



China becomes Germany's做畫 largest export market

(Summary description)Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, Sept些房ember 17 (Reporters Chen Weiwei木公 and Wang Yuxiao) Ministry of Co什那mmerce spokesman Gao Feng i開公ntroduced on the 17th that Chi睡睡na and Germany have lo的都ng been the most importan

China becomes Germany's 車可largest export market

(Summary description近火)Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, 雨商September 17 (Reporters Chen Weiwei an聽腦d Wang Yuxiao) Ministry of Co動爸mmerce spokesman Gao Feng introdu區車ced on the 17th that 計開China and Germany hav腦微e long been the most importan


Xinhua News Agency, Beij新呢ing, September 17 (Rep村子orters Chen Weiwei a通務nd Wang Yuxiao) Ministry of Commerce問讀 spokesman Gao Feng introduced on the通得 17th that China and Ge土員rmany have long been the most imp林說ortant trading partners in the從還ir respective regions站開. According to German statistics, sin內我ce 2016, China has beco數照me Germany's largest tra靜費ding partner in the wor跳資ld. In the second qua技是rter of this year, China became Germ街自any's largest export market.



At the regular online press confer票弟ence held by the Ministry of Comme土電rce on the same day, Gao Feng said tha技為t the rapid development of Sino-Ge知讀rman trade is not only due 也風to the good bilateral relations and com家從plementary economic advantages betw劇舊een the two countries暗白, but also to China's開低 continuous expansion of opening up. Th計微e pattern of Sino-German trade dev市他elopment is the result 影中of win-win cooperation betw朋著een enterprises of the 討不two countries in accordance wit你我h market-oriented princ街慢iples and WTO rules, and meets動報 the market needs of 車一both sides.



Gao Feng said that since the outbreak靜姐 of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, Ch廠暗ina and Germany have actively carried o報火ut cooperation in medical mate下鐘rials, strengthened macroeconomic p開物olicy coordination, facilitated the c樂數ross-border flow of people and go妹妹ods, and created favorable conditi地兵ons for the stable develop請對ment of Sino-German trade金熱. On the evening of Sep時拍tember 14, leaders of China, Ge腦分rmany and Europe held a vide校書o meeting, which pointed out the direct輛男ion for the development of Chin金頻a-EU relations in the next sta公西ge. We are willing to work with th西事e German side to earnestly implement醫業 the important consensus reached by th厭還e leaders, promote the upgrading 街美of China-Germany and Ch畫水ina-EU economic and trade時懂 cooperation, release more deve新業lopment opportunities, and i年商nject new impetus into the global econo畫筆mic recovery.


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