



Germany no longer automatically e公山xtends expired Schengen vi資議sas after September 30

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  • Time of issue:2020-10-10
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Germany no longer auto看裡matically extends expired Schengen v白吧isas after September 訊不30

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  • Categories:Hot news
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  • Time of issue:2020-10-10
  • Views:0

From September 30th, Germany will no事亮 longer implement the automatic visa 不短extension policy for those who st務器ay in Germany due to the epidemic!!!



Previously, for applica和讀nts who were temporarily unable to le子時ave Germany due to the imp家湖act of the epidemic afte事姐r the Schengen visa expired, the Bu這訊ndesrat approved the amendm呢用ent to the relevant decree to exten話飛d the legal residence ti化公me limit for foreigne機得rs who hold expired Sc算放hengen visas in Germany until Sept雨兵ember 30, 2020, and No liabi在用lity for illegal stay. 章能The relevant decrees are as f廠信ollows:

However, on September 18, the of愛大ficial website of the 但家German Federal Ministry of國說 the Interior issued 黃厭the latest notice:

1. Applicants who st章房ay in Germany with expired呢學 Schengen visas due to the 刀民new crown epidemic must l機書eave Germany before September 30, that 知小is, the relevant regulations近體 for holders of expired Schengen v靜但isas to legally reside公厭 in Germany will expire on Sept白你ember 30, 2020.

2. In individual case如做s, holders of expired Sch為業engen visas who are u月我nable to leave the cou做歌ntry due to special reasons may seek熱雨 solutions within the scope permit下哥ted by the Residence Law.




At the same time, the Chinese Emb服廠assy in Germany also issued an中從 important reminder on Se間工ptember 22: Germany will not 黃少extend expired Schengen visas in pri有文nciple after September 30.



According to the website of the German 用雪Federal Ministry of the Interi跳草or, after September 30, the German F南坐ederal Ministry of t船光he Interior will no l對店onger implement the automatic visa很小 extension policy for thos好有e stranded in Germany d哥理ue to the epidemic.


On April 9 and June 1請離9, the German Federal Ministry of the I腦高nterior twice announced the extens雜見ion of the validity 些行of Schengen visas for third-co暗技untry personnel stranded in Ge錯為rmany due to the epidemic until Se子器ptember 30. The ministry announced on門議 September 18 that this pol這用icy will end after Septemb和服er 30. Schengen visa holde老也rs who have expired visas and are s低如till unable to leave Germany for speci子林al reasons must contac這白t the local SAFE in tim懂門e to apply for a visa extension火司 on a case-by-case ba林我sis or ask them to issue a dep兒書arture certificate (G下大renzübertrittsbescheinigung)可請.


The embassy in Germany rem弟計inds my citizens who are strand鐘紅ed in Germany due to t通舊he epidemic to check the validity per話快iod of their personal Schengen visas. I拍黃n order to avoid unnecessary trou空兒ble or leave bad records wh服外en leaving the country,路哥 please submit relevant application服畫s to the local SAFE in time.

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