



Chinese President Xi Jinping Holds Vide花業o Meeting with German Chancel笑近lor Scholz

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  • Time of issue:2022-05-21
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Xi Jinping pointed out that the curren白錢t international situation contin物務ues to undergo complex changes, an裡在d the difficulties a大民nd challenges faced by global secu街電rity and development have i能他ncreased significantly. It is urgent機都 to inject more stability and嗎朋 certainty into the tu章火rbulent and changing era. Both 習哥China and Germany are major 舊區powers with significant 都拍influence. Under the中到 current situation, China and Germa子理ny especially need to maint行和ain the healthy and stable dev制中elopment of bilateral rela村醫tions, and give full play to the stab如事le, constructive and leadin腦票g role of China-Germany relations, whic媽雪h will not only benefit the tw影是o peoples, but also make 快玩important contributio男費ns to world peace and tranqu是頻ility.


Xi Jinping emphasized間土 that over the past 5師畫0 years, China-Germany relations鐘匠 have maintained a high 她街level of operation. The two si務長des have achieved common development時作 and mutual achievem男黑ents through continuous 刀下deepening of practical麗能 cooperation. The key is to 綠下adhere to mutual respect and win-win c裡火ooperation. This valuable exp書計erience and important 請站principle must be consist車醫ently adhered to. go down. China's or地紙iginal intention to develop Chin長中a-Germany relations 靜朋remains unchanged, its since司場re desire to strengthen cooperati都公on with Germany remai場風ns unchanged, and its co謝南nfidence in China and German討黑y to jointly accomplish more meaningful在到 events remains unchanged. 很城The two sides should adhere to the mai還綠n tone of dialogue and cooperati樹自on, make good use of th呢木e bilateral dialogue and coo森但peration mechanism, and conduct dia美為logues in various fields such as a歌那ddressing climate change, macroeconomi照呢c policies, financial sta制國bility, energy security, food se票了curity, industrial and sup件吧ply chain stability, a舊錯nd constantly enrich the conno能輛tation of China-Germany rela在秒tions. . It is necessary to deeply 的能tap the potential of mutua分歌lly beneficial cooperation and 件購actively expand cooperation i現跳n new technologies such as 內件green environmental protectio匠湖n, service trade, artificial intell廠到igence, and digitalization. 電飛China's accelerated constructi跳國on of a new development pattern will pr玩這ovide broader market opportunitie書化s for countries including Germany. It i要謝s necessary to advoc筆物ate genuine multilateralism, safeguard 長公international fairness and justice, 對朋join hands to maintain the core p喝雪osition of the United Na知分tions in international affairs, upho可銀ld the basic norms of internatio樹自nal relations, promote the buildi歌秒ng of an open world 樂森economy, and promote balanced, coo公低rdinated and inclusive global d去水evelopment. Germany is welcom拍火e to actively support and par飛得ticipate in global dev科鐘elopment initiatives and gl放路obal security initiatives, and 喝現promote the building of 東很a community with a shared futur市飛e for mankind.


Xi Jinping stressed that Ch謝花ina and the EU are comprehensive strat內身egic partners, China 照裡and the EU are opportu睡對nities for each other, and the comm來影on interests of China and t服務he EU far outweigh the differe湖白nces. China supports the 筆兵EU's strategic autonomy. Chi都謝na-EU relations are not aimed錯也 at, not dependent on, nor controlled b這民y a third party. This is a雨明 strategic consensus that both side弟人s should adhere to for a long time們兵. Both sides should adhere to a dia話習lectical and long-term perspective,北可 adhere to mutual resp明船ect, adhere to correct unde懂雨rstanding, strengthen c長線ommunication and enhance mutual tru們劇st. In the face of geop就也olitical crises, advocate di銀微alogue and cooperation, an女明d respond to complex changes in 冷窗the international situation with the光小 stability of China-那微EU relations; in the face of post-見弟pandemic recovery challenges, s樹人trengthen the alignment 靜小of development strategies an音中d policy coordination, an子視d promote stable growth of the worl綠地d economy with the openness of China師冷-EU cooperation; In the face of global 器門challenges, we will fo門窗cus on climate chang美員e, sustainable development and other 學理areas that are critical to the future 自都of mankind, and promote the in-dept開討h development of global governance線腦 with the breadth of 答水China-EU dialogue. It is hope司亮d that the German side will pla志現y a positive role in the s笑音table and healthy development of 工物China-EU relations.


Scholz said that Germany-Chin費腦a relations have develop用友ed very well in recent years, 廠年and the two sides should i坐明nherit the good trad從了itions and continue t煙又o promote the sound development momen妹笑tum of bilateral relations. The 相時German side is willing to, t南低ogether with the Chinese side, 報朋celebrate the 50th annive物科rsary of the establishment o學南f diplomatic relations be做生tween the two countries, maintain close上什 communication at al筆林l levels, hold a new 自體round of German-Chinese government友筆 consultations, conduct dialogu地畫es on important issues 放空such as ensuring globa個開l supply chain stability唱報 and macroeconomic p雜公olicy coordination, and strengthen tr開海ade and investment. c多煙ooperation in a wide range of fiel車業ds, including climate change, fighti開物ng the epidemic, health care, educat事內ion and culture. Germany welcom短電es China's commitment to expa技視nding high-level opening up, which wil我是l bring more opportunities to Germany醫現. Germany is willing to strengthen湖頻 communicati

Chinese President Xi Jinping Holds 謝上Video Meeting with German Chan舊土cellor Scholz

(Summary description)



Xi Jinping pointed out that the curren理術t international situati身他on continues to undergo comp要街lex changes, and the d友嗎ifficulties and challenges 區報faced by global security an日下d development have increased sign城吧ificantly. It is urgent 黃區to inject more stability and cer術鐘tainty into the turbule月中nt and changing era. Bot老匠h China and Germany are major powers人術 with significant influence. Under the煙拿 current situation, China and German歌藍y especially need to 數聽maintain the healthy and stab男事le development of bilate作一ral relations, and give full離低 play to the stable, constructive and花電 leading role of China-Germany relatio亮制ns, which will not only b問照enefit the two peoples, but also大們 make important contributions to worl理自d peace and tranquility.


Xi Jinping emphasized that ov問紅er the past 50 years, China-Germany r要商elations have maintaine師業d a high level of opera動間tion. The two sides have achieved commo站到n development and mutual achievemen子歌ts through continuous deepening of prac火內tical cooperation. The key is to adhere老年 to mutual respect and win-win嗎慢 cooperation. This valuable 請關experience and important princi村術ple must be consistently adhere嗎得d to. go down. China's original i黃紅ntention to develop China-Ger林木many relations remains unchanged, i山些ts sincere desire to strengthen 聽吧cooperation with Germany remains u影拿nchanged, and its con空睡fidence in China and Ge腦街rmany to jointly accompli數可sh more meaningful events remains unc紅車hanged. The two sides shoul了船d adhere to the main tone 日嗎of dialogue and coop雨司eration, make good us腦業e of the bilateral dialogue and coopera線小tion mechanism, and condu城問ct dialogues in various fields化算 such as addressing clima拿算te change, macroecon森這omic policies, financial錢生 stability, energy sec看兒urity, food security, industria如分l and supply chain stabil外的ity, and constantly enrich th湖子e connotation of China-資音Germany relations. . It笑外 is necessary to deeply tap t吧商he potential of mutually be算自neficial cooperation and activel有遠y expand cooperation in new tech司坐nologies such as green enviro工件nmental protection, service trade, art場店ificial intelligence, and 人分digitalization. China's acc子件elerated construction of a 員暗new development pattern w月能ill provide broader mar短鄉ket opportunities for countries inc購朋luding Germany. It is necessary to advo海他cate genuine multilateralism, safegu窗體ard international fairness and jus舊草tice, join hands to maintain the core北城 position of the United Nat務站ions in international aff電工airs, uphold the basic norms 章兵of international relations, promot吧下e the building of an書子 open world economy, and promote器呢 balanced, coordinated and inclusiv火坐e global development. Ge兵小rmany is welcome to actively su木南pport and participate in globa見身l development initiatives and glob木銀al security initiativ吃都es, and promote the buildin村筆g of a community with a shar睡話ed future for mankind.


Xi Jinping stressed that 光遠China and the EU are comprehensive 了土strategic partners, Ch相腦ina and the EU are op通吃portunities for each o外低ther, and the common interests of 師體China and the EU far outweigh the diff森了erences. China suppo腦又rts the EU's strategic autonomy. China-日行EU relations are not aim秒明ed at, not dependent on, no生她r controlled by a third party. Thi化器s is a strategic consensus th化刀at both sides should adh麗信ere to for a long time. 請讀Both sides should adhe高離re to a dialectical and long-t線快erm perspective, adher什他e to mutual respect, adhere to correc舞聽t understanding, strengthen communicati放信on and enhance mutual 地機trust. In the face of geopolitical cris話答es, advocate dialogue and cooper森亮ation, and respond to comple我姐x changes in the internatio化多nal situation with the stabi歌著lity of China-EU relation動可s; in the face of post-pandemic黃她 recovery challenges, strengthen the 舞暗alignment of development strategies and短能 policy coordination, a內道nd promote stable growth of the wo一計rld economy with the openness我紅 of China-EU cooperation; In the face 男山of global challenges雜兵, we will focus on climate change, sust黑件ainable development and other男拍 areas that are critical黑筆 to the future of mankind, and 明謝promote the in-depth develo在年pment of global governance with the br就亮eadth of China-EU dia鐵關logue. It is hoped that the German 技裡side will play a posit錯媽ive role in the stable and睡市 healthy development of 離科China-EU relations.


Scholz said that Germany-China relatio民數ns have developed very well in視子 recent years, and the two sides shoul喝村d inherit the good trad就拿itions and continue to行微 promote the sound d東對evelopment momentum of bilateral relat高校ions. The German side i著遠s willing to, together wit離答h the Chinese side, celebrate the 50t日空h anniversary of the estab窗麗lishment of diplomat醫場ic relations between the two co友線untries, maintain clo時資se communication at all levels, hold妹車 a new round of German-Chinese g分師overnment consultatio他木ns, conduct dialogues on im金房portant issues such as國農 ensuring global supply 校購chain stability and ma資樹croeconomic policy coordin風話ation, and strengthen trade and invest照志ment. cooperation in a wid錢好e range of fields, including cli東器mate change, fighting t書妹he epidemic, health ca家關re, education and culture. Ger對雨many welcomes China's 筆土commitment to expanding high-level大生 opening up, which will bring是答 more opportunities to Germa草樹ny. Germany is willing to strengt慢紅hen communicati

  • Categories:News
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  • Time of issue:2022-05-21
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Xi Jinping pointed out that the curren員們t international situ理些ation continues to under小對go complex changes, and the 校厭difficulties and challenges faced房月 by global security and development 些刀have increased signif腦分icantly. It is urgent to inject more答不 stability and certa線遠inty into the turbulent 事線and changing era. Both China 視車and Germany are major powers with signi輛問ficant influence. Under the器商 current situation, Ch女樹ina and Germany especially need to ma分們intain the healthy and stable d匠窗evelopment of bilateral relations, 錯理and give full play to the stable, con跳腦structive and leading role of Ch議新ina-Germany relations, which wi白事ll not only benefit th自讀e two peoples, but also make imp車讀ortant contributions to 化微world peace and tranquility.


Xi Jinping emphasized that over the民場 past 50 years, Chin能錯a-Germany relations ha朋錢ve maintained a high level of o訊錢peration. The two sides have靜藍 achieved common deve農書lopment and mutual achieveme站對nts through continuous deepen中紙ing of practical cooperation男微. The key is to adhere to mutual resp間身ect and win-win cooperation. This valu匠草able experience and important飛身 principle must be consist女一ently adhered to. go dow站友n. China's original intenti風城on to develop China-Germany rel森白ations remains unchanged, 歌海its sincere desire to stren短國gthen cooperation with Germany r她內emains unchanged, and its confidence i樂報n China and Germany to jointly ac我購complish more meaning快木ful events remains unchanged.北兒 The two sides should ad花坐here to the main tone of線做 dialogue and cooperation, make go刀物od use of the bilatera懂遠l dialogue and cooperatio門得n mechanism, and conduct dialogu冷房es in various fields suc東秒h as addressing climate change, macroe器店conomic policies, finan亮多cial stability, energy sec木小urity, food security, indust友請rial and supply chain s音站tability, and constantly enrich th訊開e connotation of China-Germany rela地如tions. . It is necessary服河 to deeply tap the potential of mutua師湖lly beneficial cooperation and active區資ly expand cooperation in new tech外影nologies such as green env算通ironmental protection,知姐 service trade, artific商森ial intelligence, an見好d digitalization. China's acc議山elerated construction of a new devel的去opment pattern will pro票北vide broader market op件就portunities for countr玩校ies including Germany.拍在 It is necessary to adv還對ocate genuine multilateral讀費ism, safeguard international fairne快用ss and justice, join hands to maintain 樂那the core position of線醫 the United Nations in international af習務fairs, uphold the basic no站綠rms of international relations, 腦多promote the building o相金f an open world economy, and pro自工mote balanced, coordinated an照城d inclusive global develop動答ment. Germany is welcome to actively s市鐵upport and participate in globa子外l development initiatives 習懂and global security initiativ有拍es, and promote the building o業紙f a community with a shared future for 個什mankind.


Xi Jinping stressed that 坐雪China and the EU are comprehensi雪要ve strategic partners, China an樹們d the EU are opportunities for林計 each other, and the common下在 interests of China and the EU far ou場和tweigh the difference外她s. China supports the EU&北街#39;s strategic auton校也omy. China-EU relations are not aimed黑那 at, not dependent on, no亮歌r controlled by a third p舊大arty. This is a strateg金去ic consensus that both sides should a技筆dhere to for a long time. Both sid水船es should adhere to a dialec遠通tical and long-term p新作erspective, adhere t說微o mutual respect, adhere 子鐘to correct understanding, stre媽筆ngthen communication花來 and enhance mutual 問暗trust. In the face of geopolitical cr在了ises, advocate dialogue見討 and cooperation, and resp些樂ond to complex changes in 路金the international situation with t家有he stability of China-EU relations; i費林n the face of post-pandemic r物舞ecovery challenges, strengthen自看 the alignment of development strateg機有ies and policy coordination,店兵 and promote stable growth 技站of the world economy with the openness妹作 of China-EU cooperation; In the 到秒face of global challenges, we will湖醫 focus on climate change, sustain城能able development and other 工電areas that are critical to the future一大 of mankind, and pro綠子mote the in-depth development of gl生長obal governance with the breadth of Chi體白na-EU dialogue. It is h低睡oped that the German side will p草電lay a positive role in the stab哥要le and healthy develo行村pment of China-EU re購民lations.


Scholz said that Germ要那any-China relations have developed ver舞了y well in recent years, and the tw這睡o sides should inherit著些 the good traditions an唱很d continue to promote the sound美秒 development momentum of bilateral r分知elations. The German side is willing to來分, together with the Chinese side, celeb花購rate the 50th anniversary of the establ爸坐ishment of diplomatic relations bet民靜ween the two countries, mainta爸飛in close communication at all level站廠s, hold a new round of Ge老麗rman-Chinese government consulta黑們tions, conduct dialogues on impo愛要rtant issues such as ensurin司民g global supply chain sta件討bility and macroeconomic policy coor雨路dination, and strengthen trade an村妹d investment. cooperation in a wide 光章range of fields, including時綠 climate change, fighting the 就廠epidemic, health care, education and c服農ulture. Germany welcomes China&輛線#39;s commitment to expanding術弟 high-level opening up, w上花hich will bring more opportuniti們間es to Germany. Germany is wil們讀ling to strengthen communi花到cation and coordination w用厭ith China in multilateral fi內多elds to promote the positive 說師development of EU-China relations.


The leaders of the two coun校慢tries also had an in-depth and知會 candid exchange of vi月說ews on the situation in Ukraine. Xi家森 Jinping emphasized that China分笑 has always stood on the森放 side of peace, made independent jud黃相gments based on the merits of the matt照近er itself, and has been promoting她議 peace talks and cool少吧ing the situation in木算 its own way. The Ukraine 事請crisis has once again pushed European s煙朋ecurity to a critical crossroads. We河文 must do our best to avoid 一老the intensification and expansion 看看of the conflict, which wi了雨ll lead to an unmanageable sit門土uation. The European side should show朋醫 its historical responsibility and po兒喝litical wisdom, focus on the lo子話ng-term peace of Europe, a河行nd seek to solve the 小女problem in a responsible way. Europ為舞ean security should be in t資兵he hands of Europeans themselves. China們窗 supports the EU in p北計laying an active role in the p分高rocess of persuading peace and promot門白ing talks, and promo腦大ting the final constructi雨水on of a balanced, effective and su問化stainable European security fra章森mework. China welcomes all e劇去fforts made by the inte民水rnational community to persuade peace議那 and promote talks, and al刀船l parties concerned shou對懂ld support Russia and這現 Ukraine to achieve peace through nego票線tiation.


Ding Xuexiang, Yang Jiechi, Wang Y綠內i, He Lifeng and others錯見 attended the meeting.


Source: People's Daily 朋妹client


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