



New Deal | APS Audit Department has城見 issued an exemption policy

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  • Time of issue:2021-11-18
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(Summary description)The APS Audit Department 房影has issued an exemption policy again.水腦 In order to reduce the adve近國rse impact of the epidemic, from n計風ow until March 2022, so看老me students studying in German兒道y can be exempted from

New Deal | APS Audit Depar北低tment has issued an exemption policy

(Summary description)The APS Audit Departmen海計t has issued an exemption policy again.行船 In order to reduce the adverse 多筆impact of the epidemic, from now until 下厭March 2022, some students st船國udying in Germany can be exempt作小ed from

  • Categories:Hot news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-11-18
  • Views:0

The APS Audit Department has issued a車動n exemption policy again大雨. In order to reduce the 匠不adverse impact of the epidemic, fro亮還m now until March 2022,生姐 some students studying in Germa司家ny can be exempted from the A離通PS interview and audit process.司購


     Key 路土points, which students ap雨聽ply:

If you are still an undergraduate s但廠tudent and have not 友報participated in the inte水就rview audit, then you 空現can waive the APS interview. And西老 pay attention to the time文放 to submit the audit mate坐友rials, you need to submit the a農說udit materials during the period在視 from October 1, 2021 to March 31,路子 2022


     Applicants兵白 who pass the audit exami熱開nation will receive the audit 術錢certificate:

This certificate is valid for a short 信唱period of time and ca一匠n only be applied for undergradu舞子ate admission in the summer s兒通emester of 2022 and the winte笑票r semester of 22/23

Those who hold this audit ce中開rtificate cannot apply for a s公空upplementary audit certificate.


     If the applica間我nt applies for a German un到劇iversity in the subsequen船裡t semester with this certificate, he or舊聽 she needs to re-take the A妹車PS audit interview or the moral e遠算xamination due to ch的中anges in educational sta呢哥tus. The re-examination fee is $1,00個習0.


     Eligible students時樹, hurry up!

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