



German Chancellor Scholz

German Chancellor Sc短靜holz's first visit to China is more t吃湖han symbolic

  German Chancellor 自頻Scholz arrived in Beijing on厭爸 November 4 for an official visit些行 to China. That morning討電, Chinese President Xi Jinping m會暗et with him at the Great Hall of 訊友the People and held a ba雪房nquet at the Golden Hall. In the aft個商ernoon, Chinese Premier Li Keqi跳南ang held talks with Schol開兵z. The whole itinera對技ry of Scholz's visit to China 著白was compact and efficient, and歌微 the communication a中話tmosphere between the host音視 and guests was friendly, 中文frank and pragmatic.行呢 Although this visit was not long, 話林it was of great significance.     謝西     This is Scholz動店's first visit to China since 上亮he took office, and he i訊年s also the first Europe音靜an leader to visit C音生hina after the 20th National Congres下議s of the Communist Par男街ty of China. This vi舞文sit means that China-Ger我女many and China-EU high-level 我醫mutual visits have pre可弟ssed the "restart button", which wi拿城ll not only promote Sino-Ger木金man relations to incre音兵ase trust, dispel doubts, and deepen 一大cooperation, but also help to co做知ntinue to play a "stab城南ilizing anchor for Sino-Germ哥會an relations and Sino-European 坐空relations in the turbulent inter外業national situation." "花答effect.   In the content 長秒of the interviews between the leade為開rs of the two countries, we 朋湖can clearly see that the two 報時sides expressed many common views厭有, such as emphasizing incre科我asing understanding and mutu少他al trust, adhering to economic g會放lobalization, promoting謝男 pragmatic cooperation, in高西sisting on dialogue and consul鐘人tation, opposing camp輛章 confrontation, and Strengt讀和hen coordination and coopera間那tion in international affairs, etc.車飛 Scholz again made clear h低懂is opposition to "decoupling".問街 China and Germany are two forces wit畫樹h important influence on the Eur計師asian continent. These consensuse藍在s not only conform to 有金the fundamental interests of 北唱both sides, but are also of great signi靜藍ficance to the globa草公l economy, security and stabil報化ity.         It is worth menti的海oning that President讀他 Xi Jinping and Prime Minister S房媽cholz also exchanged views on t可睡he Ukraine crisis and拍弟 issued a proposal: the internatio黃我nal community should jointly supp鐵麗ort all efforts to peacefully resolv土筆e the Ukraine crisis, jointly oppose 什務the use or threat of use 能體of nuclear weapons, and make joint ef商很forts. To ensure the stability o歌分f the global industrial chain an機海d supply chain, jointly bail out ci木聽vilians in crisis area村時s for the winter, and improve th的些e humanitarian situation. These "f數為our commons" are not only in l短火ine with China's consi筆快stent position, but also the genera一能l aspiration of China身視, Germany and even the i火下nternational community. They re女件flect the sincerity a遠作nd responsibility of promotin道個g the ease and resolution和事 of the Ukrainian crisis as soon我那 as possible.   All美一 these show that Chi視路na and Germany are n呢放ot only highly complemen多林tary economically and hav話銀e a broad space for cooperation, but a東習lso have a lot of comm子請on language in their views on 匠我the trend of the times an鐘場d the international situation. Consens店物us far outweighs differe信得nces, and cooperation far outweighs com子都petition. Both sides are線術 partners rather than rivals, and麗北 both benefit from each other's deve店為lopment and pragmatic coopera現些tion. This is a practical summary是的 of China-Germany, Chi能習na-EU relations, and 妹弟even China's relations with most coun個睡tries in the world. It is on thi銀可s solid and broad foundation th場姐at China's diplomacy stands openl她計y and openly.   We have 湖近also noticed that Scholz's visit to C你農hina this time has become a k技服ey target of some forces. Who in the en高飛d does not welcome, does not want, 我們or even opposes Scholz's vi銀話sit to China? Most ordinary peopl大那e in China, Germany and Europe welcome 說錢it, because the prac章票tical cooperation between t文答he two countries has brought ben歌答efits to them; of course, the 上開business community is mo我做re welcome, which goes without sayi科讀ng. The people who cr大吧eate the topic and put pressur讀低e on Scholz are mainl務多y ideological jugglers, or old-school 坐森European elites who can討如’t extricate themselves 弟山in a presumed sense 遠區of superiority, and geopolitical oper少坐ators in Washington.         In 問店fact, the exchange of high-level visi影低ts between China and Germany and C道跳hina and Europe is returning to n大人ormal. Former German Chancel明西lor Angela Merkel visited China微子 12 times during her 街個tenure. The special background司遠 of the times and the co子什mplex international environment 海妹make Scholz's visit to China謝妹 "special", which also reflects the unh快樂ealthy tendency of E相影urope's political ecology and mentality我用 towards China, and ha嗎商s formed a moral attitude towards Europ購時ean diplomacy. kidnappi朋兒ng. This is what Germany and分很 Europe need to work har商吃d to get rid of. As Scholz said in 件雨an article before his visit to雨業 China, "It is precisely because Ge西紅rmany experienced the bitter cost of 年但division during the Cold War tha林照t we do not want to see a different ca音人mp in the world again."   China 日工always regards Europe as a compre務我hensive strategic pa頻他rtner, supports the EU's strategi子什c independence, and hopes that Euro還現pe will be stable and prosperous.舞嗎 This position is hi拍要ghly stable and consistent. Grasp the g術他eneral direction of bilateral rel有他ations from a strategic heig
Time of issue: : 2022-11-10 Number of views : 0
Chinese President Xi Jinping Holds Video Meeting with German Chancellor Scholz

Chinese President Xi 鄉是Jinping Holds Video M畫計eeting with German Chancellor Scholz

    Xi Jinping pointed o門地ut that the current international為火 situation continues 能資to undergo complex cha車林nges, and the difficulties and challen熱吃ges faced by global security a會腦nd development have inc物拿reased significantly. I友信t is urgent to inject more stability an那業d certainty into the turb雨睡ulent and changing e來公ra. Both China and Germany are離我 major powers with significant i坐照nfluence. Under the current situation村機, China and Germany e體大specially need to maintain the healthy喝去 and stable developmen機金t of bilateral relations, and gi民拍ve full play to the stable, c厭人onstructive and leading role of Ch化光ina-Germany relations, which wi高生ll not only benefit the two people影術s, but also make important contribu時對tions to world peace and tranquil大機ity.   Xi Jinping emphasi樹司zed that over the past 50 years, Chi有飛na-Germany relations have子海 maintained a high level of operat一人ion. The two sides have achieved 人員common development and mut長請ual achievements through continuous 答跳deepening of practical co算銀operation. The key is to a視新dhere to mutual respect and win雪身-win cooperation. This valuable票工 experience and important principle mus謝行t be consistently adhe間知red to. go down. China's origin錢機al intention to deve兒匠lop China-Germany relations remains unc鐘話hanged, its sincere desi朋討re to strengthen cooperation東愛 with Germany remains uncha音子nged, and its confidenc那海e in China and Germany to jointl話東y accomplish more meaningfu一火l events remains unchanged. The 化習two sides should adhere to the main to笑山ne of dialogue and cooperat務呢ion, make good use of the bilate鐵腦ral dialogue and cooperation 市睡mechanism, and conduct dialog睡花ues in various fields行了 such as addressing climate change,麗照 macroeconomic policies城信, financial stability, en不很ergy security, food security, indust舊機rial and supply chain stability, and co睡司nstantly enrich the connotati睡文on of China-Germany relations. . It is中看 necessary to deeply tap the p高短otential of mutually beneficia黑一l cooperation and actively e訊身xpand cooperation in n體不ew technologies such a動要s green environmental p關文rotection, service trade雜外, artificial intelligence, and digi購金talization. China's accelerated con拿中struction of a new d爸做evelopment pattern will provi行業de broader market opportunities for cou微購ntries including Germany可相. It is necessary to電風 advocate genuine multilat計書eralism, safeguard international f東內airness and justice, jo說林in hands to maintain the core position 機場of the United Nations in in關子ternational affairs, up喝務hold the basic norms o去學f international relations, 計銀promote the building of an open worl業了d economy, and promote bala城煙nced, coordinated and新現 inclusive global development如遠. Germany is welcome to ac章舊tively support and participate 讀間in global development initiat年腦ives and global securit可那y initiatives, and promote the bui中電lding of a community with a shared futu城朋re for mankind.   Xi Jinping 筆愛stressed that China and 但湖the EU are comprehensive strategic pa哥少rtners, China and the EU ar唱民e opportunities for each other, an地師d the common interests of China and th得家e EU far outweigh the difference媽離s. China supports the EU's st窗習rategic autonomy. China-EU relat劇美ions are not aimed at劇但, not dependent on, nor c雜我ontrolled by a third party. This is多器 a strategic consensu雜雪s that both sides should adhere to for間知 a long time. Both sides 著秒should adhere to a dialectical and long農黑-term perspective, adh飛要ere to mutual respect, 生山adhere to correct understanding, stre業志ngthen communication and enhance mu冷外tual trust. In the face高訊 of geopolitical crises, advo有電cate dialogue and coopera兵著tion, and respond to complex changes i讀風n the international situation 計弟with the stability of China-EU鄉弟 relations; in the face of post-pa見行ndemic recovery challenges, strengt不費hen the alignment of development st雨化rategies and policy coordination, an刀機d promote stable growth of 司木the world economy with the openness o紅低f China-EU cooperation; In the face o分唱f global challenges, we will foc話那us on climate change, sustainable校筆 development and other are技計as that are critical to the fu是吃ture of mankind, and pr長錯omote the in-depth dev山對elopment of global governa很作nce with the breadth of去長 China-EU dialogue. It is h媽美oped that the German side 看草will play a positive role in the stable舊如 and healthy development of China-EU r長不elations.   Scholz said that G影光ermany-China relations have develope人去d very well in recen水林t years, and the two sides should i下問nherit the good traditions and 哥數continue to promote 嗎在the sound development momentum of bila男鐵teral relations. The German 司街side is willing to, together紙照 with the Chinese side, celebrate 妹畫the 50th anniversary of the es我愛tablishment of diplomatic relations be請通tween the two countri明司es, maintain close communicatio醫遠n at all levels, hold a new ro快睡und of German-Chinese gov化多ernment consultations, conduct d草雨ialogues on important issu吧離es such as ensuring global supply我服 chain stability and m森師acroeconomic policy coordin討風ation, and strengthen trade and inve西北stment. cooperation in a 靜時wide range of fields,不中 including climate change, fighting視事 the epidemic, health c錯畫are, education and culture雪數. Germany welcomes China雨麗's commitment to expanding high-相為level opening up, which will外信 bring more opportunities to 兵有Germany. Germany is willing to strength物多en communicati
Time of issue: : 2022-05-21 Number of views : 0
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