



2021 Winter Semester Admissions愛店 Broadcast

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  • Time of issue:2021-09-24
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(Summary description)The application for the wint要工er semester of 2021/22 is coming to 黃白an end, and this season is still人船 full of ZU. Let's take a lo工你ok at some of the admi微讀ssions of the universities 體低to which we have applied~

2021 Winter Semester A和兵dmissions Broadcast

(Summary description)The application for the winter se煙請mester of 2021/22 is coming to an end文下, and this season is s快農till full of ZU. Let's take a look a有看t some of the admissions of the uni麗輛versities to which we have 開了applied~

  • Categories:Hot news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-09-24
  • Views:0

The application for the wi水人nter semester of 2021/22 is coming t鐵秒o an end, and this season南白 is still full of ZU.煙輛 Let's take a look at some 秒分of the admissions of問間 the universities to w時錯hich we have applied~

Business Administration at t厭地he University of Freiburg


Accounting and Finance at the Universi會說ty of Marlborough



Intercultural Germanism at the Univers我議ity of Bayreuth



Mechanical Engineering in土站 Duisburg-Essen



Electrical Engineering and Inf弟厭ormation Technology at Karlsruhe Instit女東ute of Technology



Economics and Mathematics讀對 at the University of Lei吃草pzig



Electrical Engineering and Inform外訊ation Technology, University of M器玩unich


Electrical Engineering and Information 術東Technology at RWTH Aa短也chen University



Economic Informatics at the U時草niversity of Passau


Finally, I wish all student動大s to be admitted to the ideal sc日體hool and start the road市什 to study in Germany smoo大聽thly~

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