



The amount of self-insurance i購女n Germany has been raised!

  • Categories:Hot news
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  • Time of issue:2020-10-14
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(Summary description)A few days ago, the embassy and consul影短ates of the Federal Republi開女c of Germany in China issued the Octobe多月r version of the student visa i要對nstructions. According to t制視he visa requirements o嗎上f the embassy, p

The amount of self-insurance in放開 Germany has been raised!

(Summary description)A few days ago, the embassy服視 and consulates of the F鐘近ederal Republic of Germany in Ch男西ina issued the Octobe紅吧r version of the student vis日做a instructions. Accor農線ding to the visa requireme綠服nts of the embassy, p

  • Categories:Hot news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-10-14
  • Views:0

A few days ago, the emba鐘女ssy and consulates of行腦 the Federal Republic of Germany in 妹木China issued the October大費 version of the student v少路isa instructions. According to the vis雨暗a requirements of the embassy, pr銀快oof of the monthly funds o工生f 861 euros (total 10,相木332 euros) required f票腦or the first year of residence must 知但be provided.


The monthly required amount of self-ins暗水urance has been raised from 853 euro科開s to 861 euros, an increase of 8 風司yuan.



The German government's sligh近姐t increase in the mar服光gin amount this time may火道 be due to the considerat雜北ion of epidemic safety. Due to the expe報工nditure of disinfecta子區nts, masks and other anti-epidemic su答女pplies, the cost of living has also i老車ncreased accordingly. The monthly i雪照ncrease can be guaranteed on 村秒the basis of the original liv呢近ing consumption. International studen中熱ts and other visa entry personnel c熱自an have sufficient epidem會有ic prevention materials.

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