



Vaccination priorities abolishe務近d in Germany from June 7: What to k訊玩now about appointments, vaccine 學從selection and vaccination prep男湖aration

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  • Time of issue:2021-05-21
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(Summary description)Some federal states in Germany have alr的下eady abolished the pr弟雨iority of vaccination, and購去 within 3 weeks, that is, sta裡高rting from June 7, the whole of G在不ermany will abolish the p飛可riority of vaccination, tha

Vaccination priorities 街做abolished in Germany from June 7: What 制拿to know about appointments, 問火vaccine selection and v學得accination preparation

(Summary description)Some federal states in Germany have嗎站 already abolished the prio妹電rity of vaccination, an月作d within 3 weeks, that能吃 is, starting from June 7, the whole o城區f Germany will abolish the pr有就iority of vaccination, tha

  • Categories:Hot news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-05-21
  • Views:0

Some federal states in Germany hav他日e already abolished the priority of va討服ccination, and within 3國和 weeks, that is, startin線訊g from June 7, the whole of Germany wi長金ll abolish the priority of vaccinatio木有n, that is, all people in Germa呢兒ny who want to be vaccin長慢ated can go. Appointments are made, r務你egardless of age, health or wo說草rk status, that was the latest 船報decision from Germany's health m市黃inister on Monday. So how to make 亮舊an appointment, what p和件reparations should be made before 道區vaccination, and what are the latest現喝 news that should be known in a市可dvance?



  please wait patiently


Abolishing vaccination p弟作riorities in the firs數匠t place doesn’t mean getting工近 vaccinated right away. B謝聽ecause the supply of vaccines is l唱影imited. At present, especially those w能能ho want to be vaccinated with Bion雪年tech vaccine, need pati用長ence, and basically 紅不cannot get the first vaccination time b是讀efore the summer vacation. Because eve麗車n if the manufacturer hopes to incre農弟ase its weekly shipments from a裡工bout 3 million doses 習不to about 5 million doses一金, it will have to prioritize supplying志劇 those who have already 見文received a dose of the Biontec間妹h vaccine and are awa章還iting a second dose. A total of 3.36 m志空illion had to receive a second sh呢器ot in the week after priority was te師科rminated on June 7. That i店男s, only one-third of the上到 5 million doses of vaccine shipp街城ed from Biontech each week ar窗報e available for the first do月計se.


    However, every perm了什anent German population is expected t熱個o receive the first dose of用空 the vaccine by early Septembe學少r at the latest.




How to book an appoi老信ntment with a family d做聽octor


Making an appointmen了亮t with a family doctor工門 is the same process as usual. You can 窗時make an appointment on the spot, or還下 by phone and email. However, the clini很從c generally cannot gi又議ve you the vaccination time directl師門y. Usually, after the vac笑兵cine is available, the clinic鄉商 staff will notify the vaccin明笑ation according to the waiting lis山習t. It is also ok if you make a低多n appointment with more 我樹than one doctor, for 裡我example if you have 白公been treated by an inter公她nist, gynecologist, ENT, plastic 雨制surgeon or trauma surgeon in the past明暗, you can put yourself on 喝商the waiting list there . In Ger姐理many, all doctors with你區 health insurance appro知市val can get the Covid-19 vaccine. But i年懂t is recommended to n懂東otify other places to remove yourse機哥lf from the list after ge問線tting the vaccination t玩錢ime.




How to make an appointment at the va道西ccination center


You can also book an appoint劇樂ment online, such as at sofort-impf草友, and enter your postcode and e動船mail address to go directly 習算to the waiting list. Wheneve離舞r a nearby doctor has a站飛 vaccine available, you 紙那will be automatically n如上otified via email, as 志金will the vaccine man子相ufacturer. Then confirm it.


Online booking is the mos紅街t convenient, and each f玩鐘ederal state has different booking計農 websites.


Baden-Württemberg: https://impfzen紙銀


Berlin: www.impftermins北購


Bremen: The vaccination舊文 center will send a lett相劇er directly, so there is no online app年分ointment address.




Mecklenburg-Vorpommer紅從n: www.impfportal-ni答紙




Saarland: www.sachsen.impfterminverga就書


Saxony-Anhalt: www.impfen-sh讀志.de


Thuringia: http://www.impfen-thue有月


The online appointmen如放t can be refreshed frequ姐理ently, because the vaccination 兒了center also releases 村司a new appointment time 長很at any time after receiving the vaccine明裡.


In addition, doctors of many Ge東空rman companies can also be vac著不cinated, depending on the company's鐵林 regulations.




Preparation before v讀靜accination


Please do not drink any alcoholic beve門術rages within 24 hours before vaccina還場tion. In order for the immune員機 system to function, everything that ca畫森n enter the bloodstream 慢媽should be avoided as人鄉 much as possible. If possible, dri他學nk plenty of water. Eat simple, h公外ealthy foods that are low電銀 in sugar and low in fat.歌也 Also don't exercise a l月很ot. By the way, what is 舊資important is regular歌有 sleep, regular work, which is go資草od for the immune system.費冷

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