



The embassy in Germany relea房能ses the latest requirements f習行or new crown testing befor器開e boarding for passengers going 地動to China

(Summary description)Given the current pre業影valence of more contag電農ious mutant strains such as Omicr腦畫on, the risk of infection during i嗎好nternational travel has risen sharply.頻農 In order to further車短 improve the prevention道醫 and cont

The embassy in Germany relea好關ses the latest requirements 秒公for new crown testing before bo煙我arding for passengers喝水 going to China

(Summary description)Given the current prevalen得關ce of more contagious 船要mutant strains such as Omi鐘訊cron, the risk of infection du兒不ring international tra物信vel has risen sharply習河. In order to further impr關會ove the prevention and火玩 cont


Given the current prevalence o鐵音f more contagious mutant strains such a人金s Omicron, the risk 商樂of infection during inte裡林rnational travel has risen sharpl視白y. In order to further 對坐improve the prevention and control of t科人he epidemic, the pre-bo笑拿arding test requirement愛做s for vaccinated passengers departing 美他from/via Germany on direct flights t黃樹o China will be adjusted 黃得from March 28, 2022 (inclusive). The tr物水ansition period is before 0:00 on很她 April 4, and the original pra農火ctice is still used. Passeng微高ers taking flights to China數子 that take off after 0:00 on Apri也作l 4 must perform testing obl是雨igations in accordance with the 放人new regulations. Specific requir友店ements are as follows:




1. Who are the vaccinated pe姐雨rsonnel?



(1) The vaccine to be vac道有cinated is a product approved for河分 emergency use or marketed by China黑相, the World Health Organizatio校鐵n or the European Union林睡. Common new crown vaccines are Sino視哥pharm (2 doses required), 熱村Kexing (2 doses requi科票red), CanSino (1 dose re長放quired), Anhui Zhifei (3懂也 doses required), Pfizer (用熱2 doses required), D懂銀ana (2 doses required), As火市traZeneca (2 doses required, the sec長家ond dose can be mixed with m冷件RNA vaccine), Johnson & Johnson (2 務說doses required), etc.

(2) According to the provisions討她 of (1), the period from the date of 笑國completion of all vaccin外匠ation procedures to the day 見爸of departure to China shall not低這 be less than 14 days (f月低or example, for a vacci會相ne that requires two injection匠錢s, and the second injection is是舞 completed on March 1, the Fligh制公ts to China will be avail兒拿able as early as March 15)聽讀. Those who are less than 14 days old w下習ill not be issued a "hea科都lth code" even if the double-chec聽火k results are qualified (there is no秒風 time limit for the booster事冷 vaccination).

(3) Persons who have 看火not been fully vaccin靜低ated with 2 doses or 3 dose讀門s of vaccine, or who have comple務得ted 2 doses of inactiv短那ated vaccine on the same樂現 day are regarded as unv電姐accinated persons, and all testing reg雜事ulations shall be implemented with r什和eference to unvaccinated persons 多頻.



 2. What tests sh喝低ould the vaccinated personnel do習相?



Starting from March 28, 2022, vacc吧可inated persons should undergo a nuc一動leic acid test at two diff外線erent testing instituti議花ons within 48 hours before th信媽e flight to China, and the現微 second nucleic acid t話自est will be conducted日林 before the scheduled departure t作雨ime of the flight to China. With開師in 24 hours, an anti又鐘gen test (a total of 2 nu些員cleic acid and 1 antigen, hereinaf長舞ter referred to as "double nucleic ac是輛id + antigen") must be c這林arried out within 12 hours be間理fore the scheduled departu通坐re time of the flight to China.

If the flight is delayed, passengers ca醫時n calculate the relevant detecti冷這on time limit accordi音還ng to the original scheduled depar近讀ture time.

Example of detection機笑 time calculation method:

        老厭     我市         東視     線術      


       時章;      刀答     Departure time o秒計f the flight to China Time of the first影醫 nucleic acid test Time of the s錯少econd nucleic acid test Antigen test 妹哥time


          &n機動bsp;        April 喝公5th 14:30 April 3rd after 14:30 April 公物4th after 14:30 April低個 5th after 2:30


      &nbs腦遠p;           哥聽 April 9th ​​20:10 Apri吃大l 7th after 20:10 April大友 8th after 20:10 April 9th ​​after媽呢 8:10


        東車       街民    April 11t師銀h 17:45 April 9th ​​工通after 17:45 April 10th after 17:雨數45 April 11th after 5:45


        &nbs但分p;         &做校nbsp;April 18 at 22:05 場工After April 16 at 22:05 After Apr作就il 17 at 22:05 After時體 April 18 at 10:05




Note: The above is an exa中靜mple of calculating the nucleic acid te城綠st and antigen test time, not the聽姐 actual flight time of the flight土在, please refer to the scheduled相慢 departure time of the flight you are 裡近taking.

Passengers who have been vac件哥cinated from a third country的對 via Frankfurt Airport河站 and take direct flights to Chin腦木a can undergo a "doub近日le nucleic acid + antigen" test 訊北at the Frankfurt Airport Hospital (Flu電長ghafenklinik in German, Me答木dical Center in English) 明藍at the airport transfer area請秒 testing point. Among them, 湖醫for nucleic acid testing, the agen中為cy uses different reagents to了光 conduct nucleic acid 高費testing on two samples, which c近學an replace the "double 下器nucleic acid" conducted了生 in two different testing institutions.近工 Please consult the testing agency 月海or airline company for th要生e time required for issu化他ing the test report. If the tes小國t result is not received be書空fore boarding, you can議離 contact the testing age哥站ncy or airline company di和微rectly. The website for te要鐵sting appointments is a微讀s follows:

Reservation website for Lufth在事ansa connecting passengers: www.frapor場明

Reservation website for tran山刀sfer passengers of ot木鐘her airlines:工的sfelder/betrieb/medical-center/coron子女a-testmoeglichkeiten.html

Passengers who need to undergo "Do懂畫uble Nucleic Acid + Antigen" t是南est in the transit area can enter the w做雜ebpage and select "An拍年gebote im Transitbereich" (T湖計ransit Area Test) wh請匠en booking "Double Nucleic Acid"窗業 test (Real-time-PCR Doppeltest) .

If vaccinated transit passengers in G爸海ermany meet the entry requirements放窗, they can still choose to 人數undergo "dual nucleic ac商書id + antigen" testing at two diffe下金rent testing institutions i來子n the same consular area錢算 after entry.



  3. What tests should be d紅湖one for unvaccinated persons?



Persons who have not been v美街accinated should undergo a nucleic aci兵花d test and a serum antibody IgM tes舊見t (hereinafter refer舊間red to as "double test") in the sa相站me consular area with吧你in 48 hours before the flig知這ht to China.




  4. What are th事化e specific requirement員鄉s for relevant testing?



The embassies and consulates in Germa東機ny do not designate testing institut問船ions. People going to China can兵視 conduct testing at regu高靜lar testing sites in 錢筆Germany, private doctors, hosp河文itals and clinics, etc., bu如友t the testing methods and submitted動唱 testing reports should meet刀時 the following requir嗎裡ements:



  (1) Nucleic acid detecti術線on

1. The nucleic acid det線頻ection method should be RT-PC員外R, and the sampling method sh錯店ould be nasopharyngeal swab (Nasopharyn窗喝gealabstrich or Nasen-Rachenabs事廠trich in German, Nasopha輛著ryngeal in English). O作喝ropharyngeal swabs (Rachena事麗bstrich), saliva (Gurgeltest, 錢工Speicheltest) and other sam還窗pling methods are not accepte遠還d.

2. The uploaded nucleic acid te志廠st report should include the name of t子呢he tested person, date of b鐘亮irth, certificate number, RT-PCR test 頻樹method, sampling method, sampling date,現電 test result, name of doctor or test煙美ing institution, contact相靜 information, signature or seal, etc東低. .



(2) Antigen detection煙城

1. Antigen testing should be 對吧carried out under the operat風答ion of professionals, an看中d self-made antigen testing will開化 not be accepted.

2. The antigen test report s議學hould include the name of the亮妹 tested person, date of birth, certifi關不cate number, the test method is Antig路明entest, the sampling method is nas謝雜opharyngeal swab, sampling date, test r事吧esult, name of doctor or t低看esting institution, contact 來是information, signature or seal熱草 Wait. The test report can be i慢那n paper version or electronic v離船ersion, and the reprinted report will n人喝ot be accepted.

3. There is no need to u吃路pload the antigen test r學慢esults when applying for the health cod頻村e. The paper certific紅學ate of the antigen test results 家金will be checked by the air短笑line when boarding t妹放he plane.

4. Those who test posi麗是tive for antigen should 你土not board the plane, and should undergo裡好 14-day isolation and health monito術新ring. During the monito知國ring period, a nucleic acid test女低 will be carried out on the 1st,答劇 4th and 7th days respectiv物熱ely. Those with negative results can 放車apply for a health code b遠風y taking a pre-boarding tes現北t according to their vacc歌白ination status. (Please refer to the 吃長first, second and third points of你書 this article)


(3) Serum antibody IgM detection

For serum antibody IgM detect門藍ion, venous blood should be dra校和wn, and the detection m到答ethod should be chemilumi高樹nescence or enzyme-linked immunosorben視金t assay (ELISA). Kolloidal化腦es Gold is no longer accepted. IgM, ve森銀nous blood and detection電微 method must be clearly marked on t國們he report.






5. What are the specific 了熱requirements for pre-exam書黃ination of recovery and pre-boarding 長現testing for previously inf照做ected persons?



Previously infected persons ref熱時er to those who have been diagnosed東什 with new coronary pneumonia or畫為 who have not been diagnosed but 數歌have any test results of nuc下是leic acid, serum antibody IgM and IgG a你愛ntibody positive (except for the po著是sitive serum antibody IgM and IgG due 事爸to the new crown vac樂低cine). To apply for a "服也health code", the following procedure土音s must be followed:



  (1) Submit to the embass機請y or consulate for pre-review



The pulmonary imaging d舊作iagnosis certificate (X-ray or CT, pre農讀gnant women and those who are not sui師藍table for the above 西老examinations, please contact the金這 embassy and consulate in G喝玩ermany in advance) and two nu師大cleic acid tests must 哥這be submitted to the embassy and c劇鐵onsulate in Germany in the consular are身工a. Negative test certificate (s又水ampling time interval of at l工花east 24 hours), of which the time limit雨醫 for two nucleic aci司錢d tests should be within 3 day店知s before the submission of the相聽 pre-trial application. Th相車e time of pulmonary ima訊時ging diagnosis should be as close as po志都ssible to one of the nucleic acid tests文兒. After completing the above di錯爸agnostics and tests, the

· Pulmonary imaging diagnosi議玩s certificate

·  Two times of negative nucleic acid書山 results

· Passport Home

  Valid German visa or reside知呢nce certificate or household re船作gistration document

According to the consular di做可strict, send it to the 對人embassy and consulate in Germany for p不拿re-examination (please write "*** 弟資Confirm recovery pre-examination" in她內 the subject of the email), 票很and the result of the pre-ex村玩amination will be not熱暗ified by email (the relevant contact體子 information of the embassy and c算那onsulate in Germany is attach村唱ed) .


   (2) Isolation and 她飛health monitoring

Self-isolation and h些她ealth status monitoring for 14 d醫能ays from the date of passin服對g the pre-examination, and fill in the 金中"Self-Health Status Monitoring Form"木遠 (see Annex 1).


   (3) Inspection bef科時ore boarding

Those who do not have abnor我姐mal conditions durin微廠g the isolation perio花刀d can be tested according to their act雨開ual vaccination status as those wh日很o have been vaccinated or who have not 錢通been vaccinated (see requireme票那nts 1, 2, 3, and 4 in t黃匠his article). At the same tim舊熱e, please upload the email screenshot玩紙 of the pre-examination results of the 計女embassy and consulate in Ger劇唱many and the Self-Health Status M就弟onitoring Form as application 跳月materials.



  6. How to apply for a遠員 health code



   (1) Chinese c員村itizens

Chinese citizens, please綠爸 apply for the green health co劇嗎de online through the We朋懂Chat Mini Program "International Versio熱行n of the Epidemic Preventi工個on Health Code" (scan the 高人QR code below).

Passengers originating 人問from Germany should upload:

① Two negative nucleic知綠 acid test reports that me拿什et the requirements (w姐樂ithin 48 hours and 24 hours be森區fore the flight to China);

②Inoculation certificate (paper c遠舞ertificate and European vaccine electro章舊nic certificate);

③ German residence car業舞d or visa or household registration司離 declaration;

④Air ticket itinerary

⑤Vaccination Statement

⑥Other materials

  Previously infected persons must 就廠upload a screenshot of the pre-examina地那tion email from the e現紅mbassy and consulate 河他in Germany and the "Self Health Stat舊大us Monitoring Form";

· For personnel of Chinese-姐話funded enterprises in G子雜ermany, an additional "Commitment t學民o the Isolation and Management of Perso費還nnel of Chinese-fund村高ed Enterprises in Germany" is required;海木

· The crew must upload the "Crew Is光你olation Management Commitment工藍"

Note: If the nucleic acid for the f是理irst time and the nucleic 分司acid for the second time are not的不 in the same consular a窗區rea, the location of the first nuc長機leic acid test can be used when apply個日ing for the health code. For example, 技水the nucleic acid test fo風土r the first time is in Berlin and 輛睡the nucleic acid test for the second 業道time is in Frankfurt. When uploading 低友materials and checki文河ng the location of the t兒話esting institution, you can choos鄉的e "Berlin".


Epidemic Prevention Health Code子器 International Editio但技n Mini Program QR Cod電錯e


(2) Foreign citizens

For foreign citizens, ple藍問ase log in to the platform at the websi黑河te (https://hrhk.cs.m討知 to apply fo紅費r a green code online.

For German passengers originating草話 from Germany, please pro能拍vide:

① Two negative nuclei日新c acid test reports that meet 道高the requirements (within鄉放 48 hours and 24 hou笑新rs before the flight to China);

②Inoculation certificat答西e (paper certificate and Euro匠呢pean vaccine electroni北區c certificate);

③ Passport information pa跳看ge;

④ Air ticket itinerary;

⑤Vaccination declaration;

⑥ Valid visa or residence p空朋ermit for China;

⑦ Non-German passengers mus農得t provide a German residence化又 card or household registration record拿店;

⑧Other materials

Those who have been in綠用fected in the past must upload the 好黑screenshot of the pre-scr藍爸eening email and the "Self笑街 Health Status Monitoring Form"船我 from the embassy and con間暗sulate in Germany.

Note: If the nucleic acid fo如好r the first time and the nucleic ac他河id for the second ti費河me are not in the same consular媽靜 area, the location of唱工 the first nucleic aci好明d test can be used when app拿爸lying for the health c自女ode. For example, the小服 nucleic acid test for th南能e first time is in Berlin and the nu微木cleic acid test for the sec中舊ond time is in Frankfurt. W好分hen uploading materi湖村als and checking the location 中拍of the testing institution, you c雜化an choose "Berlin".


  Contact information of國算 Chinese embassies and consul拿說ates in Germany related to 跳紅testing issues:


  Embassy in Germany

Consular districts: Berli很通n, Brandenburg, May, S河答axony, Saxony, Thuring海做ia

Consular Protection Tel: 0公站049-30-27588551


  Consulate General 日影in Hamburg

 Consular districts: Hamburg, Bre北站men, Lower Saxony, Shih-Holland

 Consular Protection的化 Tel: 0049-40-81976030


   Consula黃遠te General in Munich

Consular district: Bavar他行ia

Consular Protection Tel: 0風件049-89-724498146


Consulate General in 筆湖Frankfurt


Consular districts: Hesse,爸都 Leifa, Bavarian, Saarla靜體nd

Consular Protection Tel: 0醫懂049-69-69538633


Consulate General in Dusseldorf

Consular District: North Rhine-Westphal問個ia

Consular Protection Tel: 00見對49-211-55080446


  Source: Chinese Em多就bassy in Germany http://de.ch作白女做202202/t20220218_10643168.htm

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