



In 2021, Germany's "elite un關數iversity" Dresden Universi輛多ty of Technology welcomes the first地大 freshmen of the college entr得為ance examination program

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  • Time of issue:2021-03-17
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(Summary description)On March 15, 2021, the fir雨作st batch of students has successfully 拿樂arrived at the Technical University of喝章 Dresden! This week, the intensi麗懂ve German study and various p著可rocedures will be completed志看.

In 2021, Germany's "elite univer舞樂sity" Dresden Universi站對ty of Technology welcomes the fir海區st freshmen of the college e來器ntrance examination program

(Summary description)On March 15, 2021, the f術開irst batch of students has行唱 successfully arrived a上玩t the Technical University of Dre男外sden! This week, the intensive G購服erman study and various pr們生ocedures will be compl錢機eted.

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  • Time of issue:2021-03-17
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On March 15, 2021, the first船可 batch of students has succ著去essfully arrived at the T綠男echnical University of Dre問北sden! This week, the intensive German舊風 study and various proc從廠edures will be comple窗西ted.






Germany's "elite university" Dresden U去畫niversity of Technology和員's college entrance examination pr章書ogram through the pr商喝ogram

Background of the projec房靜t

With the advent of the era o得妹f Industry 4.0, Germany看麗's excellent industrial te制麗chnology has become more河用 and more popular. Among them, the f店作ields of automobile, m快少achinery, engineering,工醫 and electronics have always e的訊njoyed a high reputation in the年訊 world. Germany's education te鄉煙achers and scientific research st日件rength are also world-class. Therefore,司南 higher education in German靜鐵y has become more attractive. In the 山醫past decade, the number都愛 of Chinese students studying in German們學y has increased significant空說ly. With the close development of Si會東no-German relations, the cooperation be從作tween the two countries in 空煙scientific research, educati個多on, economy and trade is als綠水o deepening.

In order to promote the cooperative 綠妹relationship between China and Ger不員many in the field of educ上愛ation, the Technical Unive鐘訊rsity of Dresden, Germany, launc車暗hed the German "German"藍對 program for outstanding Chinese high畫分 school graduates in response to the ne山呢w regulations of the中醫 APS Audit Department of the 空她German Embassy in China - Gaokao-Ve她見rfahren. "Elite University" co家看llege entrance examination program th弟事rough program (elite class).

School Profile

Technische Universität Dresde暗了n (Technische Universität Dresden) is l鄉暗ocated in Dresden, the c日就apital of Saxony, German裡火y. The city is located on the be靜懂autiful Elbe River. It 知花has a long history and is known as the不放 "Pearl of Culture and Art in Centr火裡al Europe". Dresden is also the in男有dustrial and cultural cen什體ter of eastern Germany, the birthp腦雨lace of the famous car "A術暗udi" and Germany's third largest ban拿放k, Dresden Bank.

Founded in 1828, the Technical Univers紙報ity of Dresden is one笑可 of the oldest techn店房ical universities in Germany 分厭and one of the most famous c哥快omprehensive universities. Togeth討自er with the Technical Uni花道versity of Aachen and the Technical Un中術iversity of Munich, it is list員老ed as the most famous "eli她店te university" in Germany.路到 It is a member and a member of the n紙購ine polytechnic university alliance看身 "TU9", which enjoys h頻我igh prestige in Germany and 大南abroad.




The school has a wide range of t火高eaching fields, covering又要 more than 120 majors in 14 colleges su作靜ch as business administration, 又子engineering, science, medicine, hu輛草manities and sociology為文. The school has more than 36,好對500 students (including nearly 3,800 家就international students通近 from more than 100 countries)音動, nearly 8,700 university staff, and 5中鐵,319 faculty members, including 5匠行07 professors, ensuring the to他高p teaching standards of Dresden Un站國iversity of Technology 這通and research level. I很計ts innovative educational mod個習el and academic strength c美輛overing various economic fields have海自 been widely recognized又房 in Europe and Asia. Students 你地who graduate from the school are vy就長ing for employment by major multin著刀ational companies, banks and govern離場ment departments, becoming th個間e backbone of Germany河看's development.

Professional present書開ation
School of Mechanical Engineering: 放大Mechanical Engineering 少相(Undergraduate, Bachelor and Master), P我空rocess Technology and Natural Product生區 Technology (Undergradua師家te, Bachelor and Master), Materials會鄉 Science (Undergraduate, 動喝Bachelor and Master), Textile and Gar關子ment Technology
School of Electrical 外媽Engineering and Information 媽訊Engineering: Electri亮愛cal Engineering (Bachelo暗劇r and Master), Informat喝男ion Systems Engineering, Mecha長校tronics (Bachelor and Maste校一r), Renewable Energy Systems (Bac低信helor and Master), Nanoele一視ctronic Systems
School of Computer Science: Computer知道 Science (Bachelor, Master), Media 理也Computer Science, Computer Systems話訊 Engineering (Bachelor and鄉日 Master), Computer Logic
School of Civil Engineering:哥長 Civil Engineering (美時Bachelor and Master), Ad飛裡vanced Computing and Civil Engine校家ering Structural Research
School of Mathematics and N音日atural Sciences: Mathematics, Engine問風ering Mathematics, Econ謝有omic Mathematics, Physics, Biology, M開來olecular Bioengineering, Chemistry,對大 Food Chemistry (National Exam), Orga煙歌nic Molecular Electronics, Ps算器ychology, Clinical Psycholo文銀gy and Psychotherapy, Affective Cogn森林itive Neurology , hu內務man behavior in social systems
School of Environmental Sciences: F她術orestry, Geodesy and船森 Geoinformatics, Geogra動現phy, Hydrology, Cartograp機小hy and Geomedia Engineering船離, Water Resources Managemen答化t, Waste Economy and Toxic Wa日笑ste Management, Geode不白sy, Cartography, Geoinformation Techn鐵爸ology, Wood Technology and Wood Econo問銀mics, Water Treatment Biology, Hyd電體rology and Hydraulic Engineering, 對南Spatial Development and Natur弟船al Resource Management
School of Transportation: Transp員信ortation Economics, Transportatio著很n Engineering (Bachelor and Master), 房信Rail System Engineerin國喝g
School of Architecture: Architect術事ure (Bachelor and Maste靜日r), Landscape Architecture來員
School of Medicine: Clinical Medicin大匠e, Dentistry
School of Economics: Economic Informa志個tics (Bachelor and Master), Econom公輛ic Engineering (Bachelor and Master), E個聽conomic Education, Economics
School of Education: 資站Vocational Education場音 and Human Resources, 鐘也Social Education, Soci業話al Work and Social Welfar視睡e, Continuing Educat做就ion Research and Organizational Devel要長opment
Law School: Legal System, 雜報International Intell上也ectual Property Law Research, Econ林站omic Law
Faculty of Philosophy: Chr聽美istian Theology, Cath老會olic Theology, Catholic Theology in就場 Interdisciplinary Contexts, History, 河樹Art History, Media Studies an身女d Media Practice, Musicology, 報要Philosophy, Political Scienc件那e, Sociology (Bachelor, Ma跳關ster), Applied Media Studies, Ancient 北用Greco-Roman Culture, Ancient Music地錢 Studies, Politics and Constitu章事tion
Faculty of Languages明答, Literatures and Cu信什ltures: Linguistics and Cult都歌ural Sciences (English Language喝腦 and Literature, Germanic Langua吃看ge and Literature, Roman Language 如件and Literature, Slavic Language a老作nd Literature, Classical Philology), Eu國學ropean Language and Literature
School of Biotechnol好們ogy: Molecular Bioengineeri見報ng, Nanobiophysics, Regen術人erative Biology and 長友Medicine
Admission requirements
Ø 12 years of primary s那腦chool, junior high school, high scho微會ol study and relevant g如間raduation certificate;
Ø Possess a high scho喝和ol certificate;
Ø High school graduates wh計水o took the college entrance 刀關examination in 2019 and跳妹 later;
Ø The college entrance ex錢山amination score should reach a輛腦t least 70% of the province's t暗銀otal college entrance 下南examination score;
Ø Have a basic level of G他技erman listening, speaking,市土 reading and writing.
  Project Benefits
Ø The cost of studyin他人g abroad is "low"
The cost of studying abro匠資ad in the preparatory program for ord筆土inary high school stu內理dents is high. Compared喝她 with the preparatory program音校 for ordinary high school stud為就ents, the cost of studying ab民報road in this program is水書 low.
Ø The scope of application is煙請 "wide"
The application of the preparat飛答ory program for ordinary high school s兒服tudents is very restricti跳鐘ve, and they cannot freely appl對歌y to universities in 冷少Germany. Through this 飛信project, students can truly appl飛間y freely to universities in Germany.
Ø The risk of going abro銀數ad is "small"
There are many restrict房從ive factors in the p雪城reparatory program for 南冷ordinary high school st生話udents. Students need to pass the prepa術錢ratory examination consisting of multi也什ple courses (German, mat國西hematics, computer, physics, che舊白mistry, economics, etc.) before they樂裡 can apply for German universiti子會es. After passing this program, they那影 only need to pass t用相he German C1 exam to apply for Ge歌看rman universities.
Ø Learning atmosphere is "good"
The quality level of the partici風從pants in the preparatory program for數門 ordinary high school students varies章喝. Students participat從知ing in this program have achie些車ved more than 70% of the離師 total score in the college en你地trance examination, with a 的了strong learning atmosphere and healthy 西習competition. A good lear事海ning atmosphere makes書樹 it easier for studen作信ts to get good grades.
Ø "Strong" future securi友議ty
The guaranteed colleges of t校場he preparatory program for ordi子黑nary high school students are 紙工not German famous colleges and univer請計sities. Students who part窗術icipate in this program can obtain th有討e undergraduate pre-admission of 化爸Dresden University of Technology, one o冷花f the "TU9" and "elite univer信關sities", and guarantee the 兒銀undergraduate study position術問 of the famous school in a內商dvance. After meetin近相g the language requirements, 飛畫students can enter the Dre農大sden University of Technolo國我gy to study, and can also appl道一y to other famous schools in Germany內村.

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