



The German Food Festival of th書農e Sino-German Internation弟拿al Class of the Inter影多national Exchange School of分藍 Guangzhou Institute of Navigation 姐路was successfully held

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  • Time of issue:2021-12-14
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(Summary description)With the theme of "Sti光喝mulating German Learnin海通g Interest and Enrich頻國ing Campus Multiculturalism", the 日電Food Festival will p線人romote German food cu錢很lture knowledge and 廠長enhance the international m嗎謝ulti-element

The German Food Festival of the Sino-Ge金購rman International Class o放南f the International 和河Exchange School of Guangzh窗在ou Institute of Naviga畫煙tion was successfull場也y held

(Summary description)With the theme of "Stimulat秒動ing German Learning Interest and Enric拍呢hing Campus Multicul相光turalism", the Food Fest輛到ival will promote German food culture 讀音knowledge and enhance the internati爸生onal multi-element

  • Categories:Hot news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-12-14
  • Views:0

On the afternoon of November 25-26, 20術了21, the "German Food村北 Culture Festival" ev農高ent of Guangzhou Institute of Naviga的書tion, sponsored by our compan飛報y, was held in Haiyan Square, 歌中Huangpu Campus, which w微了as also one of the main ven制冷ues of the first International 愛弟Cultural Festival of Guangzhou Instit短友ute of Navigation. This even服嗎t was hosted by the International E體區xchange School of Guangzhou Navi們報gation College, and all the teachers a關件nd students of the Sino-German Internat訊男ional Class participated答行. It is a school-level event 雪場for all teachers and students男間.





We provided foods with German characte又信ristics for this event, such as 計少the famous German sau分會sages, HARIBO candies, Vanjarl輛電e beer, German special Ge這鄉rman bread, German KNOPPERS m村生ilk hazelnut chocolate, German BAHLSE遠司N waffle rolls, etc. 會日The students actively participate訊北d in the activity, introdu店用ced German food and pronunciation, 銀就and introduced the p這都urpose and initiation of the ac紙算tivity to the teachers and students人器 participating in the ac街吃tivity; in order to furth家人er increase the fun of th信喝e food festival, the “G區村erman Knowledge Contest多日” was launched on the spot. In the 場妹quiz, a total of 80 students購車 won the event prizes, which al國頻so reflected the student舞愛s' understanding of German 但低culture, allowing mor又家e teachers and students to understand弟志 the Sino-German Internationa什腦l Class of the college.








With the theme of "Stimu票放lating German Learnin歌師g Interest and Enriching Campus 那就Multiculturalism", the Food Festival 拿照will promote German food cul人村ture knowledge and enhanc電友e the international multi-我跳element atmosphere of the campus by car時討rying out German Food Culture F紙讀estival activities. The platform o文線f achievements, cultiva和門te students' oral expressio關從n and hands-on abilit工土y, combine teaching and learning, 中上and entertaining; activa業北te campus cultural atmosph志煙ere, enrich students' 人木extra-curricular life, promot什能e the international cultural co外在nstruction of the college, and門和 better promote the school's t刀舞eachers and students Sino-Ge很還rman International Class to ex這靜perience German food culture.







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