



Refusing to "stand in line銀懂", the United States and 自街Germany say they will d議車eepen trade relations wit作上h China

(Summary description)制光Recently, regarding Huawei 5G西高, Hong Kong-related issues, etc., the U河服nited States has tried every means to 國聽win over other countries to 制厭jointly deal with Chi農區na. Some countries have begun to爸林 be unable to

Refusing to "stand in line", the U知到nited States and Germany照錯 say they will deepen tr件慢ade relations with China

(Summary description)Recently, regarding H遠兒uawei 5G, Hong Kong-related issues,東習 etc., the United States ha業少s tried every means to wi有就n over other countries to jointl山國y deal with China. Som跳內e countries have begun to 日一be unable to


Recently, regarding Huawei 5G, Hong答風 Kong-related issues,草劇 etc., the United States has tri光光ed every means to win o高風ver other countries to快去 jointly deal with China.費討 Some countries have begun to be un窗笑able to withstand the pr音雨essure of the United Sta紅在tes. But U.S. pressure has not b不能een so smooth on Germany's side. A文黃s the country with the 事湖most influence in the EU, Germany's 睡風attitude towards China on many姐畫 issues such as Hong Kong and 我書Huawei's 5G is signi習也ficantly different from that of the靜城 United States.


German Economy Minister: Cooperatio但妹n with China brings more stability 畫對and less conflict


According to a repor風跳t by the Politico website of嗎有 the US political news network on July 問會15, Norbert Ruetgen, chairma男拿n of the Foreign Affairs 土腦Committee of the German Federal P的還arliament, said that da木吃y that sanctions against China will 說慢not be useful, and may onl要唱y further escalate the si多吃tuation.


German Economy Minister Peter A草看ltmaier said in an interview with the 我分Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on th城務e 15th that considering the possible 長線economic consequences, Germa的短ny has refused to implement "去短severe measures" against China. Earlie廠近r, he also said in an interview wi科些th "Russia Today" that German國又y would not interfere with 訊很China on Hong Kong-related i光她ssues.



Altmaier stressed that it is impo離頻rtant to maintain fri場文endly relations with Chin志工a, and that confrontat月農ion brings risks. Since 20你短16, China has replaced the United State子行s as Germany's largest trading partn多書er; in 2019, Germany exporte區南d goods worth 96 billion euros (ab人工out 767 billion yuan) to China內討. "Friendship, cooperation and trade b朋場etween great powers remain imp房讀ortant because they lead to 短做more stability and less con能裡flict," he said.


In an interview with Politico, Al近月tmaier said that Germany is eager得錢 to further deepen economic and tr醫訊ade relations with Ch筆下ina, which is in the in場師terests of both countries.



German Defense Minister Karen B呢小auer also said at an online defe民公nse forum hosted by the European暗樂 Union that when facing學女 China, "the tough attitude關資 is just (to make th費照em) feel good about themse月開lves, and this attit輛購ude usually hinders every動輛 contact. Attenuate every possib火拍le impact."


The 5G issue refuses to "stand in line湖坐" Germany's attitude towards China is 行中significantly differen他知t from that of the United States


It is worth noting that recentl兵話y, the traditional alliance betwee小笑n Germany and the Unit一他ed States is quietly cha商議nging. Germany is the EU's rot從錢ating presidency in the sec街現ond half of this yea她一r. Except for Hong Kong-related is畫媽sues, Germany's attitude towards國雨 China around Huawei 5G and many othe工窗r issues is not the 中黑same as the US's respons做分e.


Britain's announcement that人樂 it will ban Huawei equipm訊我ent when building 5G networks 樂腦has caused an uproar喝技. Soon after, US President Tr員自ump voluntarily admitted at a p話讀ress conference in the Ro雪員se Garden of the White House雨西 that he persuaded countrie少相s such as the UK to block H山睡uawei, and that if they cooperate with看購 Huawei, it will "affect their東開 relationship with the United Stat放林es." Regarding this issue, Ge子著rmany said that it does n員醫ot want to refuse to 拍從cooperate with any f也拿acility supplier or any路熱 country at present.村司


Earlier, Altmaier said in an interview 工制with the media that the笑煙 construction of Germ銀答any's 5G network will not exclude Huaw物上ei. He stressed that a device may not地跳 be excluded unless there is conclu業制sive evidence of a nati做雨onal security threat. Acc吃通ording to German media rep問兒orts, German Chancellor Angela Merk章事el has repeatedly stated that 車算she will not exclude specif電購ic companies from 5G constru東東ction.


In terms of epidemic謝秒 response, Germany expressed diss舊土atisfaction with the passive per電國formance of the US federa吧還l government in fighting t微火he epidemic. A few days ago, German 國多Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a spe數睡ech at the European P林去arliament: "As we have ex在秒perienced first-hand門時, you cannot fight the ep新制idemic with lies and false information,月在 just as you cannot fight th樂會e epidemic with hatred or incitement to線到 hatred." Duan Dialogue wa雜慢s interpreted by many A愛員merican media as "criti從見cizing the United St錯哥ates without naming names".

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