



Germany claims to start free in師金jection of new crown vaccine in月能 December!

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  • Time of issue:2020-12-03
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(Summary description)從吃Vaccination centers act as a bridge to 湖紅transition. They will take over m綠大ass vaccinations until hosp短技itals and clinics in Germ又員any can take over. The黃個se vaccination centers must meet木懂 high hardware require

Germany claims to start free injecti火能on of new crown vaccine in Dec放黑ember!

(Summary description)Vaccination centers act as a bri西身dge to transition. They will take ov理師er mass vaccinations unt話但il hospitals and clinics in Germany 和小can take over. These vac歌農cination centers must meet h新務igh hardware require

  • Categories:Hot news
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  • Time of issue:2020-12-03
  • Views:0

German Health Minister Je銀紅ns Spahn said the count舊機ry could start vaccin中紅ating against the new cro林數wn as soon as next month. He ha但藍s asked German feder錢歌al states to have vaccination center制物s ready by mid-Decemb時了er, and things are going well.



The new crown mRNA vaccine jointly deve為腦loped by German BioNTech and Pfizer h湖鄉as officially submitted拍個 an emergency use aut麗亮horization (EUA) application to化區 the US Food and Drug Administrat大計ion (FDA). The final results of th做子e Phase III trial of吃你 the vaccine showed th作銀at its effectiveness reached 95%. T校還herefore, the Biontech秒腦 Pfizer vaccine is likely to 雨購be used first in Germany少對. Germany has received如拍 more than 300 million doses of the 城店vaccine through the Euro聽睡pean Commission, bilateral contracts什女 and options, which is already more th村厭an necessary and even le唱水aves room for distri和化bution to other count身問ries.


Vaccinations should b雜雨e carried out in vaccination cen金頻ters and mobile vaccination te動科ams entrusted by the state. Peop麗現le with a history of lung or bronchial 來從disease, the elderly, and workers 服爸in particularly critical positions, 她務such as doctors, nurses, police數我, firefighters, teacher朋西s, and educators, should be vacc音志inated first.



Vaccination centers act as a bridge to 費也transition. They will t畫煙ake over mass vaccinations until hospi船著tals and clinics in German路近y can take over. These vaccination數人 centers must meet high hardware req吧鐵uirements, such as Biontech錢紅 vaccines must be stored in temper女海atures of minus 70 degrees.


A vaccination center is 鄉地to be established in each region o離離r urban area in Germany. La錢子rge cities may have multiple vaccin工嗎ation centers. Berlin多地, for example, is planning 謝體six of these so that 20,000 people 藍請can be vaccinated ever放兒y day. In addition to 海就fixed vaccination centers, mobile v照為accination teams will also 商數vaccinate people with red廠很uced mobility at the水紅ir homes or nursing homes.


NRW has 31 administrative司看 districts and 22 in拍校dependent cities, and each of t綠事hese regions will have a vacci訊筆nation center, so that th中遠e number of vaccination cen著樂ters in NRW can reach 53. The NRW He唱藍alth Minister expects vacci還器nations to begin on Decembe相短r 25.



According to the "Central News Agency裡分" report, the Tegel Airpor音服t in Berlin, Germany, w哥計hich was announced to be suspen在下ded and renovated in early Novembe紅校r, will become a new crown v站現accination center from mid-December. 樹暗At Tegel Airport, "we will vaccina刀資te 3,000 to 4,000 people a day," 吃輛said Blom, who heads th金我e Berlin vaccination center技上. The report said th家了at after the completion城大 of the renovation of Ter笑微minal C of Tegel Airport, it will beco玩電me a center for vaccination街鐘 against the new crown, 兵醫and it is expected that thousand自房s of people can be vaccina音間ted every day.



The Steinfurt district s作業aid it plans to convert Term校森inal A of Münster/Osnabrück Airport 家知into an inoculation center. In a為一ddition, mobile vaccinatio離業n teams will give door-to-door vac多就cinations to people who她土 are inconvenient to come. The場技 dome of the ISS Dome 和見in Dousse, which is expected to黃林 be used as an inoculation center. Col少體ogne has not yet selected a specif紙謝ic location, and it is你站 said that depending on the v綠報accine used, the requirements for the a開畫ddress will also change.


German Chancellor Angela Mer技來kel said that the vaccine志看 is like "a light at the e村花nd of the tunnel" for農水 Germany. She also said that 很玩the cold winter may be difficult, but "拿會I believe we will see significant pro短老gress next year", describing t草空he new crown vaccine as "ho輛機pe" symbol of.


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