



The federal government 錯相passes the revised draft of the "Infect南器ious Disease Prevention and放明 Control Act"! Quande "emerg書和ency braking" is no joke! The compan飛和y's testing obligations are on匠計line!

  • Categories:Hot news
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  • Time of issue:2021-04-14
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(Summary description)On April 13, the German fede裡黃ral government passed the dr外科aft Law on the Preventio他兒n and Control of Infectious Disea章鐵ses, which implements uni藍些form and strict rest西答rictions in areas severely affected b輛章y the

The federal government passes the rev我舞ised draft of the "Infectious 吃市Disease Prevention and Control Act"學動! Quande "emergency braking" is no 身船joke! The company's testing obliga車你tions are online!

(Summary description)On April 13, the German fede化報ral government passed the draft 商他Law on the Prevention an呢廠d Control of Infectious Diseases睡區, which implements u門爸niform and strict restrictions這木 in areas severely a什機ffected by the

  • Categories:Hot news
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  • Time of issue:2021-04-14
  • Views:0

On April 13, the German fede會唱ral government passed the draft 河月Law on the Preventio民吃n and Control of Inf制白ectious Diseases, which implements頻喝 uniform and strict restrictions in 我商areas severely affected by t家頻he new crown epidemic.


According to German media reports, the照我 German federal gover化廠nment cabinet meeting has passed the暗習 draft amendment to the "Infectio數的us Disease Prevention Act", which 在得can be implemented after 請資the approval of the Bundestag and the f雨是ederal senators. This draft amend商很ment mainly lays a solid lega訊空l basis for the implemen兒多tation of measures to unify the 都作whole of Germany in response to the t資裡hird wave of the epidemic. Am鐘說ong them, the most important on銀制e is that the "emergency brake" mech司人anism in Germany will no longer自好 be a child's play, and the一愛 states must implement it unifor票術mly.

      &nbs見秒p;         林書        &nb學商sp;     &nb腦弟sp;          著算;          山畫;        報他;       




According to the draft東道, when the seven-day infection ra對兵te in a county or city excee見如ds the 100 warning line for three c大報onsecutive days, the district關線 will impose a curfew policy an電區d store closures from the窗計 fourth day. The curfew會紙 is from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. t來車he next day, and exc時雪eptions are only allowed for老校 dog walkers or people working n日腦ight shifts; private gatherings a呢林re again limited to t在小he "one household + 1" model討日, with a maximum of 5 people, and c吃城hildren under 14 are not區頻 allowed. Included; funerals飛商 are only allowed to mee報雪t up to 15 people; recreational and 他物recreational facilit森他ies are closed; non-esse司算ntial shops are restricted; hotel s放市tays for travel purposes are prohi的上bited;


If the incidence rate exceeds 200 fo南湖r 3 consecutive days, the s靜藍chool should also close face-to-f做公ace courses except for the graduating 紅資class. The "brake" mechanism also a分森pplies to day care centers, 說兒but federal states can 睡長provide emergency care. Cabinet h到相as also decided to increase the number 員愛of paid child sick lea離拿ve days per parent to 30 days 著媽from the current 20 days. When s媽國chools and day care cente關鄉rs are closed, parents can take ad理子vantage of child sick days to ca師們re for their children.


The company's inspection obligation is 去船online!


In addition to amending 綠友the Infection Protectio樂秒n Act, the federal governmen綠藍t's cabinet also passed a deci請土sion on companies' obligati間腦on to provide testing.微靜


According to the supplementary看農 "Coronavirus Occupational Health a紙著nd Safety Regulations", in pri機會nciple, companies must provide 資會testing for employees once a wee遠男k, and only in special cases, testin暗美g can be provided twice a w學喝eek. Companies are obliged 匠用to purchase so-calle老是d self-tests for their employees, which讀分 can also be used without t畫公rained professionals. However, empl東器oyees are free to choose whether to哥長 accept or not.      房化          &nbs裡動p;         &nbs些大p;          南空;          




The federal government says it doesn't 是河impose any complex documentat話亮ion requirements on companies other 道訊than buying tests for empl村道oyees, reducing addition這在al costs for companies. 年文Also, employees workin村金g from home are not required to t媽學ake the tests that are obligated by 訊照their employers.


  Article Source:

  “Regierung beschließt „Bundes-Notb他水remse“,Bild,am 13.04.2021

  “Arbeitgeber müssen Corona-人這Tests anbieten”,FAZ,am 13.04.202人拿1

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