



Notice: Shanghai Audit Depart他朋ment will suspend ex微視ternal reception work from March 17

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  • Time of issue:2022-03-22
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(Summary description)Affected by the epidemic, the preven綠訊tion and control situation is報作 severe, and the Shanghai Review Dep村大artment will suspend visa acceptan制聽ce from now on! Therefore, it is舊是 temporarily impossib煙地le to make a

Notice: Shanghai Audit De商黑partment will suspend external recep去看tion work from March 17

(Summary description)Affected by the epidemic, the preventi男日on and control situation is severe, a民男nd the Shanghai Revie來那w Department will suspend visa acce票木ptance from now on! Therefore,一們 it is temporarily impossi慢上ble to make a

  • Categories:Hot news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2022-03-22
  • Views:0

Affected by the epidemic, th機亮e prevention and control si土很tuation is severe, and the Shanghai Rev文劇iew Department will suspend友也 visa acceptance from now女匠 on! Therefore, it is 煙秒temporarily impossible 醫弟to make an appointment for t外鐘he delivery of the visa 些筆in the Shanghai Review Department,空風 and we need to wait for the follow電錯-up notice.

At the same time, the C分笑onsular Visa Section 西服of the German Consulat微計e General in Shanghai 通物has also suspended re光嗎ception work since March 16.



It is recommended that you a頻鐵djust your time plan熱美ning in advance, espec月還ially the students who ha金兒nd in the signature. If you cann舞物ot catch up with the start聽懂 time, please communicate with German 又鐵universities in time~


        &nbs黑醫p; I wish you all the best in study作友ing in Germany!

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