



Germany implements stricter e頻到pidemic prevention reg電不ulations

(Summary description)Federal government imposes st吧分ricter epidemic prevention ru嗎女les for November

The federal government 劇兵hopes to contain the massive友來 increase in coronavirus infections 費章with draconian restrictions before Ch站妹

Germany implements stric懂和ter epidemic prevention regulations

(Summary description)Federal government imposes stricter epi算場demic prevention rules for Nov匠腦ember

The federal government hopes唱朋 to contain the massive increase i美件n coronavirus infect腦話ions with draconian restricti但嗎ons before Ch


Federal government impos醫章es stricter epidemic prevention 有年rules for November


The federal governmen她唱t hopes to contain the m行地assive increase in coronavi水水rus infections with draconia門能n restrictions before Ch和廠ristmas. According to re作答ports, Chancellor Merkel and 他對state governors have now reached an a上小greement on tightenin森話g epidemic prevention meas家道ures. Across Germany, entertain媽對ment facilities and restauran山藍ts will be closed, entertainmen冷是t activities will be banned, mass舊哥 contact in public places a電國nd celebrations in squares哥木 and private apartments電劇 will be restricted.


The measures will take eff如現ect across Germany as of November 2 at喝業 the earliest and apply until the e新著nd of the month. After two weeks,頻讀 the German chancellor and state govern就購ors will assess the situat市可ion and make necessary adjus亮風tments. The document states: "Fam紙木ily and friends can meet durin票工g the pandemic situation during 小一Christmas, which requires a concerte為師d effort, just like in the spr拿照ing." Many of the plann家都ed measures now are similar 裡內to the restrictions that existe業從d during the first w工技ave of the epidemic 厭放in the spring.


The specific preventive measures校間 are as follows:


Public spaces and celebratio討時ns: Allow one or two fa報村milies to gather in public. Violatio信呢n of these restrictions will一畫 result in penalties fr技光om regulators. In view of the current s吧數everity of the epidem大冷ic, multi-person celebrations匠雨 in public places, apartments o知司r private places are prohibited這河.


Schools and Kindergartens: These l你土ocations will remain open. But在日 states should take further p見體rotective measures.


Retail stores: Under the c綠司onditions of maintaining hygiene, contr業男olling the number of peo近電ple entering and leaving, and a拍醫voiding queuing, retail stores general靜微ly remain open, but must ensure船來 that there is no more th銀和an one customer per 2算做5 square meters in the store. Clos如下ure of entertainment venues such as th冷對eatres, opera houses and con空對cert halls, as well as trade fairs, cin司林emas, amusement parks, ca照信sinos. Brothels and o都遠ther prostitution establishme務文nts will also be closed.


Sports venues: Close all leisure and e費房ntertainment facilities in publ章作ic and private sports venues, an風問d close swimming pools, 算通fun pools, and gyms. Professional 外討sporting events can o中信nly be played without spectators, ev體場en in the German Football 化司League.


Restaurants and Hotels: 外金Close restaurants, bars, clubs, 站喝discos, bistros and the lik鐘算e. The exceptions are 國玩home delivery and pickup. 來線Overnight accommodatio長說n by tourists in Germany is prohibited,個票 except for accommodation for essen路資tial purposes. Citizens are 這熱requested not to tra區了vel and visit relativ明黃es without permission.


Body care establishments: C煙就lose beauty salons, mas理大sage clinics or tattoo studios, bu草校t allow medically necessar關多y treatments such as phy月風siotherapy to open. Barbe山事rshops will remain op白區en, subject to current hygiene reg看新ulations.


Companies: Companies shoul空很d practice working f問理rom home as much as possible. All 分東companies affected by the closure will 器訊receive emergency assistanc低河e to compensate for financial losses視紅.


At-Risk Populations: CO場科VID-19 testing should be m話要ade available quickly, with prio匠師rity given to at-risk population慢女s such as the sick, th舞理ose in need of care, 物笑the elderly and peopl小議e with disabilities.

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