



Latest policy! After the college entran兒高ce examination, you can廠呢 directly apply for a German und南月ergraduate degree.

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  • Time of issue:2020-08-07
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(Summary description)APS German Embassy Cultural Office in C睡兒hina has released the latest "C在是ollege Entrance Examination Pr腦朋ocedures"! Chinese high 務什school graduates who meet th知明e requirements are eligible for direct動資 admission

Latest policy! After t刀說he college entrance exam時亮ination, you can directly app路事ly for a German undergrad答拿uate degree.

(Summary description)APS German Embassy Cultural一土 Office in China has released the 飛朋latest "College Entrance Examination Pr謝舞ocedures"! Chinese high school gradu腦作ates who meet the requirements章日 are eligible for direc知一t admission

  • Categories:Hot news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-08-07
  • Views:0

APS German Embassy Cu吧水ltural Office in China has released t習算he latest "College Ent公離rance Examination

Procedures"! Chinese high 跳跳school graduates who meet the requirem匠能ents are eligible for direct admis事中sion to German universities!也雪


Looking forward to the stars and th西體e moon, Chinese high school graduates北就 finally have the qualifications to st做鐘udy in Germany directly, and長員 no longer need to take t門快he moral examination and interview!現不



Pictured above: Conditions for par多報ticipating in the college entran到光ce examination progr科市am



The picture above shows the requiremen購輛ts for applying for a German uni船人versity undergraduate 也近degree


Chinese high school graduates who mee習動t the requirements can prepa場音re the required materials and m飛票ail them to the audit departme綠能nt, and pay the audit fee of 2,500 yua我匠n.



The picture above shows th近土e list of materials required for th土學e college entrance examinatio不廠n program


It is not difficult to see that Germ南北any's policy of studying abr林又oad in China is becoming mor紙時e and more friendly, 那歌and studying in Germany is an excellen些土t choice for you!

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