



Analysis | Have you missed the通報 seven common misunders數件tandings about studying in Germany?輛黃

(Summary description樂東)In our daily consultation process,遠爸 we found that some studen筆時ts and parents often h近身ave some misunderstandings about study間煙ing in Germany. For ex一長ample, you must know Germ東商an to study in Germany. Fo歌美r example, the University 拍視of Applied Sciences is equ快物ivalent to a junior college in Ch開得ina. For example, you must study 理機at a prestigious school. and歌些 many more. In today's push, we will cl短時arify some of the question靜答s that are often asked, an冷男d hope that at the beginning of時錢 the new year, stude司人nts will enter the new year with問章 a clearer understanding of studyin日舊g in Germany and higher educatio制時n in Germany.

Analysis | Have you missed th為又e seven common misunderstandi火是ngs about studying in Germany?

(Summary description)In our daily consult鐘制ation process, we foun科作d that some students and parents ofte店海n have some misunderstan服件dings about studying in Ge內照rmany. For example, you mu科匠st know German to study in 林視Germany. For example, the University愛學 of Applied Sciences is道兒 equivalent to a junior co商遠llege in China. For example, you 雜要must study at a pres商老tigious school. and many從訊 more. In today's push, we 關公will clarify some of the 銀數questions that are often asked, and花子 hope that at the begin個動ning of the new year兵睡, students will enter the new year wit下鐘h a clearer understanding of studying廠很 in Germany and higher 綠內education in Germany.


In our daily consultation process, we f個離ound that some students and pa的短rents often have some misund行費erstandings about stud快務ying in Germany. For example, yo用兒u must know German to行麗 study in Germany. For exa筆器mple, the University of 下討Applied Sciences is equivalent t路空o a junior college in Chi請船na. For example, you must study at技訊 a prestigious school. and man吧嗎y more. In today's push, we話厭 will clarify some o媽林f the questions that are of請電ten asked, and hope that at 吃快the beginning of the new year, st現錯udents will enter the new year with a 海紅clearer understanding光亮 of studying in Germany a道水nd higher education in G也喝ermany.




When many people thin又議k of studying abroad in G黃你ermany, they immediately thi說請nk that they must learn German to go.動高 In fact, in addition to the笑科 majors taught in Ge冷線rman, German univers多窗ities also offer a lot of in能下ternational courses that use English as雨飛 the language of instruction. In 201服山8, there are more than 1,500 interna南中tional courses for undergraduate, mast視多er, and doctoral courses.


For undergraduate or master's 朋男majors taught in English, ap體謝plicants are generally required to pro光讀vide a TOEFL score of 80-92 or ab化習ove or IELTS 6.0-6.5 or above. 慢店Except for individual liberal a愛靜rts majors, there is generally n大算o need to provide a German langu金樂age certificate

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