
Classmate Zhou: Graduate f花樂rom Trier Foundation

I came to Germany from the end of Sep頻水tember 2016 to study, and 冷妹I was not very comfort火要able when I first cam街家e here, but the school信也 and domestic teachers actively生我 and enthusiastically pro志司vided us with help when we first arr內又ived here and are unfamil見會iar with everything. A看我dapted to life here faste飛物r. The school life is very regu舞道lar, and the schedule is tight.懂飛 When there is a problem, yo城少u should promptly ask the 她區teacher in class, because it is not 飛笑like you can contact the算明 teacher at any time 女綠in high school. But as知兵 long as it is a questio自答n raised in class, the teacher will 愛站patiently answer it. Compared with dom關讀estic courses, the degree of離城 difficulty is reduced a 子們lot, more is the need to lea短有rn the use of professional German voca民學bulary in each subject. Although 內懂I learned a lot of new knowled地算ge during the preparatory period, 習市most of them stayed in the basic 年些part, and more in order to lay the fou是讀ndation for the future university stud老城y in this year. Therefore,人慢 it is not difficult for studen師務ts who have taken the col北鐵lege entrance examination in China to s開科tudy hard and get good grade行媽s. In addition to studying, school 綠嗎life is also very ric水用h, and we often organize activities煙綠 to help us better integrate 國影into foreign students. These activ數家ities will be notified to us by e慢我mail. Just before the e開雨xam, the school also organized v又友isits in the school laboratory a我答nd the main campus o還來f Trier to provide an opportunity 我鐵to learn in advance in the futur議服e. After class, my classma讀微tes and I will also go to other citi路文es in Germany to learn about the differ雨快ent customs of differe民近nt cities. Since the school is l司遠ocated close to France, it 土路is also very convenient to c訊票hoose to go to France during頻月 the holidays. From Sept和如ember last year to now, I have improve河秒d a lot in terms of German, subject 雨小knowledge and life. I have benefited 師機a lot from my life in Germany this year術站.

Ren Ren from Trier P木木reparatory Graduate

The place to study for th人頻e foundation course is in Beac什筆onfield, and it was very bland whe鄉兵n I first came here (becaus的日e it can be seen everyw看費here). Air here It is good to say. T紙市he school is very clo鐵熱se to the train station, man河場y of our students go to SAA上吃RBRUEKEN or MAINZ on Friday 藍秒Enjoy the flavors of Europea窗城n cities (eat, drink and bu車水y), there will be supermarkets near you器時r place of residence, go to sc雨得hool in the morning and 秒男walk far away from the bu風湖s, like to ride a healthy暗來 bike. In the small town next to人現 the school, there is the 房間Asian Super League, which is 用爸a little small but c文可omplete with items. The owner從場 is a Thai woman who is very 兒技friendly. There is a cinema n得可ear the school. There is a Chinese rest路笑aurant next to it. It is very 鄉下authentic. miss! The vegetari影冷an in the school cafeter現來ia every Friday is said to be related 歌們to religious beliefs, so the taste鐘影 is... the meat in the supermarke呢說t is cheaper than the veget明短ables, and the beverage b工老ottles can sell a lot of money費北. In winter, when th工友ere is a cold, there will be heating. T姐東he school will chang高可e the course slightly accordi鐘暗ng to the students' grades. 放志Most of the German i嗎一s followed by physics. The l好服east information technology is 兒日mathematics. German is of開志 course the most difficult.我錢 Chinese students of physics and村她 mathematics will not find it di信頻fficult. The most important t船一hing is German. When you live lon黃務ger, you will know a lot of pe相朋ople, teachers, aunts at s不計chool, uncles in the cafeteria, aun玩舞ts in the supermarket, aunts 友長selling meat, etc., and呢場 you can chat a few words from tim會鐘e to time.

Student Record

""The sudden disaster w放友as really too difficult for the b風近abies studying abroad this time.秒空 Both life and acade購知mic planning have been disrupte著看d. So, what is the actual situation in 兵匠the epidemic for us far awa林白y from overseas? " 行費 The epidemic situation 錢會in China has improved, and th高務e outbreak in foreign 讀鐘countries has caused many oversea睡少s Chinese and some interna舊訊tional students to c校海hoose to return to their motherl女樹and. Because of the 可請impact of the epidemic, th和很ey can hardly return to the農用 country. It sounds terrible. S暗金o, let's take a closer lo拍什ok at the study abroad babies living in用湖 Dresden. dialogue Duri到船ng the epidemic, how低很 is your study and life 看數in Germany different from your說市 usual? During this t輛花ime, German universities have習飛 stopped teaching offline煙著. Tudias opened an online cour和少se for us. I feel pressured in my stud銀數ies. After all, we have to face th志謝e final exam. Fortunately, everyone遠雜 lives in a building文亮, and you can consult with e愛河ach other about learning-related 員影issues, or you can send an 店業e-mail to the instructor. In life, 樹頻because you cannot go out, all outdoor放西 activities are basically gone.計廠 Go to the supermarket to repleni弟厭sh it at intervals. More time 有還is spent studying in the do木離rmitory or watching th湖西e drama a little, playing小討 some games to relax. A站西re all fat (囧...) 裡長According to your understanding, how d有的oes the German people di煙個ffer from the domestic people in rega風習rd to the epidemic situation? Becaus習日e the epidemic develop時上ed first in China, we, as Ge東道rman international students, know more 討老about this matter. From the do文也mestic media and friends and family, w呢一e also know that the n工好ew crown is very dangerous. But in Germ腦用any, in the early days, local Germans黑光 seemed not to take the n他唱ew crown seriously. I think they regard明會ed the new crown as a big c謝那old, but they didn't think it was a 要對big deal. This was also related to the喝線 guidance of the German me員外dia. Many domestic analyses a山動nd conditions of the epidemic have水技 not been effectively communicat海資ed to ordinary German citizen草喝s. A very straightforward務就 example, the idea of ​​Chinese 一路people wearing masks is to protect the自哥mselves and protect others. The Germa謝章ns think that only sick people we月水ar masks. What do you t西制hink of the anti-epidemic meas匠上ures in China and Germany? I thin區樹k the domestic epidemic situation is h嗎報andled very well. At firs睡海t, I was sometimes worried. After的西 the state machine was put into op美錯eration, the epidemic si鐵快tuation was quickly suppressed. A山雜t that time, when the domesti裡鄉c epidemic was fierce, I still felt雜舞 quite safe in Germany. Une書妹xpectedly, it didn't take long for the 城體epidemic in Germany to star女費t to rise. Looking at the化藍 increase in the number of pati間火ents in Germany ever習她y day, my heart is really pounding. 但輛Later, I saw from the news t雨城hat Germany's medical resour弟玩ces are stronger and bette事都r than other European 議農countries, and the mentality has s村報lowly stabilized. Later,計車 I also learned that Germany also lear上站ned a lot of valuable 答離domestic experience 遠紅in the fight against epidem票視ics. Last week, the entire German terr車新itory had mandatory wearing masks城我. When the epidemic broke ou輛章t in Germany, how di著雨d you think about returning or not retu雪冷rning? This problem短還 has been entangled for a long tim費嗎e after the outbreak in Ger答秒many. I also discussed with m他些y family for a long time. I去工n the end, I finally chose to 錯錯trust the German medical syst習些em. I think it should not知報 be broken down like Italy and Spa靜音in. Moreover, returning home will hav刀樹e to pass through a series of high-risk一喝 areas such as airports and planes. In 電問the end, I chose to stay in Germany. 家就 After this period of time, what do 嗎中you most want to say to your fami相劇ly? My parents are西業 very worried about my st南一udy and life in Germany內車. Basically, I will report 店歌the safety and German epidemic situ報學ation data with them every d那作ay. What I want to tell明行 them most here is, don’t wo時路rry about us like that, we are離舞 safe in Germany now. The技計 inflection point of th可都e German epidemic has arri技熱ved, and the school will start soon, an冷人d everything will retur哥件n to normal. No matter where the 快坐students are, the great mothe些黃rland will always be with you如紙. When you return to腦會 school, you must live up to 空店yourself and your loved ones, l國答et alone live up to the needs and expe刀哥ctations of our motherlan舞我d. We are waiting for you here.

Dresden University of Tec還請hnology & Tudias prep students graduat藍吧e

Student background ●Student W近國ang Chonghao was a freshman in長上 the third year of Zhangjiakou放土 No.1 Middle School in 2017. ●I醫醫n the same year he ent道站ered Dresden University of Tech森房nology & Tudias Foundation St體道udies. ●After graduating from the fo綠時undation course in 2018, he enrolle門國d in the Bachelor of Mechani畫北cal Engineering of the區拿 Technical University of Munich. The e場不ditor was fortunate en志會ough to invite Wang Chonghao t時雜o make a meaningful interview 科有with him during his st哥嗎udies at the Dresden Uni相鐘versity of Technology雨火 & Tudias Foundation Program and his舊雨 experience applying to the歌媽 university. The following is th一用e specific interview link:明化 Q: Classmate Wang, first of 學城all congratulations on朋事 your entry to the Tec北吃hnical University of Munich. Please 事船talk about your experienc靜黑e in the foundation cour信木se in German University of Technology.紙睡 Answer: Thank you. At that time,訊算 like many DSD graduates, I was very 化問confused about the upco刀習ming trip to Germany after the college 現友entrance examination. After腦開 taking DSD1 in March, I didn't影國 touch German very much until the不音 college entrance examination. Fort作聽unately, the project or醫要ganized us to strengthen the German 如不for a period of time during the 事農summer. We practiced listen多作ing, speaking, reading and writi我河ng a bit, so that we c北站an well connect to the preparatory都一 courses after going to Germany. 店煙The preparation and su看這bmission of application materials 外月are relatively smooth, 紙要and the project teac會離her assists us to hand書拿le it, saving a lot of ti事店me and effort. After arriving in 作姐Germany, a teacher picked up the筆弟 airport and sent us裡爸 to the Degong Univer知雪sity student apartment是玩. It was really convenient. At that tim黃工e, we had several other students who w店雜ent to the preparatory cour些個se for the joint entrance exam. We we來路re preparing materials 愛劇and submitting visas all day, a票男nd we were worried about 學懂accommodation. Talk about t那姐he experience of studyi紅黃ng in the preparatory要愛 course this year. In addition to Chine地是se students, our preparato友靜ry class also has many students fr時男om South Korea, Japan, and the Midd通放le East. Such a class environment pro還生vides us with a very good 店離ability to exercise German.內快 Chance, because everyone communi弟新cates with each other in Ger男鄉man, and the language 花業of the students who are pre土志paring for the preparatory course i的花s not too good, so no on動得e can laugh at anyone, everyone learns 東雜from each other, points out the other p那得arty’s mistakes, and舊河 really feels that the la店東nguage has increased t河間he speed quickly. This year他自's preparatory courses 到看are similarly compact. There樂近 are many classes in the af如坐ternoon and afternoon. Because ther雜的e are not too many students in th銀自e class, we have ample opportunit生科ies to communicate and communi家什cate with the teacher in 什懂the classroom, and the teache都懂r can take care of every 文嗎student. This year is basic山理ally spent in tension and happines制草s. It should be relati林外vely well prepared. The teac金員her’s lessons also have a high degree文林 of fit with the final exam, and I fe劇和el that the difficulty of the exam i器時s relatively moderate店劇. However, I really want to remi電們nd all of my younger students here.草和 German is very important! German i長要s very important! German is v人計ery important! (I say the 唱雜important thing three區飛 times). I read in the T d遠鐘irection. In addition to 熱銀computers, mathematics, ph可現ysics, and chemistry h頻放ave a high school found算慢ation. It is really relatively simple.長行 The most annoying thing is 拿藍German. Many preparatory gradu靜冷ates' final grades are averaged by Ger熱都man. So remind your friends, this yea路計r, you must practice listening, s歌作peaking, reading and writing G化購erman. Not only to achieve a goo事女d result for the preparator你是y course completion exam, but 技劇also to make a good transi跳雨tion when studying unde生的rgraduate. Q: What idea did you app科窗ly for at the Technical 費拍University of Munich? Ans術愛wer: After finishing the 器長preparatory course, I feel tha拍金t the exam is not bad. We have two o開藍ptions, one is to directly study un術化dergraduate degree of German Unive志中rsity of Technology with 作草the pre-admission of German University 科銀of Technology obtained before goin化新g abroad, and the other is to choose好行 other universities t水但o study at will. Dresden U厭子niversity of Technology is re音鐘ally a great school. It i爸西s really strong in electronics, aerospa們見ce and automation. Many studen山中ts think that Dresden i笑裡s a city with high cost performance, 筆服low cost of living, and corre拿湖sponding facilities. perfect. One yea妹紅r's life has already been feeling her黑話e. Several students who want 紅討to read electronics stay here. I 頻謝was very interested in machinery 微錯and these things sin筆子ce I was a child. I like model air北雨planes, hand-made, and vehicl我說e assembly. The Munich舊輛 University of Technology is ve笑事ry strong in the field多姐 of mechanical manufactur離藍ing, so I chose this schoo森為l after graduating from the pr拿高eparatory course. Q: As 風草the identity of the person coming he內船re, please give some suggestions 道做to your schoolmates. Answer: 1. 國妹Don’t waste German after the col區通lege entrance examination, o河員therwise it’s really f的美oolish after coming here, and speaking老快 German can’t even open
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