



Dresden University of 市木Technology & TUDIAS Fou術看ndation Exam Notice

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  • Time of issue:2019-12-04
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(Summary description)Good news for Dresden University of 房票Technology & TUDIAS Foundati飛能on! ! ! The Dresden University of睡又 Technology & TUDIAS prepa開遠ratory exam time has been determi金機ned, and those who missed計為 the first game can se線鐘ize the time to register~~ 2019線去/20 winter semester admi女體ssion exam time and place: 16:00-麗很18:18, June 18, 2019: 00 Beijing (spe唱火cific location to be con海工firmed) registration consulta錢雜tion: 010-67083023 The following技新 are the specific teacher分愛s and contact information of TU人兵DIAS. Please note: Fra吃熱uXiaxin.Thomas, proj商靜ect leader of TUDIAS China Project A我可rea, beware of count日市erfeiting! Dresden Univ作還ersity of Technology & 靜家Tudias Foundation Introduct人刀ion Project Background After three yea風問rs of consultation and 那慢coordination with Dresden University 聽如of Technology, at the Foreig街志n Conference Room of Dresd妹就en University of Technolog的林y at 11 am on May 9, 票民2016, Dresden FrauMario你資nHelemann, Director of the Foreign能見 Affairs Office of SDU, Frau刀學Dr.MonikaDiecke, Director 新愛of the Foreign Affair務議s Office of Dresden Uni多到versity of Technology,廠草 FrauChristine Warnke, G來好eneral Manager of TUDAS La短腦nguage Preparatory Cen照光ter, FrauXiaxin.Thomas書筆, Director of TUDAS China P喝術rogram, and Mr. Li Dongl女資in, President of Boya International E錢上ducation Held a meeting 有內on "Dresden Universi微跳ty of Technology & TUDIAS-要紙DSD Preparatory China Project" an車南d unanimously reached a resolut草店ion: authorized Boya Inte日劇rnational Education to 體對officially start the above-m校對entioned projects on技男 the same day. In the past ten year城什s, the number of Chinese students stu我妹dying abroad in Germany has inc北拿reased significantly. Wit外離h the close development看錯 of Sino-German relations, the coo年如peration between the two coun對歌tries in scientific research,唱知 education, and economic an間醫d trade is also deepening. In o多大rder to promote the cooperative 自冷relationship between China and Germa化線ny in the field of education, the歌會 Dresden University of Technology &報白 TUDIAS Preparatory Departm坐醫ent has opened a thro愛間ugh train project for DSD high school 機黑students to study in Germany綠都, providing DSD students with a co司爸nvenient way to study at t內裡op German universities. no.子也1 semester Winter semester star就文ts in September each year; no.2 entranc上答e requirements 1. The score of the知家 college entrance examination reac們懂hes more than one local line of the 友車local province; 2. DSD certificate I; 書家3. The average grade of high 劇業school in three years r相能eaches more than 75 points (all su又山bjects) ; No.3 Introduct書算ion to the preparatory裡草 direction The preparatory direction公什 is T-Kurs pre-engineering, M-Kurs pr這空e-medical, W-Kurs economic pre-prep下靜aration, G-Kurs liber很資al arts pre-preparation. Introduction t到鄉o Dresden University日議 of Technology Located in Dresden, th吃商e capital of Saxony,熱請 Germany, the city is located on th為鐵e beautiful Elbe River and has呢話 a long history. It is know了唱n as the "Pearl of Culture and Art in兵數 Central Europe". Dresden is al紙鐵so an industrial and 火日cultural center in eastern Ger影內many, where the famous car "好相Audi" and the third lar信吃gest bank of Germany, D習舊resden Bank, were founded. Foun對市ded in 1828, Dresden University of Tec月高hnology is one of the olde問喝st industrial universities in Germany 火也and one of the most f遠窗amous comprehensive universities. It 呢時is listed as the 11 most famous Germ多舞an universities with Aachen University 拿討of Technology and Munich University of 是民Technology. Members o睡討f the "Elite University" and member新市s of the "TU9" of the Nine數議 Polytechnic University Alliance enjoy 開草high prestige both in Germany好票 and overseas. The school has a w麗區ide range of teaching fiel時街ds, covering 14 colleges 司黃and more than 120 majors in bus書山iness administration, engin冷術eering, science, medi爸和cine, humanities and soci務窗ology. The school has more t學秒han 36,500 students (including near購國ly 3,800 international students fro但動m more than 100 countries), 是雜nearly 8,700 university staff, and 說船5,319 faculty members, of whom 507 pr開白ofessors ensure the top teaching stan風作dards and technical standards o校短f Dresden University of Technology. res答海earch level. Its innovative educati答就on model and academic st相民rength covering various econom現森ic fields have been widely recognized 媽老in Europe and Asia. Students graduati腦熱ng from the school have been recruite學暗d by major multinational c來為ompanies, banks and governme些師nt departments to become the backbo錢錢ne of German development. Professional動北 introduction: Science and Engine房東ering (T-Kurs) Archi坐爸tecture (Bachelor), Civi謝也l Engineering (Bachelor), Chemi通又stry (Undergraduate), Electric不雜al and Electronic Engineeri草睡ng (Bachelor), Geodesy and Geog喝資raphic Information (Undergraduate), 姐他Geography (Undergraduate), hy少紅drology (undergraduate), 你公computer science (und藍師ergraduate or master), infor務湖mation systems engineering (underg道呢raduate), computer systems e就吧ngineering (undergraduate), cartograp和說hy and geomedia enginee低習ring (undergraduate), lan時能dscape architecture (u說有ndergraduate) , Plus biological examin多學ation), mechanical engineering 們看(undergraduate or undergr廠湖aduate), mathematics (under那計graduate), mechatronics (undergrad有很uate), media and computer s匠章cience (undergraduate), physics (und行用ergraduate), renewab暗答le energy systems, process technology a數民nd

Dresden University of Tech筆通nology & TUDIAS Found呢如ation Exam Notice

(Summary description)Good news for Dresden Unive東厭rsity of Technology & TUDIAS 玩腦Foundation! ! ! The Dres舊區den University of Technology & 那船TUDIAS preparatory exam time has b如微een determined, and th爸大ose who missed the first game can se為亮ize the time to registe友購r~~ 2019/20 winter semester admission e科照xam time and place: 16:00-18:1日內8, June 18, 2019: 00 Beijing (sp水風ecific location to be confirm會爸ed) registration con器購sultation: 010-67083023 The fo件事llowing are the specific teachers and 河做contact information 森但of TUDIAS. Please note: FrauXiaxin醫外.Thomas, project leader of TUDI麗體AS China Project Area, beware of些好 counterfeiting! Dresden Un黃金iversity of Technology &紅物 Tudias Foundation Introduction Projec也學t Background After thr習話ee years of consultation 音輛and coordination with 水老Dresden University of Te土生chnology, at the Foreign Conference吃現 Room of Dresden Univer飛外sity of Technology at 11這國 am on May 9, 2016, Dresden Fr東民auMarionHelemann, Direct舊河or of the Foreign Affa月城irs Office of SDU, Fra草老uDr.MonikaDiecke, Director of the Fo村信reign Affairs Office of器坐 Dresden University of Technology,器舞 FrauChristine Warnke, General Ma熱答nager of TUDAS Language Pre科光paratory Center, FrauXiaxin.玩答Thomas, Director of TUDAS China Program好遠, and Mr. Li Donglin, Presid可時ent of Boya Internation中南al Education Held a meeting on "Dres作舞den University of Technology &月司; TUDIAS-DSD Preparatory China Proj吃自ect" and unanimously草身 reached a resolution: au南看thorized Boya International Ed費朋ucation to officially start the電子 above-mentioned projects on the same d火放ay. In the past ten 雪線years, the number of Chinese s區他tudents studying abroad in Germany h做如as increased significantly. Wi到區th the close development of Sino-German志數 relations, the cooperation bet老計ween the two countries in scientifi商他c research, education, and eco火為nomic and trade is also deepe道服ning. In order to promote the cooperat來學ive relationship between Chin都司a and Germany in the field o劇村f education, the Dresd土民en University of Technology & 習草TUDIAS Preparatory Department has opene好樂d a through train proje門購ct for DSD high school愛外 students to study in Germ下她any, providing DSD students wi那內th a convenient way to study at top Ger制慢man universities. no.1 semeste到森r Winter semester starts著知 in September each yea離人r; no.2 entrance requirement那說s 1. The score of the c紙雪ollege entrance examination林車 reaches more than one local line玩師 of the local provin風來ce; 2. DSD certificate I; 3. The aver議劇age grade of high sc答醫hool in three years reaches 厭務more than 75 points (all subjects) ; No小數.3 Introduction to the preparat喝會ory direction The preparatory 遠唱direction is T-Kurs pre-eng話明ineering, M-Kurs pre-medical, W-Kurs ec雪行onomic pre-preparation訊車, G-Kurs liberal arts pre-prep通關aration. Introduction t內員o Dresden University of Technology 術從Located in Dresden, the capi員件tal of Saxony, Germany, t兵術he city is located on校讀 the beautiful Elbe River and has a 哥分long history. It is know議新n as the "Pearl of Culture a見雨nd Art in Central Eur唱兵ope". Dresden is also an indu的海strial and cultural cen錯弟ter in eastern Germany, where分很 the famous car "Audi" a光日nd the third largest bank of German音愛y, Dresden Bank, were fou雜河nded. Founded in 1828, 弟兵Dresden University of Tech她師nology is one of the o聽厭ldest industrial universities i好分n Germany and one of the most famous co黃商mprehensive universities. It is listed 不現as the 11 most famous German universit月著ies with Aachen University of可商 Technology and Munich藍鐘 University of Technology. M呢坐embers of the "Elite Un一了iversity" and members of th船站e "TU9" of the Nine Polytechnic Univers銀裡ity Alliance enjoy high pre這劇stige both in Germany and overseas的照. The school has a wide range of teach我照ing fields, covering費訊 14 colleges and more than 120 majo師愛rs in business administration, en會文gineering, science, medicine, h現話umanities and sociology. T黑分he school has more tha日空n 36,500 students (inclu就關ding nearly 3,800 internat不短ional students from more than 10美鐘0 countries), nearly 8,700 u好河niversity staff, and 5,319校事 faculty members, of whom 507 professor上件s ensure the top teaching standards 如關and technical standards of Dres家物den University of Technology. resear去大ch level. Its innovative education mo志睡del and academic strength covering v裡能arious economic fields have b黃空een widely recognized in 會動Europe and Asia. Students 業對graduating from the school have been re微場cruited by major multinational我子 companies, banks and gove什是rnment departments to 她坐become the backbone of German develo劇草pment. Professional introducti木媽on: Science and Engineering (T-Kurs) A購男rchitecture (Bachelor), Civil Engi藍行neering (Bachelor), Chemi的那stry (Undergraduate), Electrical a間火nd Electronic Engineering (Bachelor)妹為, Geodesy and Geographic Information (開熱Undergraduate), Geography體行 (Undergraduate), hydrology (undergra門見duate), computer science (undergraduate技玩 or master), information syst空站ems engineering (undergraduate),國校 computer systems engineer少生ing (undergraduate), carto為件graphy and geomedia engineering (un文生dergraduate), landscape archit來黃ecture (undergraduate) , Plus bio數工logical examination), mechanical e大坐ngineering (undergraduate or u問相ndergraduate), mathematics 知問(undergraduate), mechatronics (under很村graduate), media and computer science 風玩(undergraduate), physics (un雨錯dergraduate), renewable energ拿業y systems, process technology and

  • Categories:Hot news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2019-12-04
  • Views:0

Good news for Dresden Univ是男ersity of Technology & TUDIAS 話長Foundation! ! ! The Dr明爸esden University of Technology & T樹銀UDIAS preparatory exam time ha慢喝s been determined, and those who miss女又ed the first game can 明歌seize the time to regis對舊ter~~ 2019/20 winter semester admissi睡靜on exam time and place: 16:00-18:18喝學, June 18, 2019: 00 Beijing (sp計數ecific location to be confirmed) regi如理stration consultation: 010-6遠麗7083023 The following are t爸日he specific teachers and conta輛風ct information of TUDIAS. Please no著多te: FrauXiaxin.Thoma就了s, project leader of TUDIAS China為人 Project Area, beware o學秒f counterfeiting! Dresden University 東身of Technology & Tudias F算光oundation Introduction Project Backg什金round After three years of consulta技議tion and coordination w農師ith Dresden University of Tech喝秒nology, at the Foreign Conf姐通erence Room of Dresden University of雜玩 Technology at 11 am on May 9, 2016,歌用 Dresden FrauMarionHelemann, Di弟請rector of the Foreign Affairs Office o見務f SDU, FrauDr.MonikaD亮西iecke, Director of the 船技Foreign Affairs Office of Dresde計新n University of Technol吧什ogy, FrauChristine Warnke, General多信 Manager of TUDAS Langua訊秒ge Preparatory Center, FrauXiaxin.Tho服們mas, Director of TUDAS C子公hina Program, and Mr. 可門Li Donglin, President of Boya In舞木ternational Education He電作ld a meeting on "Dresden University o影到f Technology & TUD視飛IAS-DSD Preparatory China Project" a河兵nd unanimously reache技雨d a resolution: authorized Boya Inter友草national Education to officially start時化 the above-mentioned projects on the s子弟ame day. In the past ten years, th房綠e number of Chinese students 在司studying abroad in Germ暗票any has increased significantly. 船影With the close development 分化of Sino-German relations,雜分 the cooperation between the two c長照ountries in scientific researc一樹h, education, and economic and tr現明ade is also deepening. In order化的 to promote the cooperative relatio算讀nship between China an信體d Germany in the field of e計外ducation, the Dresden Univers家喝ity of Technology & TUDIAS熱海 Preparatory Department has opened a th妹她rough train project for 匠通DSD high school students to study in G鄉草ermany, providing DSD students with 學計a convenient way to stud購店y at top German universities. no.1 s藍通emester Winter semester starts 到科in September each year; n西就o.2 entrance requirements 1.窗山 The score of the college entr相上ance examination reaches m資紅ore than one local line of the 黃機local province; 2. DSD c司著ertificate I; 3. The average gr地又ade of high school in three years rea數坐ches more than 75 points (all su業錯bjects) ; No.3 Introduction 計在to the preparatory direction 不們The preparatory direct話討ion is T-Kurs pre-engineering, M-對黑Kurs pre-medical, W-Kurs economic pre生坐-preparation, G-Kurs liberal ar男也ts pre-preparation. Introduction to Dre開章sden University of Tech可聽nology Located in Dresde不自n, the capital of Saxony, Germ上到any, the city is located on the 服個beautiful Elbe River and has 音門a long history. It is know懂照n as the "Pearl of Cultu拍暗re and Art in Central Europ美呢e". Dresden is also an ind花民ustrial and cultural 司讀center in eastern Germany, where the 街們famous car "Audi" and the third larg務站est bank of Germany, Dresden Bank, 務愛were founded. Founded in 1828,看司 Dresden University of Techn紙中ology is one of the oldest industrial 如我universities in Germany and o為舊ne of the most famous海信 comprehensive univer個月sities. It is listed as the 11 most 大我famous German universities wit去站h Aachen University o關也f Technology and Munich U舊得niversity of Technology. Mem秒科bers of the "Elite Un會多iversity" and members of the "TU9白腦" of the Nine Polytechnic Un什司iversity Alliance enjoy h空這igh prestige both in Ger公但many and overseas. The sch關女ool has a wide range of teaching fields暗數, covering 14 colleges and more tha坐小n 120 majors in business事通 administration, engineering, science家光, medicine, humanities and 制好sociology. The schoo子這l has more than 36,500 stu山風dents (including nearly 3,800 in事美ternational students from more than 10舞分0 countries), nearly讀爸 8,700 university staff,窗電 and 5,319 faculty members, 年們of whom 507 professors en算火sure the top teaching standards 器劇and technical standards 輛會of Dresden University of Techn刀裡ology. research level. Its笑國 innovative education model and acad愛什emic strength covering various ec上靜onomic fields have been widely recog放光nized in Europe and Asia. S西民tudents graduating from t靜海he school have been recruited by majo船裡r multinational companie很話s, banks and government dep花不artments to become the 山高backbone of German development. Prof少術essional introduction: S畫姐cience and Engineering (森窗T-Kurs) Architecture (Bachelo工站r), Civil Engineering (Bachelor), Che南那mistry (Undergraduate), Electrical and務相 Electronic Engineerin錯錯g (Bachelor), Geodesy and Geographic I姐筆nformation (Undergraduate), Geography (在年Undergraduate), hydro腦聽logy (undergraduate), comput呢爸er science (undergraduate or master)筆器, information systems engine訊門ering (undergraduate), computer syste照我ms engineering (undergraduate), cart如要ography and geomedia engineeri視舞ng (undergraduate), land錢呢scape architecture (undergraduate) 著腦, Plus biological examination), mecha地黑nical engineering (undergra物劇duate or undergraduate)信錯, mathematics (undergraduate), m雜她echatronics (undergra中們duate), media and com明站puter science (undergraduate), ph微懂ysics (undergraduate), renewable 銀我energy systems, process technology a拿很nd natural Product Techn讀知ology (Undergraduate or Master), Tra姐區nsportation Engineering (Under不月graduate), Materials Science (Unde著窗rgraduate or Undergraduate) Biomedica件得l Sciences (M-Kurs) Biolog新說y (Undergraduate), Chemistry (Underg去司raduate), Forestry (Undergraduate)厭窗, Earth Surveying and Geogra在哥phic Informatics (Undergraduate)鄉國, Geography (Undergraduate), 路河Hydrology (Undergraduate), Cartography筆數 and Geomedia Engineering (Undergradu短錢ate), Landscape Architecture (Undergr裡站aduate), Food Chemistry (Nat視拍ional Examination), Cl歌藍inical Medicine (National Examination),是車 molecular bioengineering (undergradua北雜te), psychology (undergradua拿機te), dentistry (nation如裡al examination) economics (W-Kur地還s) international relations習明 (undergraduate), media暗會 research and media practice (u年術ndergraduate), sociology (undergradua不都te or undergraduate) Mas跳風ter), Transportation Economic文跳s (undergraduate), Econ匠店omic Informatics (undergraduate), Ec林裡onomic Engineering (undergraduate男內), Economics (undergraduate), Ec喝器onomics and Education (G-Kurs) Christ文火ian Theology (undergraduat友議e), History (undergraduate) , Catholic廠哥 theology (undergraduate), art history熱地 (undergraduate), media research制自 and media practice (und學鄉ergraduate), musicology (undergraduat近要e), philosophy (undergrad錢下uate), political science (undergradua明見te), social education, social work in 嗎木an interdisciplinary con答湖text And social welfare (undergraduate中話), language, literature窗新 and cultural science preparatory慢討 advantages ● Top prestigious體我 schools guarantee: members of Germany'現秒s "three major universities of 區睡science and technology", 還雨members of the most famou裡房s eleven "elite universities"區快 and the alliance of nine uni自去versities of science and 技明technology "TU9" Member會坐s enjoy high prestige both雜舞 in Germany and over現友seas. ●Quick admission route: to all個一eviate parents' concerns about admissio錯鐵n to German universitie生用s. Through the project 廠厭application to ensure the smooth科年 admission process and visa processin計明g. ●Guarantee of quotas: the qu線門ota for the students of the project i鄉可s exclusive, and the undergraduate放們 study position of Dresden Uni我術versity of Technology舞媽 is reserved for all students. ●Diversi頻歌fied preparatory courses: The sch男明ool offers science and eng他近ineering (T-Kurs), biomedi影很cal science (M-Kurs), econo媽雜mics (W-Kurs), and liberal art錢森s (G-Kurs). Provide diversified ch女做oices for DSD students. ●German筆離y-wide application: After succ舞雨essfully completing the preparatory近銀 exam, students can apply for under員花graduate majors within the Uni-G就信erman range of Uni and FH. ●Inten校笑sive training for summer language and p文大reparatory courses: After the college裡遠 entrance examination, the school wil上土l arrange a 45-day intensive兵放 training. We will help you to improve是個 your German ability to a new 如能level, and professional 訊問course teachers are responsi綠匠ble for tutoring the relevant 慢子preparatory courses 和大for students The course lays a good fo弟務undation for studying in和小 Germany. ● Unified m化森anagement: Dresden University靜懂 of Technology is responsible for th樹技e unified management of st多喝udents’ study and life. The parents of站西 the students are relieved from wo年制rrying about the safety and accommodat樂畫ion of the students who 事志are new to Germany. S低金o that they can adapt to th慢員e rhythm of learning and life i河空n Germany as soon as possible.

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