



German CDC: Vaccination rates almos身如t stopped rising

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  • Time of issue:2021-09-06
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(Summary description)In the latest report released on冷購 the evening of Septemb高友er 2, the Robert Koch Insti些看tute, Germany’s federal dise來兵ase control agency, pointe鐘著d out that Germany’s curren麗船t full vaccination rat內來e is 61%, an in

German CDC: Vaccination rates 民體almost stopped rising

(Summary description)In the latest report released on拿話 the evening of September 2, the Robert去吧 Koch Institute, Germany’s feder兵習al disease control agen銀知cy, pointed out that行廠 Germany’s current full vaccination 那妹rate is 61%, an in

  • Categories:Hot news
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  • Time of issue:2021-09-06
  • Views:0

In the latest report release開鐵d on the evening of September 2, the木筆 Robert Koch Institu窗到te, Germany’s federa得紙l disease control agency, po山書inted out that Germany’s current fu愛區ll vaccination rate is 61%, an 東歌increase of only 2% from 59% th知白e previous week. From the end of July子草 to the end of August, the 姐報country's full vaccination rate和上 rose by only 10%, a far cry from th麗藍e Robert Koch Institute's expected ta他綠rget.



On June 5, staff in Meerbusch, Germany呢舊, work at a "drive-thru" va拍店ccination site for the new crown. (Im站黑age source: Xinhua News Agency)


Beijing CCTV News reported that, a著對ccording to the Federal Centers她場 for Disease Control and Prev作可ention's expectations in 村女July through modeling 街老methods, the full vaccination rate o喝大f Germans aged 12 to 59 should re低美ach 85% by the end of the summer,還匠 and the full vaccination rate 書呢of people over 60 should reach 雨慢85% by the end of the summer. T我樂he vaccination rate should be 90近還%. Experts at the institute believ子麗e that only in this way can照制 Germany ensure that the publi還爸c health system, esp那黑ecially the intensive care beds, is n中音ot overloaded in the fo志員urth wave of the new crown epid志體emic. In this regard, D坐草rosten, a well-known German v錯錯irologist, said that 會間the country's current vaccination rat木作e is not enough to deal with a new w雨湖ave of new crown epidemics水費 that will appear in the fall煙做.


     In addition, the 好化report also shows tha人熱t the complete vaccinati那雜on rate of Germany's federal sta農輛tes is also quite di快道fferent: Saxony's comp音年lete vaccination rate說煙 is only 52%, the lowest in Germany; wh湖子ile Bremen, the state with the highest如房 vaccination rate, has reached 71%聽站.

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