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  • Time of issue:2021-04-20
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(Summary description)唱得In order to assist Chinese a街就nd foreign universitie去聽s in friendly cooperation, academic 自讀exchanges, improving the level of Chin動內ese disciplines, and improv有和ing the pace of internationali明算zation, on April 14


(Summary description)In order to assist Chinese and 長笑foreign universities i東離n friendly cooperation, acad秒冷emic exchanges, improving the舞朋 level of Chinese di開知sciplines, and improving 低物the pace of internatio錢南nalization, on April 14

  • Categories:Hot news
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  • Time of issue:2021-04-20
  • Views:0

In order to assist Chinese a近視nd foreign universit著西ies in friendly cooper唱頻ation, academic exchanges, i森外mproving the level of Chinese disciplin煙街es, and improving the pace of inte的農rnationalization, on城學 April 14, our deputy gene生放ral manager Li Yongxin and project 風兒manager Yang Shuhan went to Daton森姐g University with the房數 school party secretary Gong Yonghua a風風nd vice president. Zhang Ce, Dire了暗ctor of the Internat河鐵ional Office Zhao Qi, and Directo爸遠r of the International Office Z外相hao Li attended the meeting.


Shanxi Datong University is located i金算n Datong, the "famous histo又外rical and cultural city in Chi通我na", with a history of runn能綠ing a school dating back to the 195身裡0s. Approved by the Ministry of Educat知事ion in 2002, it was formed by the mer照體ger of Yanbei Teachers Colleg愛小e, Datong Medical College, Shanxi Ind姐少ustrial Vocational and Technical C小慢ollege and Datong Vocational and動見 Technical College. It was offic新行ially established in亮黃 March 2006. The school is a m議她aster's degree-granting unit autho近玩rized by the Academic Degrees Comm到空ittee of the State Council. It科下 is a major member of the National Ap兵間plied Technology University Allianc熱姐e, the Shanxi Teacher 那拍Education Alliance, the Shanxi Higher風雜 Medical Education Resources Allia公科nce and the "Wudazhang" University Ed新小ucation Alliance. It is the 村南Datong General Science Alliance. 說船The founding member of the New Energy I湖視ndustry Technology Research Institute 也還is the first batch of pilot univers現冷ities in the country for t購得he education and training program of ou動光tstanding doctors, the first b錯章atch of grass-roots legis近水lative contact points of鐘弟 the Standing Committee of the P東花rovincial People's Congress,友會 and the municipal and local legis小近lative research and consultation b國會ase.




At the meeting, the tw樂拿o sides had in-depth discuss坐黑ions on jointly building Datong Unive水器rsity's international education, acti坐去vely developing internationa間快l educational exchanges, Sino-forei火腦gn cooperative education 聽志programs, student exchanges有地, and Sino-foreign mutual visit理我s. Both parties are willi遠章ng to strengthen exchang和花es and cooperation, gradually e美河stablish a friendly partnership, a劇店nd make early preparations for the suc報上cessful application and operation of co習火operative education projec服筆ts/institutions. Among爸坐 them, Gong Yonghua, Secretary of th得章e Party Committee of Datong Unive還腦rsity, attended the meeting duri房器ng his busy schedule and prop開務osed to "implement and impl見玩ement the international cooperatio讀也n between Shanxi Datong University an志長d liberal arts education." Vice 生她President Zhang Ce said, "We must少的 actively implement and微購 implement the internatio銀雨nal cooperation of Da山懂tong University. Education!" Zha大購o Li, Director of the Int用風ernational Office, also expl請事ained "Datong Universit空輛y's past international excha空廠nge and cooperation projects and pro玩場spects for the future" at the meeting.相們 The director of our company made a愛什 series of explanations on Sino-去輛foreign cooperative education pro現木jects in response to t她外he cooperation intention of 著城Datong University, and shar可船ed the successful experie些車nce of the Sino-foreign cooperative edu木購cation projects that our c關姐ompany participated in before, so th票懂at the school leaders o銀笑f Datong University have a地大 good understanding of Sino金火-foreign cooperative edu關線cation. further understanding. And it自他 has been approved and fu作林lly affirmed by the 女姐school leaders.



After the meeting, both parties adhe拿快red to the principle of "金但maintain close cooperation, continuo公金usly expand the depth and breadth of co謝在operation through goo行中d communication and in-depth business d不務ocking, achieve mutu去黑al benefit and win-win男你 results, and jointl國雨y promote international cooperation 爸小projects", and signed 頻新a cooperation intention agreement.

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