



The two students passe放行d the second review and successfull員對y obtained their visa聽如s! ! !

  • Categories:News
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  • Time of issue:2023-04-13
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(Summary description)Let me share the application proce哥從ss of two undergradu相知ate students.

Both students Z and W are 如農undergraduates at a language un去坐iversity in Beijing, ma哥時joring in German.

When they were first introduc兒小ed, the two students were in their s問老enior year, and they had拍人 already finished the first 鄉讀APS trial, but they both failed. Anot女土her important problem for the two stude討哥nts is that neither ha新哥s a German certificate. Therefore, we q話人uickly formulated an APS trai金房ning plan, university application an暗呢d visa delivery plan for the students a內習ccording to the students' situatio資笑n. At the same time,白你 we also searched for so會冷me relevant universities according 空內to the students' undergraduat秒坐e majors to facilitate su票話bsequent application.

The first time we met the student謝不s was at the beginning of Nove銀哥mber 2022. During the meet快關ing, we gave the students a女吃 simple test to understand th河看e students' language si錢雜tuation, and started the APS interview 說睡training twice a week. Everything is g南鄉oing on in an orderly m雨吃anner. Each training will test the mast一放ery of the students' professio林購nal knowledge and German languag費制e expression. According to the scho那章ol application plan, we 匠店will communicate with the st他議udents for the second APS interview i一和n early January. According to the epi市裡demic policy of the audi腦少t department at that很黃 time, we sent an email to the audi視資t department to communicate and make 睡能an appointment for an interview, and th短但e audit department resp店從onded quickly. Because of the i少吃mpact of the epidemi河匠c, due to the large number of拿新 people in the queue 睡草in the first week of Ja銀工nuary, we could only joi書站n the standby list. Intervi理月ews for the last two stude子業nts are scheduled fo時樹r January 5 and January 12.腦你

The application deadline會土 for the summer semester is January 跳北15. If the two students pass the小喝 APS review, they will have one we離物ek to apply for the school. If間鐘 they fail to pass, t件小hey will lose their admission qua畫拿lifications for the summer semester 購體and wait for another half a year. Th我時e two students also cooperated clos兵什ely during the whole APS t章子raining period and completed every懂開 required task. Finally, the two 身多students successfully passed the APS快業 interview and got the APS見爸 individual examination certificate.

Next, there is only one week before 是用the school application, because the arr會醫angements have been made in advanc公兵e, and all the preparations從報 for the school application have been c知可ompleted. Through the previous conta務師ct with the university, the明現 students have also obtained the Ger飛如man language-free certifica鐵生te, and finally at the school applica有事tion deadline The school appli有她cation work of two students has been co區子mpleted before. At the beginning 爸技of February, I received師我 good news from two universities. 農話Two students got two admissions fr森工om the University of Ap還大plied Sciences Munich and the Universit外腦y of Göttingen.

Universities usually美畫 start at the beginning of Apri日光l in the summer semester. Affected b見可y the epidemic, the embassy usually t放間akes about a month to make an appointme開老nt for signing. After w我機e got the admission, we 業北started to make an ap事黃pointment for the students. The t得樂wo students belonged to the B lis是朋t , which means longer wait ti多放mes. The last two students 人男made appointments on March 9th and Marc森外h 13th respectively. The pro林裡cessing time for Germa麗地n visas will take at人煙 least 4 weeks, but according t老匠o the admission letter re長書gistration deadline of the Univer場行sity of Göttingen is答們 March 31st, this For t用睡he time for students to事吧 submit visas, the audit department r舊現efused to accept the m笑都aterials within four weeks, 公樂so we contacted the universi船哥ty to communicate and delay the regi金呢stration, and the university有還 agreed to postpone the registratio外關n time of students to April 1機農1. Another problem came ag兵男ain, because the signing time after文頻 four weeks is very close兵鄉 to the registration time, so the emb新購assy may require the student to provid南森e a registration certificate, but on懂鐵ce the student is registered, it wi微子ll be very troublesome to g些微o to Germany. We cou河坐ld only quickly write an email 身雜to the embassy to inquir什場e about the status of the visa afte哥西r the four-week silence per匠門iod. Fortunately, four要不 weeks later, that is, in early從你 April, both students received the拿科 visa smoothly.

It has been 5 and a half months since t去腦oday, and the two students have al區器ready bought air tickets and are about公習 to embark on a journey to study i們錢n Germany. I wish you a smooth st了音ay in Germany!!!

The two students passed會行 the second review and succes笑光sfully obtained their visas! ! !用這

(Summary description)Let me share the applicat高樹ion process of two under商鄉graduate students.

Both students Z and W are undergr河姐aduates at a language universi睡動ty in Beijing, majoring in Ge醫唱rman.

When they were first introduced, t年身he two students were in their我匠 senior year, and they had already fi說村nished the first APS tr秒習ial, but they both failed. Another影他 important problem for the 業明two students is that neither什土 has a German certif內信icate. Therefore, we quickly 城厭formulated an APS trainin懂都g plan, university application and睡我 visa delivery plan for the student道姐s according to the students' situ術子ation. At the same tim農從e, we also searched for some 資刀relevant universities accord子慢ing to the students' und唱化ergraduate majors to facilitate subseq話理uent application.

The first time we met the student吧相s was at the beginning of November 2022他明. During the meeting, we gave t年站he students a simple test to 笑白understand the students' language situa西街tion, and started the APS intervi風南ew training twice a week.村事 Everything is going on in an o拍土rderly manner. Each 從看training will test th答醫e mastery of the students' professi看間onal knowledge and G線件erman language expression. Ac書花cording to the school applicatio弟農n plan, we will communicate麗畫 with the students for the se照他cond APS interview in early Jan我大uary. According to the epidem日金ic policy of the audit depa有嗎rtment at that time, we sent an email 北上to the audit department to communicat明林e and make an appointment for an inter計理view, and the audit depart從自ment responded quickly. Because of the 現農impact of the epidemic, due to the 見紙large number of people in the queue i信得n the first week of January, we麗東 could only join the stand們匠by list. Interviews for 說線the last two student匠友s are scheduled for Ja林生nuary 5 and January 12.

The application deadline for the s師大ummer semester is January 15.的一 If the two students pa業體ss the APS review, they will ha鐘拍ve one week to apply for the scho和來ol. If they fail to pass, the窗姐y will lose their admission人妹 qualifications for the summer 爸到semester and wait for another half師市 a year. The two students為但 also cooperated closely during the w件月hole APS training period and窗技 completed every required task. Finally紅坐, the two students successfu熱花lly passed the APS i唱劇nterview and got the APS individual就內 examination certificate.

Next, there is only one謝呢 week before the school不服 application, because t身自he arrangements have been made in 秒公advance, and all the preparations for的山 the school application have been 師時completed. Through the p費從revious contact with the univ相近ersity, the students have also obtaine愛費d the German language-free cert志微ificate, and finally at the school app黑地lication deadline The school applicat在花ion work of two students ha你音s been completed before. At the 關她beginning of February, I received good 白那news from two universities. Two s綠對tudents got two admissions from 舞為the University of Applied Sc上件iences Munich and the Univers火白ity of Göttingen.

Universities usually star兵爸t at the beginning of April in 術好the summer semester. Affected by the工到 epidemic, the embas風技sy usually takes about a m但舞onth to make an appointment for 紙看signing. After we got the admi下厭ssion, we started to make拍北 an appointment for the students. The 服做two students belonged to the B書下 list , which means longer 上河wait times. The last two studen些煙ts made appointments on March 9t學兵h and March 13th respect信化ively. The processing time for Germ綠中an visas will take at least 4 weeks, b從市ut according to the adm個看ission letter registration deadline o行國f the University of Göttingen is 自們March 31st, this For金嗎 the time for students to submit v土器isas, the audit department refuse就去d to accept the materials within four 光化weeks, so we contacte廠低d the university to communicate a體紙nd delay the registration, a木但nd the university agreed to postpone t作低he registration time of students事輛 to April 11. Another problem c男線ame again, because the signing time aft的信er four weeks is very close to t就門he registration time, so the呢刀 embassy may require the 遠答student to provide a registratio暗訊n certificate, but once the stud月多ent is registered, it will be very習低 troublesome to go to Germany. We 務民could only quickly write an emai在舊l to the embassy to inquire about有從 the status of the visa after the fou站也r-week silence period. F筆得ortunately, four weeks later, 票睡that is, in early April, bo西放th students received t雪人he visa smoothly.

It has been 5 and a half m子花onths since today, and the two students外紅 have already bought air tickets and 玩樹are about to embark on a 靜件journey to study in 林地Germany. I wish you a smooth stay i生報n Germany!!!

  • Categories:News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2023-04-13
  • Views:0

Let me share the application process of這裡 two undergraduate st又看udents.

Both students Z and W are underg唱用raduates at a language universit要下y in Beijing, majoring in German.

When they were first introduced, the 畫我two students were in their senior yea熱關r, and they had already finis你朋hed the first APS trial光森, but they both failed. 村暗Another important problem fo的劇r the two students is th年外at neither has a German c機麗ertificate. Therefore, we quick日服ly formulated an APS trai放為ning plan, university appl我哥ication and visa delivery plan for th嗎司e students according舞習 to the students' situation. A村美t the same time, we also searche人他d for some relevant universities a山多ccording to the students' un木物dergraduate majors t吃還o facilitate subsequent applicat樂子ion.

The first time we met the 作兵students was at the begi近些nning of November 2022. During the m秒快eeting, we gave the studen少技ts a simple test to understa靜如nd the students' language綠喝 situation, and started the APS i通為nterview training twice a week. Every自筆thing is going on in an orderly 說鐘manner. Each training will司中 test the mastery of the 唱體students' professional吃現 knowledge and German language expr畫地ession. According to the sch離哥ool application plan,著朋 we will communicate with the students雜老 for the second APS interview in年線 early January. According to the epid從喝emic policy of the audit dep票暗artment at that time, we sent an email 理水to the audit department妹小 to communicate and make an app照頻ointment for an interview, 站話and the audit departmen會短t responded quickly. Because of the i我黃mpact of the epidemic, due to關不 the large number of people in會務 the queue in the first week火動 of January, we could only join the 去資standby list. Interviews for th窗那e last two students are 公一scheduled for January 5 and Jan微著uary 12.

The application deadline for t暗作he summer semester is January 1作得5. If the two students pass 光生the APS review, they間志 will have one week to apply for the sc間中hool. If they fail to pass, t低遠hey will lose their admission qual多視ifications for the summer semester近人 and wait for another half a year. T也線he two students also cooperated closely從黃 during the whole APS trai吧金ning period and completed every requi我筆red task. Finally, the two stu醫西dents successfully passed the A微月PS interview and got the APS 人視individual examination certifi報放cate.

Next, there is only one w微能eek before the school applicat下舞ion, because the arrangements have 視來been made in advance, and all the 店間preparations for the school a讀見pplication have been completed. Th機商rough the previous co錢照ntact with the university, the students喝東 have also obtained the理微 German language-free cer物這tificate, and finally at t學山he school application deadline The 看頻school application work of two stude票錢nts has been completed before. A年看t the beginning of February, I receive如師d good news from two universities. Tw服舞o students got two admissions from 畫件the University of Appl大上ied Sciences Munich an樹門d the University of Götting什姐en.

Universities usually start at影媽 the beginning of April in t火通he summer semester. Affected by t下物he epidemic, the embassy usually take我草s about a month to make an a筆票ppointment for signin術那g. After we got the admis關資sion, we started to make an ap門山pointment for the stude微作nts. The two students belonged t鐵村o the B list , which mea章公ns longer wait times. The last tw北木o students made appointment爸間s on March 9th and March 13th r用子espectively. The processing tim多去e for German visas will內熱 take at least 4 weeks, but accor通新ding to the admission 雜得letter registration deadline of the Un白老iversity of Götti下錢ngen is March 31st, this 制吃For the time for students 姐信to submit visas, the au關愛dit department refused to accept the m計視aterials within four weeks, so we co會姐ntacted the universi草機ty to communicate and delay the registr鐘哥ation, and the university agree不作d to postpone the registration tim有爸e of students to April 11. Another pr花暗oblem came again, because the signing 習購time after four weeks is睡在 very close to the re務新gistration time, so the 報畫embassy may require the stud喝藍ent to provide a registration certif跳少icate, but once the stud車子ent is registered, it will be very tro行些ublesome to go to Germany. We co技站uld only quickly write an email to the冷綠 embassy to inquire abo體知ut the status of the中農 visa after the four-week silen冷生ce period. Fortunately, four we村紅eks later, that is, in early A黑著pril, both students r行下eceived the visa smoothly.

It has been 5 and a half months since 飛快today, and the two students have 公筆already bought air t知了ickets and are about to embark o近坐n a journey to study in街就 Germany. I wish you 計街a smooth stay in Germany!!!


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