
Refresher training


Refresher training

German training

German training

The new high school curriculum s河做tandards issued by the Mini站視stry of Education in earl相自y 2018 will be officially implemented 木風from September. The ne但她w curriculum standards provide腦議 for the addition of German, Fren好裡ch, and Spanish subjects on th用房e basis of English, Japanese, and Ru你白ssian. In an interview with reporters,的女 Wang Zhan, chairman o會拿f the Expert Working Committee of t煙裡he Basic Education Curricu大紅lum and Textbooks of the Minist新吃ry of Education, said: The ex她地pansion of the language of general hig謝站h school education is the general生紅 trend. The reasons for c吃司hoosing German, French and Span章開ish this time are also 林快for the purpose of internat術睡ional exchanges. The coverage o個分f each language is high, a術好nd it is widely used in internatio信離nal occasions. In the future員理, the language will be increased照分 according to the actual situation. T電通he new regulations represent the new s土民tage of high school foreign langua電國ge subjects from Englis線月h alone, to other popular languages. 煙視Since the establishmen些短t of our company, based on years窗門 of international edu近都cation and international s場校chool experience, we h店短ave created an effective German te錯作aching system. It can be applied to 務機all German enthusiasts wit女長h different German levels and differ多村ent wishes.
Teacher Training

Teacher Training

Germany is the birthplace of Indu工子stry 4.0, "Made in Germa鐵但ny" is synonymous with "quality an鐘醫d credibility", also mean店下s quality assurance, exquisi了水te workmanship, durability冷坐 and advanced technology. The profess器討ional level and acade議從mic ability of university teacher歌河s are one of the important windows 哥雨for universities to strive for d鐘門ouble first-class. Teachers’ train匠學ing and training is an 從裡ideal way to improve teachers’ profess子地ional ability. Studying and training 慢生in Germany will inevitably pr到電omote the reform of school educati木問on and education. Chemistry has played音機 a good role in demonstration, and h樂金as a good impact on t亮拿he teaching, scientific場務 research, and disci計多pline construction of school-rela花窗ted disciplines. Specif醫街ically: through the introduc吧熱tion of teaching materials, 小藍teaching materials, experimenta校到l materials and examination methods, 制鐵as well as the joint development of 機大course content, professional teacher道章s can contact and directly par雜市ticipate in the resea光章rch of foreign courses, and real短都ize the introduction, absorpti關信on and localization of foreign high-qu冷生ality educational resources. Ch腦一ange. Our company will p熱商roceed from two aspec綠時ts of theory and actual combat, 她錯and use the "theory + case + observati笑暗on + actual project analysis + resourc東兒e docking" to discuss and learn Germa就著n Industry 4.0 with parti事下cipants in depth, providin關市g them with close learning of Made自請 in Germany Opportunities, and at 窗女the same time feel the historical and 問鄉cultural origins of Germany, and de亮內eply understand the reasons why G能慢erman manufacturing can be known global能年ly and occupy the top p會近osition in European manufacturing.
Dual System

Dual System

The dual system is a vocati月場onal training model derive體音d from Germany. The so-called dual sys船近tem refers to the vo討慢cational training that requires person得身nel to participate in trainin鐘車g must go through training in two p煙討laces. The unitary refers 行訊to vocational schools, whose m她地ain function is to teach occupation些站-related Professional knowledge; a到如nother element is an off-campu師短s training place such as an en來草terprise or public in懂就stitution, whose main function is to金行 allow students to r照了eceive professional t火見raining in vocational skills in th章女e enterprise. This model has bee做答n widely used in German companies, 高暗and it has also been ado厭和pted or adopted by some compani司日es in my country in re去們cent years. Features of dual 草請system: 1) Tightly integrated with pro話討duction, the training objectives 們門are more in line with the needs of the 們舞enterprise. The students 家拿in the German dual system mo作兒de spend most of the time in practical答時 operation skills training in the ente湖風rprise, and they receive the equipment 短黃and technology currently used by the 為樹enterprise. The big procedure is ca弟近rried out in the form媽河 of productive labor, wh湖時ich reduces the cost an車腦d improves the purpose of l高通earning. The clear learning purpose車內 of the students "learni學她ng for future work" greatly sti新明mulates the students’ l可務earning motivation; this is cond子電ucive to the students’ training公文 Work immediately after習近 the end. (2) Extensive partic物一ipation of enterprises. Most large 訊鐵enterprises have their own tr哥兵aining bases and personnel. Small and嗎從 medium-sized enterprises that線到 do not have the ability近員 to provide comprehe些火nsive and diversified 錯船vocational training in accord看話ance with the training charte輛雪r alone can also partici小理pate in vocational education thr厭化ough cross-enterprise trai南坐ning and supplementa用上ry training in school factorie外站s or by entrusting other c員風ompanies to do training for them. (3) 生醫Real production environ訊制ment and prior facilities and equipment年司. Bring students closer 為媽to practice and the needs of fu筆物ture work; (4) Be able to access ne姐術w technologies, new process到照es, new equipment, and 得訊new materials earlier自在. The traditional educati藍靜on in China is mainly based on theore謝妹tical research, supplemented by pract妹些ical operations, whi照志ch will cause many students to家火 have a general deviation i醫習n the link of practical abili錢業ty. The Chinese teachin河科g system can be perfectly combined草小 with the German dual system. Now 歌腦our company It has established strategi雜也c partnerships with some domestic/junio金店r colleges and universities in th是在e country to contrib計朋ute to the school's 購老ability to improve studen放現ts' practical ability.
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