



QS survey: 96% of Chinese stud動著ents still choose to study ab務弟road during the epidemic, and Ge們電rmany is undoubtedly the first choic舞開e!

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  • Time of issue:2020-10-10
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(Summary description)Recently, the global hig錢錢her education analysis agency 外行QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) r東秒eleased a survey report on the 門舞impact of the new crown epidemic on st器很udents and schools in 2020. The 冷外"White Paper for I

QS survey: 96% of Chinese students 又看still choose to study abroad during t生小he epidemic, and Germa腦著ny is undoubtedly the物醫 first choice!

(Summary description)Recently, the global higher educ著湖ation analysis agency QS (Quacq能銀uarelli Symonds) rel他近eased a survey report 窗理on the impact of the new crown epidemi志厭c on students and sch鄉些ools in 2020. The "White Pap著你er for I

  • Categories:Hot news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-10-10
  • Views:0

Recently, the global h金分igher education analys冷東is agency QS (Quacquarelli Symond章影s) released a survey rep朋農ort on the impact of the new c車風rown epidemic on students長水 and schools in 2020. The "White Paper 動志for International Students under 下煙the Impact of the Epidemi我雜c" once again confirmed the menta木多lity and decision-making of over都有seas families.



The scope of the QS gl吃裡obal survey is mainly ai嗎影med at international stude都子nts from China, the European Union, I體會ndia and North Americ化習a. As of early May, 腦計more than 30,000 respond熱錢ents had participated in the surv飛術ey. When asked whether they would c北理hoose to continue studyin離來g abroad under the epidemic黃議, 96% of Chinese students still choos銀議e to study abroad!



The scope of the QS global survey is m少生ainly aimed at interna區場tional students from China,藍歌 the European Union, India and N了時orth America. When asked whe麗如ther their study abroad plans南銀 were affected by the ep器麗idemic, about 50% of them answ資外ered in the affirmative. Chi們老nese students said they were mo現老st affected, accounti跳湖ng for 66%. There are very 睡中few people who comple秒商tely cancel their study abr森什oad programs.



Regarding the specific i船一mpact, about 50% of the students i商就ndicated that they w門水ould postpone their study abroad pl什事ans or change their st湖但udy countries, and the numb費少er of people who decide民跳d to cancel their study abroad p知舞lans accounted for less tha器北n 10% of the total number of stude讀制nts. Only 4% of Chinese關書 students decided to give謝了 up studying abroad. This sho都兒ws that the impact of the epidemic is t月關emporary, and it has not sh看場aken the idea of ​​studying abroa廠高d for most students.


The impact of Covid-19 on Chine暗了se students


As the largest exporting countr地到y of international students廠匠, Chinese students have a技跳lways attracted the attention o快作f universities around the world. QS 嗎司also summarized the following aspects兵林 for the impact of Chine區妹se students under the epi請跳demic:


1. Chinese students sti舞分ll take a wait-and-see attitu笑新de towards online cours離樂es


Due to the recent policy fluc弟討tuations on online courses, most Chi遠又nese students express書見ed some interest in on文信line courses, while 37科頻% expressed no interest.



2. Health security is the 女快most concerned aspect of students內腦



Germany is the country with the most師請 ECMO in the world, and its research我唱 and development of various medi數內cal devices, pharmaceutical level吃可, doctor's subjective misdia要師gnosis rate, ICU/ECMO/ventilator penet資視ration rate, etc. all exceed European 長見countries. Therefore, the safety and還兒 health of studying in Germa日問ny can be effectively gua不對ranteed.

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