



The two students passed the second review and successfully obtained their visas! ! !

The two students passed the暗東 second review and successfully跳農 obtained their visas! ! !

Let me share the applicati光術on process of two undergraduate票厭 students. Both students Z and W ar東銀e undergraduates at a langu工又age university in Beijing, majori弟喝ng in German. When t民木hey were first introduced, the two 遠視students were in their se老場nior year, and they had alre鐘白ady finished the first APS trial, bu美刀t they both failed. Another import秒信ant problem for the two students is tha就店t neither has a German certificate. T術制herefore, we quickly formulated an A知問PS training plan, univer都紅sity application and visa delivery plan相友 for the students according to t吃是he students' situatio拿師n. At the same time, we 這學also searched for some rele要人vant universities accor愛水ding to the students' un街玩dergraduate majors to facilitate subse化務quent application. The first time we新學 met the students was at the 報志beginning of November子喝 2022. During the meetin頻房g, we gave the students a simple test鄉老 to understand the students' la件子nguage situation, and started the AP個離S interview training twice a week男笑. Everything is going on in an o近著rderly manner. Each training will test自笑 the mastery of the students'志那 professional knowledge and German la海還nguage expression. Acco快們rding to the school applic又制ation plan, we will communic雪化ate with the students for the s體歌econd APS interview in early Janua間暗ry. According to the epid銀窗emic policy of the audit departme些火nt at that time, we sent an email to th短樹e audit department to communicate and m信坐ake an appointment for an inter關山view, and the audit depart坐農ment responded quickly. Because of t生這he impact of the epidemic, du腦計e to the large number of peopl外睡e in the queue in the first w志視eek of January, we could 些書only join the standby l相從ist. Interviews for the last tw鄉麗o students are schedu小光led for January 5 and J樹窗anuary 12. The appl弟森ication deadline for the s文跳ummer semester is January 到討15. If the two students pass the APS r海靜eview, they will have on銀村e week to apply for the sch木服ool. If they fail to pass, they will lo紅吧se their admission qualifications市亮 for the summer semester and 光高wait for another half a year. The two工行 students also cooperated司也 closely during the whole APS train民森ing period and completed every require訊個d task. Finally, the 吃體two students success為女fully passed the APS inte睡遠rview and got the APS individual火會 examination certificate. Next, there 小可is only one week before the school app師民lication, because the arrangements h讀男ave been made in advance, and頻用 all the preparations 靜器for the school application ha南可ve been completed. Through the票術 previous contact wi從歌th the university, the students h看雨ave also obtained the 些票German language-free certificate, 我月and finally at the school app水影lication deadline The school a放也pplication work of two students has b遠司een completed before. At 麗那the beginning of Februa村看ry, I received good 哥對news from two universities. T醫問wo students got two admissi場土ons from the University of Applied S我喝ciences Munich and the Unive很街rsity of Göttingen. 歌校 Universities usuall姐算y start at the beginning o不見f April in the summer semeste劇視r. Affected by the e湖市pidemic, the embassy usua民話lly takes about a month to ma遠森ke an appointment for signing. A西用fter we got the admission, we starte影身d to make an appointment for the stu畫理dents. The two students bel內時onged to the B list , which means我公 longer wait times. The l厭微ast two students made appo會兒intments on March 9th a作木nd March 13th respectively. The proces樹西sing time for German visas will take a美和t least 4 weeks, but城舊 according to the admissi票亮on letter registratio校嗎n deadline of the University of Göttin呢文gen is March 31st, th章煙is For the time for students to submit 時呢visas, the audit department ref暗事used to accept the materials學商 within four weeks, so we conta器下cted the university to communica吃工te and delay the regis從信tration, and the university agreed t事嗎o postpone the registration time o如服f students to April 11. 現草Another problem came again, becaus什下e the signing time after four w站城eeks is very close to the 錯筆registration time, so the embassy m樹慢ay require the student to p快關rovide a registration ce機坐rtificate, but once the st內為udent is registered, it will be ver個輛y troublesome to go t玩化o Germany. We could only quickly為不 write an email to the embassy to師工 inquire about the status o畫高f the visa after the fo愛時ur-week silence period. F微子ortunately, four weeks later, that i森樂s, in early April, both students朋海 received the visa smoothly. It ha腦花s been 5 and a half months since to低和day, and the two students have al北樂ready bought air tickets and are 那分about to embark on a jou很姐rney to study in Ger在兵many. I wish you a smooth stay in G吧到ermany!!!
Time of issue: : 2023機近-04-13 Number of views : 0
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