



Germany's new crown vaccine is 機門free!

  • Categories:Hot news
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  • Time of issue:2021-01-05
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(Summary description)In Germany, everyone who is to be亮光 vaccinated against the new cro自樂wn has the right to be vac大店cinated for free, the f北會ederal government said. "Vacci員數nations are free regardl去離ess of whether and how they are 她關i

Germany's new crown va村腦ccine is free!

(Summary description)In Germany, everyone who is to be vacc高但inated against the new crown has the ri商高ght to be vaccinated for free照影, the federal government山我 said. "Vaccinations ar很美e free regardless of whether a森藍nd how they are i

  • Categories:Hot news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-01-05
  • Views:0

In Germany, everyone who is to be vacc朋員inated against the new南文 crown has the right to be vaccinated 時站for free, the federal government s訊體aid. "Vaccinations are free regardle信討ss of whether and how they 線這are insured," a spokesman for t作離he Federal Ministry of He花睡alth in Berlin said. Government 綠員spokesman Steffen Seibert請理 reiterated that vaccinations would be國對 voluntary.



The first airlines hav鐵國e already announced that in the future風學 they will only allow passeng機頻ers with proof of vaccinations 錢少to board. In Germany, discu自銀ssions are still ong志場oing over whether more freedom should金很 be given to vaccinated people. For拿城 example, a vaccinated 近吃person can go to a bar or club歌森. Ethics committees have yet 分知to find a position on it, and po習從liticians are taking a st見相and.
German Chancellor An地鐘gela Merkel and Health畫從 Minister Spahn both reassur朋窗ed that there will be no general m得雪andatory vaccinations. Under 唱市the Infection Protection Act, manda房國tory vaccinations are a物筆vailable for certain groups of people制銀. However, this must be justifie樹很d and approved by the Federal Parli校黃ament.



The desired effect occurs only after會道 about 70% of the population 房拍has been vaccinated. Assuming 100,們這000 vaccinations per day, it would ta計裡ke about 150 days to vaccinate 1理技5 million people. Also, the vaccine m醫內ust be given twice for it to work. Wit志信h Germany's 83 million inhabitants, 議讀vaccination efforts will take a long t那什ime to win the fight ag劇我ainst the virus.

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