
Foundation Courses


Trier Preparatory Dep習低artment

(Summary description)According to the general 機多German requirements for direct a術老dmission of Chinese students: Chine美哥se students must pass the college ent唱事rance examination and be admit分林ted by the university u明音ndergraduates recognized by the 綠裡Ministry of Education of China. They m化筆ust have studied in a non-211 univ聽朋ersity for more than one semester b北和efore they are eligible 你短to apply for a German university什跳 preparatory course. The 微妹high school graduates who partici靜山pate in the Trier Univers生窗ity of Applied Sciences Foundatio遠飛n Program can directly enter the Germ紙信an University Foundation Progr舞視am without the above con是北ditions.

This project is approved by the German這也 Ministry of Educati林著on, and the Trier University of A腦秒pplied Sciences directly recruits Chin錢微ese high school graduates to enter the舞來 university for preparatory study. Stud但信ents can get an undergraduate pre書志-admission notice is笑就sued by the Trier University of Appli船亮ed Sciences. Compared with other 習南German preparatory programs,鐘司 students of this program ta樹能ke the Kaiserslautern State Pr看讀eparatory Examination (F花朋SP).

The grading standards f少空or the preparatory exa吃車m are usually divided int拍資o 4 levels, from high to low (for就飛 reference only): 1 point is excellen電秒t, 2 points are good, 看那3 points are satisfactory, 4 points pas為鐘s, when the completion exam re如場aches 4 points or more , You w大醫ill be able to obtain a certi聽樹ficate of completion. Trier 劇藍University of Applied Sciences has res資我erved a corresponding stu風開dy place for students who graduate草制d from the preparatory prog術計ram, and students who have obta拍來ined the certificate of preparatory cou腦下rse can directly advance to the un紅些iversity to study unde匠報rgraduate.

Trier Preparatory Department

(Summary description)According to the genera火問l German requirement下報s for direct admission of Chinese st微店udents: Chinese students must pass t電通he college entrance exami暗影nation and be admitte玩大d by the university undergrad美內uates recognized by the Ministry of 用話Education of China. They must have stu人哥died in a non-211 universit外科y for more than one sem藍大ester before they are e弟會ligible to apply for 技什a German university preparato國很ry course. The high school gradu如店ates who participate in the 得影Trier University of Applied Sc錯商iences Foundation Program can dire裡通ctly enter the German Univ師離ersity Foundation Program with雨費out the above condition呢暗s.

This project is approved by the 外生German Ministry of Edu音去cation, and the Trier University of App樂美lied Sciences directly recruits Chinese關喝 high school graduates 畫短to enter the university for p門家reparatory study. Students can get a事西n undergraduate pre-admission子劇 notice issued by the Trier Universi木銀ty of Applied Sciences. Compar冷麗ed with other German prep聽河aratory programs, students 關老of this program take 海暗the Kaiserslautern Sta車服te Preparatory Examinat了民ion (FSP).

The grading standards f弟畫or the preparatory exam are usua跳民lly divided into 4 levels, from h靜子igh to low (for referen我喝ce only): 1 point is exce看討llent, 2 points are good, 3 作不points are satisfactory, 4 points 南作pass, when the completion exam reach城我es 4 points or more , You w關技ill be able to obtain a certifica熱請te of completion. Trier U器影niversity of Applied Scie司我nces has reserved a corresponding st車土udy place for students who graduate看員d from the preparatory prog來書ram, and students who have女什 obtained the certificate of prepara明哥tory course can directly得子 advance to the university to s身船tudy undergraduate.




According to the general G知快erman requirements fo機窗r direct admission of Chinese student錯拍s: Chinese students must p但照ass the college entrance e他東xamination and be admitted by the univ就這ersity undergraduates recogniz員計ed by the Ministry of Education of Chi說師na. They must have studied in a n還唱on-211 university for more than 電國one semester before they are eligi美話ble to apply for a German un章工iversity preparatory course. The high 很慢school graduates who participate in the煙街 Trier University of Applied Sciences 樂亮Foundation Program can 鄉門directly enter the Ger說草man University Foundation Program wi微美thout the above conditions.生很


       吃報This project is approved知機 by the German Ministry of Educa生市tion, and the Trier University of Appl舞在ied Sciences directl但妹y recruits Chinese high school 城鐘graduates to enter t很風he university for preparatory 綠請study. Students can get an und路服ergraduate pre-admission notice issue玩行d by the Trier Univer黃知sity of Applied Sciences. Compare時來d with other German preparatory program車空s, students of this prog草笑ram take the Kaiserslautern State Pr他聽eparatory Examinatio算這n (FSP).


       The 水時grading standards for the preparatory e器動xam are usually divided int林技o 4 levels, from high to low 得還(for reference only): 些讀1 point is excellent, 2 points鐘是 are good, 3 points are satisf從快actory, 4 points pass, when the complet區光ion exam reaches 4 points or more ,空機 You will be able to obt也明ain a certificate of com喝麗pletion. Trier University of Ap冷黑plied Sciences has reserve著習d a corresponding study place 現錢for students who graduate友視d from the preparatory p員舊rogram, and students who have和坐 obtained the certificate of preparator秒上y course can directly藍大 advance to the university to s西房tudy undergraduate.

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