q: Classmate Wang, first 數靜of all congratulations on your entry說理 to the Technical University of M懂歌unich. Please talk about y請短our experience in th章問e foundation course in Ger拿用man University of Techn做刀ology. Answer: Than腦錯k you. At that time, like ma高行ny DSD graduates, I was very conf志子used about the upcoming trip t和電o Germany after the college ent線你rance examination. Aft算跳er taking DSD1 in March, I didn't touch村樂 German very much until the colleg長電e entrance examination. Fortunatel歌視y, the project organized us to st金就rengthen the German for a period of 間月time during the summer. W女都e practiced listening, speaking, r森妹eading and writing a bit, s坐費o that we can well connect to the p高計reparatory courses after going to Germa女東ny. The preparation and submissi校謝on of application materials are rela新月tively smooth, and the pro票去ject teacher assists畫作 us to handle it, saving a lot of ti暗山me and effort. After arrivi計章ng in Germany, a teacher picked up 體國the airport and sent us to the D如錯egong University student apartment.藍答 It was really convenient. At that 車玩time, we had several ot好數her students who went to the 地拍preparatory course for the j坐男oint entrance exam. 草自We were preparing materials 家機and submitting visas all day, 裡作and we were worried about ac什用commodation. Talk about the e些訊xperience of studying學高 in the preparatory cours著了e this year. In additio慢拿n to Chinese students,電不 our preparatory class also has m數用any students from South Korea, Japan, 唱家and the Middle East. Such a cla工術ss environment provides us with a 謝紅very good ability to exe問資rcise German. Chance, because everyone市麗 communicates with each麗亮 other in German, and t山化he language of the students who a信廠re preparing for the preparatory cours多請e is not too good, so no one c聽分an laugh at anyone, everyone learn短我s from each other, points out the oth呢錢er party’s mistakes, and rea中日lly feels that the language has incr視吧eased the speed quick志服ly. This year's preparatory cou玩行rses are similarly compact. There are 暗她many classes in the afterno木吃on and afternoon. Because th鐵關ere are not too many students in t家唱he class, we have ample opportunities 務但to communicate and communicate with th木熱e teacher in the classroom, and the坐的 teacher can take care湖慢 of every student. This視志 year is basically spent in tensio了醫n and happiness. It 書亮should be relatively well冷鐵 prepared. The teacher’s lesso水樹ns also have a high degree那笑 of fit with the final exam, and 化事I feel that the difficulty of答影 the exam is relative煙媽ly moderate. However, I rea公微lly want to remind all of高土 my younger students here. German i我厭s very important! German is very impo家話rtant! German is very important!理數 (I say the important thing匠姐 three times). I read in the T d人行irection. In addition內秒 to computers, mathematics, physi呢坐cs, and chemistry have 火頻a high school foundation. It is really靜錢 relatively simple. The most an關理noying thing is German. M草歌any preparatory grad河雜uates' final grades are熱放 averaged by German. So remin資也d your friends, this站問 year, you must practice list能喝ening, speaking, reading an他討d writing German. Not only to achie來司ve a good result for the 老林preparatory course completion exam兵中, but also to make a good志服 transition when studying undergrad月黃uate. Q: What idea did you apply f藍間or at the Technical U到這niversity of Munich? Answer: A相拍fter finishing the preparatory course厭看, I feel that the exam 年學is not bad. We have two options, 下農one is to directly study 路事undergraduate degree of Germa好也n University of Technology wit你拍h the pre-admission of German Unive線白rsity of Technology obtain文吧ed before going abroad, and the藍弟 other is to choose o通熱ther universities to stu這森dy at will. Dresden University of Tec如頻hnology is really a great school. It i美木s really strong in electronics, aeros樂放pace and automation. Many 拿嗎students think that Dresde山動n is a city with high cost per輛錢formance, low cost of living, an答爸d corresponding facilities. p門到erfect. One year's life has alre就電ady been feeling here. Se可車veral students who w資那ant to read electronics stay here. I wa空書s very interested in machinery and藍吃 these things since I was a child. I li村看ke model airplanes, han做國d-made, and vehicle assembly.鄉小 The Munich Universi綠湖ty of Technology is very strong in the 舊也field of mechanical manufact山地uring, so I chose this school 討到after graduating from the prepar麗報atory course. Q: As the identity o跳內f the person coming 上歌here, please give some suggest房不ions to your schoolmates. 街暗Answer: 1. Don’t waste Germ他們an after the college e新區ntrance examination, otherwise it土長’s really foolish after 照上coming here, and speaking 綠線German can’t even open
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