
Foundation Courses


DSD Foundation

(Summary description)Foundation backgroun慢員d

In the past ten years, the number 暗綠of Chinese students studying abroad in 樂弟Germany has increased signi山新ficantly. With the close devel民嗎opment of Sino-German relations, t遠錢he cooperation between the two cou外年ntries in scientific research, educa遠紙tion, and economic and trade has al服女so continued to deepen. I山哥n order to promote the cooperative re黑火lationship between China and Germany i音窗n the field of education, 化靜the TUDIAS Preparatory Department 快場of the Dresden University of Techn影女ology in Germany has opene師土d a through train project for DS都吃D high school students to st影說udy in Germany, providing DSD s畫坐tudents with a convenient wa錯笑y to study at top Ger見校man universities.

Introduction to TUDIAS Founda匠男tion

The preparatory department 空區strictly sets the teaching 哥吧management of small classes in ac民遠cordance with the provisions of the Ger樂年man Ministry of Culture and 信舊Education. Each class does not東農 exceed 20 people, and the inter生商national atmosphere is stron村但g. The preparatory department of sc朋街ience and technology (T-Kurs), the pre還匠paratory department of biomedica哥讀l science (M-Kurs), the preparatory到志 department of economics (W-輛姐Kurs). The TUDIAS Cent金志er will be responsible for the p制飛ick-up of the project student國錯s, overseas accommod近現ation arrangements, 紙影daily management, etc., 不機to avoid the parents’ worries 離書about the safety and accom河海modation of students who are數高 new to Germany. So that they ca匠通n adapt to the rhythm of learni音討ng and life in Germany as soon as po南湖ssible. After passing the 風地foundation examinatio書計n, students can apply to other Ger但友man universities, and of cou科好rse they can continue to study for麗吃 an undergraduate degree at但白 Dresden University of Tec風錯hnology.

DSD Foundation

(Summary description)Foundation background舊器

In the past ten years, the num錯現ber of Chinese students studyin山東g abroad in Germany has分器 increased significantly匠了. With the close development of Sino近吧-German relations, the cooperation知道 between the two coun書我tries in scientific rese說拿arch, education, and economic and風這 trade has also continued to dee信章pen. In order to promote the c了有ooperative relationship betwe樂妹en China and Germany in the 謝數field of education, the TUDIAS Pre公綠paratory Department of the Dr好近esden University of Tech月金nology in Germany has o爸筆pened a through train project for DSD 坐跳high school students to體老 study in Germany, providing DSD s低樂tudents with a convenient way to stu媽劇dy at top German universiti湖站es.

Introduction to TUDIAS Foun著年dation

The preparatory department strictly s輛少ets the teaching management of 話還small classes in accordance wit懂能h the provisions of the German Min人去istry of Culture and Ed又理ucation. Each class does not ex飛聽ceed 20 people, and the i船計nternational atmosphere is喝答 strong. The preparatory錯有 department of scien裡河ce and technology (T-Kurs), the pr老河eparatory department of biomedica有少l science (M-Kurs), the preparat紅腦ory department of economics (W子店-Kurs). The TUDIAS Center wi弟商ll be responsible for 票微the pick-up of the pro那件ject students, overse國美as accommodation arrangements, d輛飛aily management, etc., to avo數歌id the parents’ worries about the綠通 safety and accommodation of stude做飛nts who are new to Germany. So th明愛at they can adapt to th草員e rhythm of learning and life in Ger海答many as soon as possible. After pass刀弟ing the foundation examination影內, students can apply to other German的在 universities, and of靜多 course they can continu知綠e to study for an undergraduate也商 degree at Dresden University of 得呢Technology.




Foundation backgroun看分d

In the past ten years, the number of C草現hinese students studying a飛件broad in Germany has inc匠市reased significantly. With the close de內農velopment of Sino-German rel開飛ations, the cooperation between th友電e two countries in scientifi舞習c research, educatio車家n, and economic and trade has 理村also continued to deepen. In o拿時rder to promote the cooperative rela樂我tionship between China and Germany in看些 the field of education身站, the TUDIAS Preparatory Department 身自of the Dresden University of T樂不echnology in Germany has open放樹ed a through train project for DSD弟學 high school students 些麗to study in Germany, providi車子ng DSD students with a conveni工我ent way to study at top German uni匠雪versities.


Introduction to TUDIAS Foundation

The preparatory departme亮坐nt strictly sets the teaching ma妹黑nagement of small classes in accord看店ance with the provisions那視 of the German Ministry of Culture照海 and Education. Each class does房劇 not exceed 20 people, 計如and the international atmosphere 農技is strong. The preparat舊藍ory department of science and techno長湖logy (T-Kurs), the preparatory depart們器ment of biomedical sc微為ience (M-Kurs), the prepar員書atory department of economic是麗s (W-Kurs). The TUDIAS Center will下朋 be responsible for the pick-up o房湖f the project students, overs訊對eas accommodation arrangements高內, daily management, etc., to 嗎又avoid the parents’ worries女道 about the safety and 不輛accommodation of stude市報nts who are new to Germany. So that th舊高ey can adapt to the rhythm of文黑 learning and life in Ger光樹many as soon as possible. After pass北舞ing the foundation exami明飛nation, students can apply to other G樹但erman universities, and of course the司湖y can continue to study for an undergra老紅duate degree at Dresden做舊 University of Technology.

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